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Show WAR CLOUD IN EAST JAPAN AND IN SAME HARBOR. FLEETS OF RUSSIA Gathering of Vessels In Korean Waters and Removal of Russian Troops to Coast Looks as Though Trou-- , ble Was Brewing. One of the Convicts Who Escaped. From Prison Again Behind the Bars. "Nick" Haworth, the condemned murderer who escaped from the Utah state penitentiary Friday night, was captured Sunday morning In a new board shanty, standing in the newly- planted fruit orchard of Brlgham Ash-toof a from half to of mile from the village Halltday. Howard Kennedy, a fruit farmer, discovered him at about sunrise, on his way to shoot pheasants. Haworth lay on his side in the shanty, and, thinking he might be dead, Kennedy went in. Later he sent John Morten- boy, to Neilson's son, a Btore. The Neilsons, Len and Hyrum, telephoned for a description of Ha- wortn and, being satisfied that he was the much-sougrefugee, took rifles and went after him. Kennedy and George Blair joined them, with shotguns. When Haworth was covered with the guns he made no resistance, and wa3 soon on his road back to prison. Lynch, the other condemned mur derer, who escaped, .has not yet been taken, but it is believed it is only a matter of a few days until he will again be behind the bars. nar--rowl- SSY MARION INTERNATIONAL PRESS ASSOCIATION CHAPTER VIII. HE conclusion was in her mind often enough every day of her life to become hackueyod, yet it always brought with It a n, received In information Official Russian formidable a Paris show that fleet, comprising ninety warships of all classes, has left Port Arthur and south of has arrived at had fleet the where Japanese Korea, already .arrived. The Russian ships have anchored within the harbor alongside the Japanese ships. Several brigades of Russian troops have been moved forward to the Korean coast and are now encamped on the border. Diplomatic negotia tions are still proceeding at Toklo. These do not relate to the evacuation of Manchuria by the Russian troops, fcut to the future of Korea. A cablegram for Berlin says the Chinese minister is at. Essen, where he is buying arms and other war ma o terial. BAKER'S AWFUL CRIME. Puts Lye In Competitor's-Flou- r and MANCHURIA LOST TO CHINA. Many Deaths Narrowly Averted. Rivalry between local bake shops at Whatcom, Wash., would have result Russia Will Wage War Rather Than Yield Up Her Claims. The Cologne Gazette published a dispatch from St. Petersburg as follows: "Russia is not disinclined to accept the modus vivendl in the Korean question, but if Manchuria is brought into the controversy by Japan, Russia would rather that the dispute come to war than yield her claims. A sign that Russia is prepared for the worst is that the officers' families, who are preparing to go to Port Arthur, have' been requested to defer going there before 1904, the ostensible "reason be ing that the buildings for their accom modation are not yet completed. Ja pan has brought together masses of troops for purposes other than mere maneuvering." HARLANO. gulf from which she now recoiled with, horror and that led her to avoid meeting the eyes bent curiously or sympathetically upon her, and to cling to the nerveless hand ot him whose trust she had betrayed. To him, her husband, she had not given a thought when the dread tidings of disaster and death were brought to her. What to her was an empty marriage vow, what the world's reproba tion, when she believed that Edward lay lifeleas bet'ore her? "Man! you do not know how I loved him?" she had said. She mleht have added, "I never knew it myBelf until now." And what was this love coming when, and as it did but a crime, a sin to be frowned upon by Heaven and denounced by man? A blemish, which, if set upon h r brow, as It was tipen her si ul, would condemn her to be ranked with the outcast of her sex, the creatures whom austere matronhood blasts with light nings of indignant scorn, and gure vir gins blush to name. self-loathi- three-quarter- s .Ma-Sha-Ph- spectators' misconception which had shielded her from the consequences of her madness; could shudder at tha y thought of the ignominy she had not was this the But escaped. haworth captured. stra nge, sweet thrill. Truly sisterly affection .was a holy and a beauShe tiful thing! lad read as much in moral philosophy, md likewise in poetry. Few feelings could compare Vvlth it in unselfish fervor and constancy. And, as &ho had laid, Edward was ore brother in tea thousandand not to be compared with common men. She began the preparations for the two, pursuant to her drive at half-paNot that she directions. husband's house that afterto the leave expected noon, Edward's Judgment being, !n her estimation, but one remove from infal the libility; she could not believe that as Mr. would result horses of the trial Withers had predicted, but that they would be remanded to the 6table and custody of the unreliable jockey without approaching her door, or gladdenst the sinking figure with more easo than he had held the writhing one. They bore her across the hall to Edward's room as the most convenient retreat for her In her insensible state, and loosened htr while the dress and applied restoratives, a mora anxious group was gathered in hei apartment about her husband. His visible injuries were severe, if not dangerous. Ills collar bone and right arm were broken, but it was feared that there was Internal and more serious hurt. Just aa a gasp and a hollow groan attested the return of conscious ness, a message was brought to Edward from the opposite bedroom. "She do call for you all the time. sir, or I would not have made so bold as to disturb ye," raid the girl who had beckoued him to the entrance. "She Is a bit out of her head, poor lady!" "Where is Miss Field? Why does she not attend to Mr3. Withers?" risked Edward, glancing reluctantly at his of maid-serva- nt CHAPTER IX. W HALL you be too much euga&eJ at the oKlce today. rd, to drive uui yum uunsiauto vll rii at noon?" question brother's bed. In after days he could smile at the recollection of the reply, uttered with Oh, ne 8 contemptuous Indluercnee: into high strikes on the back ed Mr. rim Wlthrraone morning when his brother canio to his room to inquire after his health, and to receive his commands for the business day. Certainly not! Nothing would give me more pleasure!" As he said it, the respondent turned with a pi a5ant smllo who waa pouring to his slster-ln-Iaout her husband's chocolate at a stand set in front of his lounge. She started perceptibly at the prop osition and her hand shook In replacing the silver pot upon the tray. "I could not think of it!" she said hastily. "It is kind and thoughtful in you to suggest it, Elnathan, but, Indeed, I greatly prefer to remain at home." "It is my preference that you should go!" Tne invalid 6pone aeciaeaiy, dui less Irascibly than he would have done to anyone else who resisted his authority. "It is now four weeks since my accident, and yon have scarcely left the bouse la all that time. You are grow ing thin and pale from want of sleep and exercise." I practice calisthenics every day. aa you and Dr. Weldon advised," re joined Constance, timidly. But within doors. You need the parlor sofy." At the time, he was only conscious of ing Harriet's eyes. Nevertheless, the should Impatience at the call of pity that order had gone forth that she ed in a wholesale killing of innocent his perhaps dying beand obliged him hat gloves don her cloak, furs, people, had it not been that the bakin the hands of comparative relative Mr. Withers and three fore o'clock, ers, who, it is alleged, attempted to would be displeased were he to return 6trangers. He ceased to regret his com the overdid thing, their enemies, injure at five and find her in her home dress. pliance whc 'he tears thatofburst from him vere John Birk and James Henry conHarriet tapped at her door before she Constance's eves at slixht which had not attended by the ravings was half ready. duct rival bake 6hops on West Holly down He sat her attendants. terrified mastreet in Whatcom, and bitter feel "Just to remind you, my dear she said, sweetly, "of what n y upon the edge of the bed, and leaned time Some them. dam," between exists ing cousin said about keeping the horses over to kiss the sobbing lips. "My since some flour consigned to Henry dear sister, precious child!" he said, as She was equipped standing." came with a shipment of Dirk's goods. a mother might soothe an affrighted reConstance and the for excursion, Birk, so it is charged, instructed his newed her silent accusation of imper- daughter, and she dropped her head to weep herself into hakr. William Burnwent. to put a tinent forwardness as 6he 6aw her trip upon his shoulder, In Hen concentrated not of if lye composure. Quantity down stairs to take her station at a silence, When she could listen, he gave her ry's flour. This order Burnwent is cousin" might that window, "my front Henry's in a alleged to have followed. see, at the first glance, that 6he was the history of the misadventure baker had some of it analyzed and Insisted had few Mr. words. Withers ready and eager for the promised and this analysis is said to have 6hown because nromlsed by him certain upon handling the reins himself. This the presence of enough concentrated accounted to the auditor for his use of pleasure of the JaunL lye to. kill every person who ate aaa Edward's gloves aa being thicker than five was minutes Constance surprised, bread is ordinarily consumed during before the hour designated, to hear a his, although their owner made no men meal. Burnwent found out that the FED WIFE ARSENIC. Dresence of the lye in the flour had bustle and men's voices in the lower tion of having lent them to him. The been discovered, and left town before hall. They had really come, then, in horses had behaved tolerably well un on were within three blocks of warrant With a serve could Enthusiast Charged the sheriff Religious spite of her prognostications. Draw til theywhen him. Later he came back and both he Wife. home, they had 6hled violently Third His not she Murdering might ing on her gloves that a and Birk were arrested. at omnibus, jerked the reins passing walked she of accused dll&torlness, at be Ebenezer S. Blydenburg. arrested driver's ani dashed the from bands, her chamber, wb?n it BANDIT A SQUEALER. El dor a, Iowa, charged with the mur to the door of at the the the down sleigh street, up?t her her wide was thrown by against m-- : of his wife, has been maid. uom ana der, poisoning, by corner, nrsi uu.uiauig Telia Names of Pals In Attempted released under 1 10,000 bonds. were thrown out, Mr. Withers striking taken, such good care of me, that I her she ma'am!" blubbered, 'Oh, Train Robbery. while Ed should be very remiss In my duty, were Mrs. Blydenburg died suddenly on eheeks like ashes and her eyes bulging forcibly against a lamp-pos- t, the I to allow you to neglect your owa stunned was Jim alias' ward Connors, maragainst partially Harshman, her blessGay rora their sockets. "May all the May 29th, a few months after They had been brought to health." the bandit who was wounded in an riage. At the instigation of the dead ed saints have mercy upon ye! There's own door in a carriage, the He had grown very fond of her with attempt to hold up the Oregon Rail- woman's sister the remains were dis- been the dreadfullest accident! Them their In time to in the period he had mentioned, and brother reviving younger Mr. and run of horses has away, road and Navigation train at Corbett, interred and the stomach found to con brutes from showed it. In his weakness, more openand Mr. Edward Is both alight, with a little assistance Ore., two weeks ago, has dlscloeed to tain arsenic. The dead woman, who Witherses to and a superinbystander, friendly ly than dignity would have permitted. dead! They're a bringing ihem to the bouse had he been well. He put hla band up the sheriff at Portland, Ore., the owned a valuable Iowa farm, was Bly- - killed removal other's tend the and" blessed this mlnlt, Dames of the rest of the gang of train denburg's third wife. Blydenburg's on her shoulder as she sat upon a stool her mistress's skirt as 6he and up the stairs. catching to with him heard Constance through beside him, the cup of chocolate in her robbers and where they are likely in died to have Is said be to not second wife dashed past her "you're I must get an"Recollect! be found. According to Harshman the Brooklyn, N. Y., and it is stated that frightened, ma'am, the doctor says! He out Interruption or comment, volun hand. leader of the band was "Jim" James, her life was Insured for 17.000. Blyen- - sent me up for to tell you careful!" tarlly raised her head from its resting other nurse should your health falL and lay back upon her pillows, You see how selfish I am?" a distant relative of the notorious out Unhenrlng and unheeding, Constance place, law Jesse James; the other members burg has manifested great teal In re- wrested A jest from him was noteworthy, dress from the girl's hold. covering her face with her hands. One were George Underwood, "Bill" Mor ligious work, and his arrest has and met ber their made tears two or way Ita rarity: but Constance could not for quiet upon the upper landing of the ere she removed form ber Hps Into a smile. They tween her gan, and himself. Hurshman says It caused excitement. fingers a men senseless staircase four bearing was planned that after the robbery had trembled instead In replying. "I eee form. The head was sunk upon the them, but her hysterical sobbing safeJames and Underwood were to make FIGHT. WILL am thankful for your JAPS "I ceased. how good and generous you are! X will fece hidden and the the Mor breast, by for the Mexican boundary; the It so that said she composedly drive, if you insist upon it, but there gans were to go to Sammish lata Decide to Declare War on Russia on shoulders of those who carried him, but ty," fell instantly upon the r'ght sounded coldly unfeeling. "Now go is not the slightest necessity for your her on Bellingham bay, and that Harsh eyes bro'her. He needs you, brother's escort John Is very careful Expiration of Ultimatum. man himself was to have gone to east hand, which burg locfely by his side. back I todo your I nhall be better soon. and attentive. not. and stated London of also the Harshman ern Oregon. The correspondent She recognized the fur gauntlet that Or, If you wish me to nurs have company, I will call for Mrs. Mel-lethat he thought the other members of Post at Chee Foo, telegraphing Oc- covered It as one of a pair of riding- - t and then I Ifmust bear myaskpart inme. let for he should the gang had carried out their portion tober 10th, says: "It is stated that the gloves she had given Edward Withers i ing him. no carriage, you know?" has She know without ddy. She sent of the programme and are now In the "Send yours for ber whenever you Christm?s, and which'he had worn me hf-- r Japanese have decided to declare hos at vicinities named. servants out when he had gone, since whenever be drove or rode. She like, by all means. Dut, until I am able ultiof their on the tilities expiration had seen him pocket them that morn and lockej her door on the inside. to It is my desrire that accompany TREATY. i matum to Russia, The Russian fleet ing before "Who'd have thought that she and Edword shall you. out. be with going you In your cleared from Tort Arthur. It is "Mrs. Withers! my dear lady! you Mr. El ward would lake It so hard?" drlvps whenever this is praticahle. My Peace Between Powers After Cen has of views the cook, as exponent reported that the Japanese are land- really must not touch Mm yet!" pall said theklU'hrn adventure has made me fearful, turies of Warfare. eabSn L "If fo be he late of the A h Korea. the attendant at I suppose. Call this a sick man's fancy. . t physician, preventing J.laranpho, troops f I ing ...a .til v " If you will, my dear, but The terms of the general treaty of number of field guns were embarked when she would have thrown her arms IM,n'r io Indulge it 10 uniintj r.rr. i n- - ycr now-- u r P ?n t.rr arbitration between France and Great at Port Arthur Saturday for an un- abcut th- - Inltired nirm lie nttt'l ' At twelve, then, Edward, the carriage a ' on m I si v n;n. ah. wcji. i:it Britain havo been concluded between known destination. All the available harlr hr train fnrrc that tho ho.1v be ready. Ascertain for yourself sne oujtnt to te, i"r u s nr nr ,i iave will fclic be the Into carried au chamber the be and Delcasse might fore Minister you set out that the harness Is all Foreign Them well provided for, I'll b" force of workmen Is employed on the had J'ist quitted. an eye to the coachriRht. thorities In London. The advanced fortifications." as has heaps to lave has plenty ti man's pnd have me me Let "Let jro! you go! Dj management of the horses." stage of the negotiations has not yet voW lieing info a mourn for tb'm." me?" hear While Killed Watching Singular shrill scream that rhlllcd th veins and been communicated to the public. Girl An hour e',apd before Mr. Withers Tragedy. understood The treaty follows the general lines all who ar:M where he was and of heard it. pained the hearts flow It arbitration nt the William Bcals, an aeronaut, was al- "Dead or alive, he belongs to me, and what had happened, pnd then his wife's "H it tell me, how did Aunt Mary he was the ex recognized. face Man! fim how dare you objeet trontr. which to a considerable most Instantly killed In San Francisco. to ro one else! to marry him?" "Berth- aas Hers you blor. as Pl.nost his. happen was kr.ow not yet You how me? do hold It mu:h tent served as a model. Unnday. He made an ascension and Why, you se, everything waa ready. rhe was ccllected an h Infill, a mor? The treaty Is mainly slgtiflcant In- 1pirende safclv In a parachute to I loved him my darling! Oh, my He had asked me to hare him and I of to rcapthe than culmination the the surgeons eT.cient when coaijntor being forty foot of the ground, France and within released bis hold on the trapeze The doctor was a muscular man. but. was fidgety itarrirt. whore bur.zlngs had consented; he bad procured the proaclment between he Great Britain after centuries of bar. He fell on a hard pavement In In her scony of defpair, she was and bof rings over tu wounded man license and engaged the clergyman, and the maintenance of defensive Golden Gate park and soon died. than he. bade fair to master reminded Edward of a noiay and per I bad sent out cards and ordered the armaments and the recent animosities Madee Heeney, ne"d 17 years, was stronger cake; so, you see, we thought that we as she wrestled to undo hla grap sistent gad fly. him, Incident rldlne on an electric car at the time growing out of the Fashoda of Constance's might as well go through with It The moved gentleness and the South African war. It is also of the ascension. She leaned far out upon her arms. as near the In in no one this tone v.ho a answering "Is there patient's In- There, aunt, that Is the reason, place significant of the tendency toward of the car to get a better view of the TranBoston can I remember as it" rearrangement of the European politi- nnrachnte descent, and her head can persuade her to be calm?" he quiries was mistaken by the attendants and the fondest commiseration, script cal alliances. struck an electric tnnst with such asked. Imploringly, looking back down for the stairs. family physician's unspoken thought death soon followed. force that German Tutor Charged With Killing There was a movement at the foot would have chimed in well with the Lawyer (to butcher) "See here, now, Arizona Outlaw Surrenders. One of His Pupils. of the steps, then the crowd parted lt servant's verdleL Mr. and Mrs. With I've traded with you for five or six not reputed to be a loving Joseph Roberts, the Graham coun stantly and silently, unnoticed by the ers werebut In moments The trial of Andreas Dlppold, a of distress and yeara and you have never employed woman. She was still strug- couple, me once." tutor, who tied Heinz Koch, the ty, Arizona, outlaw who repulsed t frantic and praying to be clanger, the truth generally came to ed Butcher "I know, but If I had son of Director Koch of party of officers on Bine river about gling, threatening however No Idolized, husband, when a palllrl face, streaked light. released; 1 had have shouldn't any has surrendered. aeo. weeks you three could be nursed more faithfully cr have the Deutch bank, to a bed and whipped Wounded ard worn rut after a hard with blood, confronted her a tender montr to carry on my own business hici to death, has begun In Berlin. f rht he foiird It Imrssihle to escape hand touched her arm. "Constance, excited gteater anguish of solicitude with; then wheje would ytu be wha In dry eyes and rigid Itolnj- with a younger brother, who the third nrto that harl taken his trail my tlear sister, my inor girl, come than fpoke a butcher?" Boston Tranwanted you m also fearfully punched, lived and he rave himlf tip to Denuty with me! Will you not?" said com- features, even If her will outbreak st first eeping him bad tot betrayed script ift tha ftifnr In ft secluded house. A Sheriff Bob BaHcy. win was enjrasred panionate tonrs. Dlp-rldecided that has rnv In the fleht between the medical board When you think you hav heart "She has fainted. That is the bst her real sentiments. la sand. He allies that he and Graham co'intr officers and ransr of calmnr the review scene, her In the real trouble Is probably harrened" said to Solomon I thine that could have the the feci for i Constance whipped the boys on the authority of em. Roberts was etld grateful we dead the doctor, sustaining gat villa and placed In Jail. their parents. ive w, cap-a-p- ie I curb-ston- up-stai- e, rs J I n. I ANGLO-FRENC- ; 1 1 - i i - i 1 - 1 bo-ind- hr nfpnl. Hay-Pauncefo- 1 c'ar-lirg- !" war-Xar- e, i ! prl-ra- te era-ploy- hr - rl Ur-',rrf- tai-te- dU-eas- -?, |