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Show The Nephi Record Nephi City. Utah, Friday, October 16. 1903. Vol. 14. No. 42. ticket in the field. hop, two Inmber yards, fire on my opinion, better investigate arm implement houses, two liv- - for them selves. I intend toleav played nt lhi- - meeting and some fry stables, two churcho-i- nsov- - for Cadada in a few days to put lecn thousand dollar school houso ia tho wintor and prepare t heavy sj eeches made. woU s th it Their iitform, mill, wheat elevator and a eug- - movo my family there acx of the democrats, will bo pub- r factory. spring. lished next week. Following is To Undo Jessie Knight, the the ticket: Tell known mining man, of this INDEPENDENT TICKET. ftati, and some of his business Good Watches For Mayor, R. II. Spirks. sot iatcs is due gieo credit for For Councilman, long lerm. tie founding an l rnpid growth of Thos. Worti.ington: short terms, "tch a town. Adjoining the town Frank Sells, John Hurr., John ori hII s Citi be seen Sid well, C. R. Hobbs. of acres of agricultural Kecorder, Mrs. Lucy Morris. arid grazing lands, vast areas of Trea-ur- r, ISlGe Foot 'tlip agricultural lands Ins been M. Sowhv. A. Marshal, der cultivation for the latt Justice of the Peue, Wn:. vfi years and it cultivation Is Stout. For the r.jpidly im'na-iiirThe democrats will held thf ir irrowing or si"n gram, roots ana convention tables these lands ire svond t J uone I hive ever seen, small fruit can also h grown and a A Word About Cimc?. reat many treos of tlie larareri Attorney Henry Adams, wlo uit are beinjr grown and time' left here last winter for W.T.DENN&CO. fill to wlmn they a re old .enough light systevi, and whllo tho tuxe have been temporarily to build the same, 6ti 1 that extra light burden in very .trifiinp. when compared vith tho satisfaction felt in owning and com trolling our own light fcystem, in 6tcad of paying tm. to to a private corporate n a'd expendiuf: from fifty to one hundred dollars per month for our trect hyhts entcitix-n- V was Considerable-interes- t im-rense- dis- , ? as is now being done by a num. ber of our neighboring cities. Especially do w wish to call the attention of tho peoplo to the fct, thit. before tho hist illation of the electric light system, they wero paying into tho pockets of the Coal Oil Truat the sum of Absolutely Para THERE 15 fiO SUBSTITUTE Three Hundred Dollars per f month, the major portion which is now kept at home. IN POLITICAL CIRCLES Even at this titue, with the lec trio light ttyteui in its infancy, it is briuging into the City Republicans Nominate Ticket Treasury a handsome revenue. t Adopt Platform. Some In- besides paying the running ex- was called home list vuU f of son his the illness terest and Some Dissatisfac- penses aud lrghiing our streets. In again placing a ticket in the Lloyd. When interviewed as w tion Aroused. field tor Municipal offices, we do his opinion of that country, Mii The municipal campaign in so with every confidence in the Adams said: and this city opened up MoiuUy with wise udguient of tho citizens of "Canada is a large the Republican's convention Nepbi, and within firm belief during the seven months I wu. which wh nn enthnsi iUc afT.ir. that they appreciate the intelli- there I only saw a small portion Tho' following platform was gence and progression of the Re- of it. I spent some time in lookadopted, after which a full city publican party, and if again ing over tho southern ti'irtion of . pi iced in possoio . of tho reins Alberta and finally deM.fed toh- ticket wa3 named: m a 'V THL PLATk' Ork'.!. city .government, wc cat. in, itaymooa f Tho Republicans of Nephi City, pledge our oSicers to tho same tract Und, pnt in some crop., and adminconoiuical and then bougl t oiuec irpnlei . through tl.ir chosen r prcsen-taUve- judicious istration has that and Went to characterized tools met in City of afTiirs in the Riyinor.d is Mtu.itnl in so th looking back upon the record of the handlingth pnb'i; irn Alberta, about hirty Republicans. past by achievement und looking forward THE TiCKKT. north of tho inJeru iti .n il Into a field of duty and rppealing boundaiy line tave u tlni Un Mayor, Win. fl. I'ettcgrow. to the Judgement of the citizens ed Suites and Cauad i, arid is on Councilman, long term. Alfred of Nephi, making these declarLuut; short terms. Jus. Garrett the line of the St. Mary's ili r ations: Jr.. Win C.Ormo. J; W. Drough Riilroad. Wo indorse the wise and Two years ago Kst month ' administration of the and A. R. Paxman. first house was buiit in present City Council. Its acts Recorder, Mrs. Dclphia Tons now it is a thriving lovvn hava been established in wisdom dale. of nearly 3,00 ich.ibiututs Treasurer, Miss Etlte Sidwcll. and patriotism, and it has dishas a municipal govtirnineut. Il tinctly elevated and extended the Mar.hal, Kobert .f. Ord. Justice of the Petc.if John S. has a bink, postoilu e, newMju-influence of the city. per, hotel, restaurant, bierv, With especial pride do wc point Cooper. two general mercii mdiso tH. to the wise and economical mn hanlware store, grocery s'oif, nor in which tho present City Some dissatisfaction wis extwo car.dy s?,ore. a wish out conJrut; the store, of Council has carried pressed at the result the and mandate of tho people, in vention and on Wednesday even- millinery est ibhshtnent, butcher the establishment and construc- ing a mooting was called for the shop, barber hop, two bl ichtion of our magnificent, electrio purpose of placing an independ- smith shops, harness shop, thi isi-lo- s thou-;Jnd- 1 -- Oai-uda- t , vf-g- f-1- 741 i 1 . 1 i n.ow oimc-coun- The laud Itayuiofid, except the beet land owned Mnd uel by thu Siinr 0rnpany for growing ij up inTofjimd piacro 'oic, i,nt further out. into lo and SO acre lots; as you M'o still fur-- ; co-mtr- , liu. T:i-t.- - s ;i'.oAiug. il is covered with a of grass Land o dm in tho shring. cm be ',M'"'i t'il u ill p ivJufH a good c the sr:ie your. There t as u"'i a irriiritioti needed there ' i'im u. bat shoafd it become to irrigite growing it tLe u:ot of tho lands I oy growth Ban-S- : 1V0131X1. .150,001 ii.Ml Hi'nliin S90.0QO, iV a"f If" " iftren to oat of Viwo bui- JR(H! WHirmihl, V. MK'OHKH.K.Vkii . M. IVHirMuK", II'(i:Vi Oil - " fr-nUt-tak ' l.'.ift.C.ii1f l..lMirl -- ! :r-'c.- - d t, s . fr T. C. WINN, Naury iDtm? w.i'U'.viJ ire nndercmals S-- ?J ..iv.-- . cu-t.r- or Vn:ii w!i;At little I have seen cf I sxi convinced that it is a hut country far mnt intending scttlcra to cither go there or stay away th-'- home-maker- j s, I do not - 1 0n l. Car-d! Abstractor. Wfii InurHnct. Hi Mowf tt in, a aioq home cll or noini farm, or 'ind you ' If you hve oc tcr which water am baobtaiued -.i raMrjg is nko carried on M'AMvly in the vacinity of J aU) fttterid to all bMitv4t (J. 8. LmxI Olio, c r with Sut lumrd of Iind Otubim .onen. Oq OCm l 4or Bovth of Br.V. 8 Wc were nover bettor prepared to show the public a finer line of & GENTS' 1 A . U no cl tr.ing of land be- - e . eco-nomle- - Of into 100 to 610 aero Theso are all t.iaLs wnMl by private p M'Kon and thOM u" iuW ojiupan.r.s soJi; u e. . ar. for s Unnd can e :jh? :tt reisonable prices. w-r-- lii.v-mon- - , First Naiionai ut ih-ro- -- thr-mile- . -nt omr Co-iventio- , lVey produce. ira mediately adjoin-in- r FURNISHINGS than at tho present tim HERE THEY ARE.... A fine line of U I! UP-TO-DA- TE OVERCOATS. An exceptionally fine assortmant of stock of Hats. The latest thing out in Boys and Men's Clothing. lare Underwear and Cloves. Infants', Misses', Ladies', Men's and Boys' Shoes--a- ll A styles and prices ; : : c : "The Early Bird Catches the Worm." $ r t I 40t ibt0t 0 f The Biir Store with Little Prices. t tXI mmiOMtHtWJHWfl WtM ft tt"frt IMtWMMWCMW i |