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Show privilfge would bo abused by reckless use of the current. But, U not reasonable to suppose Or How the Electric Light itthat people will not waste their Plant Should be Conducted. own property, as well as that of About fifty years ago a little their neighbors. Besides it is band of pioneers met for the pur- also necessary that economy pose of planning and l tyin out should bo exercised in the use of the site of Nephi City. They the electric light as the life of a laid out streets and blocks and U imp, ordinarily, U only about subdivided the latter into lots 600 hours, and these, of course, the object of which was to cive must bo 'rephced when burned ach citizen a epot upon which to out. The expensive meter could Intel bo dispensed with and there have never been improved upon would be no use for a collector. but are used as pastures, corrals D you want free electric lights? and a great number are lert to If so, give this matter some un in weeds they are nei- - sideration. You can have them ther useful or ornamental but by voting for them. Remember are held bv speculators who ox- - that this is a government of the pect their neighbors to improve people for the people by the pec around them, and enhanco tho IP10 A CITIZEN. value of the property year by year, The question is: Do they Broke into His Houso. pay a just tax for the privilege A RAG TO CHEW, con-cro- w Many Mothers of a Like OpllMt. Mr. Tiltoor, of Outdova, lown, eaye: "One of my children wa subject lo croup of ttevr typo, aud tr Klviurf of Cbmuherlain' Cour itemed promptly, always brought relief. Many mothers in this neighborhood think th name km I do about t'jh retimly and want no othr kind fr their children," For said bVall IJruggistn. CITY BARBER SHOP. N. Where to Register. David a 1 Ami cUm work. Ortiew. Ockey, Confessions of ,1 o Priest. Veg letables, Fish eJ and Game 1 Salt Meats in Season. T.W. Miller PROPRIETOR. GEIMT. k to buy a postal card and rend to The New Tork City, for Tribuue Farmer, a free upccimea copy. The New York Tripnno Farmer Is a National Illustrated Agricultural Weekly for Farmers and thuir fiiniliefl, and KVKUY ifiiue contalcs matter instructive aud entertaining to EVEIiY member of the family. The prioi U 81 03 par year, hut if you like it you cm secure it with your looal newspaper, THE NEPHI RECORD at a bargain. Hoth papers one year only $1.25. This offer in ood to regular aubaoribera who pay up anil renew. Send your order and money to "THE NCP III RECORD. no. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark., di-ea- rie vurjr -- B V . New-Yor- now cured of a that had use electric light pi int. This quos- in its grasp for twelve years." If tion was decided in the affirm i- The Herald Ahead. want a reliable medicine for you tivc and a tax levied on all tax- Thrt Snlt. Tilfft Thulv Hp.ra.ld IS Liver and Kidney trouble, stomack able property in the city to raise the most ,n thQ disorder or general debility, get i intermountaln Every Klcctiic Bitten. It' guaranteed by country. iuuuy . . i& in nouoa. vno piant auu sus 85 All Druggists. week Bwh property holder stands his I mnnth iTftrj,M The Rundav satiytroKen up- into proportion of the expense which I wn g magazine section should3 welsQis about tea pounds Tho , , JU3u 2 no per .... Tru b t.tv. M .j . . . ftlilfrt n Mow. h InrnmP v,l tin ttrn I be Kum., nduetm tn. f'Mnwma colic JScaboul. f i.w ror six momns. 11 lb la xi w jkjk. iiiu pouiu iu year, How The Semi weekly Herald (TueAecom ea Fao haprfu ET. . . Whsri build the plant, why is it not 11.50 and a poimeon StrabroVsky, Fridays) only days nsherman With to to them de tax as To has just accomplished just right year, with Orange Judd Farmen at Odessa, feat And alon hazar?,ous fray the expense of running it sa"ing To vi.i. Strictlv In aca 8mall boat through the m Tour and give every person, rich or 0ceKiy from ForW Odessa to Constantinople Vance. has returned to his native town poor, free lights? If it harmens. it's in the In lij . mo raine says, ne vai Ton A projerty tax could be levied ) aid with a rented check for 200 to defray the necessary expense f keeping up and running the TO CURE A COLD N ONE OAV cur. plant. The city tax rolls show an Tak Laxative Hromo Quinine TaMet. !.H,0K assessed valuation of $592,860. AU drucjiUta retuoJ tho money If il A. Voo (T. E. W. Oroso'rt ig naturt f 3. W. Oiil The probible cost of running the falltt U oure. ia on ech box. 23c. ...... JobaCovr t A. K. Ftmft.n plant will be in the neighborhood I j .Ebi (.rrvn Jr. t 1, 000 per year, which would Cautii of Lockjiw. Ms rail l ccessitate an increase over tho Mrs. Ilp&l ItetorUe.r Lockjaw, or tetanus, ia caused Trenrr present taxation of about one and T. U Foot mills. Of course by a bacillus or germ which exists Cltjr AtiomeT Wm. Stout inin is dirt. It . . . Wnlti-- r h !t.lu direct hUiWioWrtidoai there are those who will strenu- plentifully 6trt eo lon a exposed to the ously opposo an increase of tax active Jine Ked when carri.l beneath the found Kerrr but ation; put lei us see what it will air, counrr. do for them. The poor man who ft kin as iu the wounda cautted by wns a lot in the outskirts of the percosion caps or by rahty naib, ConnlMlaiirr., TtmlUM fWiittn I U0 J. UMM-tand when the air is exclude.! the with small house a it ity, upon W. C. Acdrew and is assessed at $I0O would germ is roused to activity and pro- Clr V. Sornwi, Keror&t 1. L. IDwt have all tho lights ho needed at a duces th most virulent poiwon Ttc nrrr 1 a m Awwof lw deHlljr known. TLo germs may coat of seventy cents for a whole V. U. Croulc hbri9 P rl year. If the property is assess- stroyed and all dangers of lockjAW Attorney W, Itrr t'. CbatulMrliin's fMreyor avoidol by applying ed at Go0 tliocostoflights would U'etfnt of co. f!l r Chr1l!ti-wfro ly Ri poon as the in- Saprrto Fain Dalm bo $1.05 per year; $1,000 would 7k renter. bo $1.75 per year, and fo on. jury ii received. I'uiu Ililm L u This would let the cn.il oil man antiseptic and cauH'sl cuts, briiifw wi limit down light; tho rich and poor and ltk injuriei to Disrttci. would enjoy equal privileges and maturation and in ono third tho tho vacant lot owner would bo in- tim required by Iho usual treatduced to build a Lou?e that ho ment. It U for Ktt'o by All Dro- might exjoy his lights. Urorz C. WUcnur Komo will nbjct to this xB Witch SrtJn Hazl l)Wltt'A probably on the ground that tho V, kinds of Fresh and GOST ONE p. tn. ha ;::T:j,iur':::u Prof. ThrtJtt doors North of 12 year I suffered H. jjtQunm of Cavenuls, Vt., wan writew, "For of municipal improvements? from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted A little less than a yearago the rubbed of bia cuatomary health by in vasion of Chrome Cootaipatioti. When a number of phjuieiaiiH and tried mayor of Nephi called a mass Dr. Ivicw'n New Life Tills broke Into all sorts of medicine, but no meeting at which the peopb were Ms buUBN nl9 lroub'e was arrentd aod relief. Then I begau the got use to decide whether or not the I now eutirely cured. They're guar Electric imiers una ieei tnat l am municimUtv should h tve an anteed to cure, 20c. at all Drug Store- . NEILSON, District No. 2. Thos. II. Bur- Cough Curt, cures. ton, agent; office at Court House. One Minute U u.W I nr4 Bade fr. Tht District No. 3. John Pyper, agent; office at residence. District No. 4. Alfred Mad sen, agent; offiice at City ilall. Registration days will bo the 13th and 27th, from 8 a. m. to 9 llev. Marisfaff All Courtil trtfiMol, aud District No. 1. M Dfttiy :ZL"'J?a - NEW SERVICE iEASTBOUNB THREE THROUGH TRAINS TO CHICAGO EVERY DAX VIA THE UNION PACIFIC GfHGIGO, illLLWADKEEfi ST. PAUL Tra-Hlst- e three-fourth- AND iLINE. s C. S. WILLIAES, Commercial Agent, 106 W. 2nd South Street, Silt Lake City l Pt-.!- f bt-a- l n LUNFS PHARMACY One doir north of First National Dink n ntroct Choica linu of Drus;s. Patent Medicine. Dru-:ist- nt t tut, If rripM, which ltaHt4 4wlra' ra oof GEO. W. LUNT, plll LJ BJ 0fjjimZtml Si r . ... w r. For Ladies, Misses and Children have just arrived and open for your inspection and if you buy a pair of these shoes you run no risk whatever, as in every instance you are protected by our guar-ante- e of your money back if not satisfactory. It will afford us pleasure to show you a few of the many points of excelence in GJOOD SHOE MIO IXCjr Shoes at To be found in this justly Celebrated line of i If II, LTL i, Hundriss. Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Stationery, Cipira and Tobacco : : : : : I -- v.- . , i . r'-- rh .. . , |