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Show A iue THE NEPHI RECORD' ) to "The KtuiUn" eutuhiiuhtxl Friday Juue III, IHHT. h Cure for DyPepln. Rio Grande II. R. Demr I had Uyiip'ptn in its worst form cntr. Liu- - ' the H orftl." , felt iinsralit moot all the time. Th BMt Un V I ul not CM1F enjoy valim; nntll after I uwrt JLKNWODPRiNtl. LBAPVll-lE- , ly K' ((. DytpeuNit Cure which has coiokaoo prrmo, ;kkeKi vlk Thn lemerHiN of Obi" nay that of th Senator Hanna ia (he him ranipiigu and then chalh-ng'to drbate of hinindf. ciim-ilie- Mr. a)lor. The piilbiciaua in thia country loea uf . No Iliiur, ap;tlie, have, the hhiiih trouble iu making xiifMKtti, ttr VttHoi-8- , headache, B.twe;o (md lrctn, Huiir rlMlug, platform), an Hume iu Europe have nil and ttnuuich (I) fi)Miii in making troiilitfti an: quickly CUffil by lh u of Him uuttml Iv d Kt l npreM-oCharabarlaln'a Cough Remedy. UtOrt f (ilK'Hllull Cil.uljillrtll with 111) r.OKlnn curwi a ,L W. I.. COOK, EWINQ futiUrtntxt vry Utah. Krirt.iv at (,, con-iliailn- Propi'lrtoro aud PublUhem. d- k TEKMS: Six fl.Co MoutiiM Tbre .0.r. 25c Moathat Batvred at the PontOfUee at Naphl City, Utah aa aecond-olaa- matter. a Noone who is aqimnted with qualities can ln urprMd at (he great popnlaiity of (hainbrr-hiin'- a Dr. George E. If ward of Chicago University say, "Iheroidin country a pad lack of appreciation of the futtctiom of marring- Not as much care is ?xrcieed ia the tinion of hmnan beings hi lu the breeding of fine animala." thin - . Llibilt-- Lord Alvertcn failed to see between the rales of French grammer and the Alaskan boundary. There ia this bisallar- ity both were determined a lurg time ago. any-onnecti- -- iike Venezuela, ou practically mortgaged berslf at I.iuieiiaut-gov-rno- r FO NOT1C3 DarAxrME vr ov tiis Laod OlQce at iNrssrsn, Lk jl f ttti iptrt. City, Utah, W. S. if. Ha nra to tb following rnttdancM and bit cootlDDoas upoo provi cultivation of ald Uoi. via: Aiffd X. JoLosoo,. fiarhaiT Clar. Fi-l'-- it. S. 4 'kod 1 I diilig inr'as W8X I4 m-- l -- Uiuot,li nOk'!f d.'l and uu :mjj r n.1 wilkodi fM.'"- Wii. Afir r-- ca - (w1ai itnp'y wwtlrftil swkJ I ar Cottliaental in e Atiitricaa ra2 timo to '?d i'f.nr Vipnfa. trtr- - at ' " at a'i'l !n 1 6S nrn;?it. Tf Ml WilVb .i. !'4ta .') T-srly I C'. J fltA.TS. . JOHN HKNDRICESON, J tTBiar.' Win" sUT ni .! tsr?nty cu l'.;--V- A Ct.ulOe Uo !wir:f 4" lii-rj'iX.i- -l Wines ao'J Hve r put ai ami ipw" y'P rf 4" : w ' : v ; i i j tlntloJ U UAi m l ?l am 4 n M tt rt p a 42 ... . !" n I 7lta 2 J 17 tWp 4 li p Ar I """! At V i i.m L 4 Htm lrnlnva oi aa .. tfit . at ...(. t;,.r ii.i aI fM at . I trt AfjIM Li I :r4 A? a l tro .... Urn. Til lll'vtm . t iMt .. .. a . . i L I 3lta lH fra.ii. Lav t a... bi? . Arm of Jot fan r l,t Kaluro's Tonic.r..c. City. L"v.- - Kodol Dyspepsia Curl cat. vvbAt r;vtrr AUo..ctiiU.ao. aaa. uatalua yea D'scsts - - - aaiiii"" ai Ccarea al la fre. if v ho Laxative Bromo Quinine tah ta." .fc. - M- iJaJj ita J. A. WTTttM.U Afcfnl, N!.M e. t. niititf. o. r. r. a. t t) - I'ajfcn .Sti.tvtnl , Af,.' .til Jp II . im . pa. 4 M tit ' ) I at Si.i!1; t'uffc ItTpia. pMb " l Absolutely cure triligcaUon, ;by .a lllltl It 4 a ? wro j, Mm Miin oRl.xn tre whf!!eMrae. ionic DutJn?un8'?,e-aaryhealth. loon Krol quickly r?li?ri thafcol-lii,Mlcm aol b'.oiNotj fron tt siiCcr aitsr trala wtilch tome ra T X a ; dm . n UP ..U array ,..17 J iitk lSlJo Tir.Hi Atnr'w fi.rll e4la.ii . .I (I us I'lmVUirtfU li ktt ,.1'riiia ,, 14 f f Ik am T. r't--! n. j.?n 41 lnt re-io- m. V tf lt&aMad Krxlol v.i CAllD. K B r - W ia ttf-- ct Jury J90J. arrive and 4' art at ont im KtaUaaa. Tr;a dlC. v.S ' !ivi Top LOCAL TIM r-- - - t Mtfr-nt- i Salt Luke HailroaiL iir.iJr v. Slf-- fanrxiiin t:-.l- mm trJ.' i!ecf fullytor tK'ltt. San l'cdro, Los Augelcs and -- i V. lipoid t hUr.y.' ilium.l Ua.liiiii.Li U'.iiamiimiiiiniiim f CaHji Uvi ut t 4 luwn jvurjji i.r It jci ar" 1 f .parlt'danJDBkRgifs b-r- : i CllfffTTHfff ,MMII!7TTI!'rt;,Mf!;HirTff(rf3 IndtffMtlon 1j ortr canal by 0Tt b:r j." rutin. An ri!ne&l autbfrftty aayi lit! . t .r r ".'r. in U th tn dins tbaae.fr'.a tint frora fi!o.l. ti.st ti Us j the worlJ ycu fcl,' .'; J try 'it." . the cxc'tlt uvj of alcohol. Kit all r ti '... v Car!ai ntnr. tho gjd fcKKjyou waottutdrin'fcofar' ::' ' lead tha atomach. A weak atornacb hftl:v:;i" tn'wi f'T. Vt'i.c ' ;m rVcur a tt.ti UytLj fefua tt wiit yvl H rny Caxlui tfUy. ft Then yoa need a ifxd distant like lio,lwi'(). Kodol, which dijreaU fn-iout tbo Vrnach9 aid. Thl rc ;fJ A:sf Prcpr. 3 1- -' IJ I . t i ThcCity LiqaorStore. " A Weak 55 .,.., 'i C f Jf.'-i- i c rfT(TTnrrnrrTTnnTiwrttfnrnnniifTnf - a3UHLHIIIIilllHIIt',llmi!mjlll.HL!- 1IAGUE&IIEU) f wl. U!l r? fa b-.b,--. veain4. icenva, t K .:ia rvrioii;rJ -l WI r If aa foilv gnoil q J Ilk Pii!4 Try it, and you will use ao other. y -- I Kemmerer Coal. PhysicLtns tucscribe it or their most dzUzali gaticnts. OLD and PURE ttijn-ci.-- Mrvet. Agent for the celebrated tit pi iro " f a i h-- vcek. m xZK i I! M. toH 1 ami woull but Ht )!nU t I w reil nl 1 fx i I r irl t l'i:t vtasd v.i (. d.ih.ocraNt tor I "n-l '. t tytad the .p of .by.:rfa. trn Via o Mfc I Oardul u;m- m t tdltt fa t a rhni- for tt.a Krft: - j rc til I nbv-- t U.it0t34 hnwlwhiti. I Allen'a Yard. MkIo Hm Eft? jl r17, ynor HkIca raf iHkk and H.D. GOLDSBROUGH Mauager. Family Mai'k, ennahlAr Wu w (Won I na. W-'n- faliv r""-- -- " (ii?- - ctncorcE I uf- - hi oi I ka--- waeroot 1 trgd ff bum mwotaa wrtA uprnwil j ,,. "The dernocri.tic rarty mn?t b KiDg toward pint cr iy or away copying his in nocl. from it." i one of Mr. Dran'a latemt remark. Mr. Hryan mnst ?(mi ilrm'raiamc looking f r ' tb alin can ''bfinr U it". I arty inf jMr. Distrift in th The ntgrr9 nf Hae Two f r.'tn Death. Columbia hav formed a Miff'S do ther mm whit Th "O'lf mil dij5it:r t 1 i alT.rt L?gn. . rlisfra-tKdfd'.al t.tek of h.'.'.;.lfj roun. jm O f'in to rtiird beirg tiroRehit i,wri'i Mrs. n . H. iiti;ari,-when all otbr rf Arnionk. N. T . eicl l.a rratfjioa U1, fo,le., New D en' Hot t atiof tickef to th hall whrr Itf- - with D'. Kiiia trj Oiiarobrlaln will deliver bia farid f) r ri"'1, l ft n t Qjps'iT.j.i ,t. In at "s"l 'r'' Wnr.(l"- i a.jT4C gjerh fwll ffr flO.id- Tariff t!k '1 'h l cl-l- r of tha wati-r- . f:,l rr1. ("!. ar t th?a Car m,L. mi-inunfrMt- PorrLA."m, instable. Illhl II la r from to Jt 30.00 .. Jobnoo ail. CTatl A mw4 rrr,,",iT?'-"- "' FEMALE WEAKNESS 1 Livery and Feed tnofit feci .wni. ImT" p. cxnox to T I. J. STens Arm3 & Tool Co., -- ni Latnooxtoo, Utah. KUANS D. UOIlBtJ. RfjtaUr. TnKQaJ O. CAXXJJxa. Attorasy to n Mr. CbamVrUin inAy cr.py ocr Uti.Tbr.t we cannot reciprocity b; bi ...) K J rt..jfcrx L. Oknrtuaa r lnj tia-- t 533 a 15 tm cul fcvrl of bin claim, mad tbl eIJ proof will b mud befora the Clork of tb DUtrlct Court ia and far Miilrd County, Utah, t yillmor City, Utah, tin O'Jlofcer 17, II. H. 1CU7 tor P fit: Aaders OI-- lt D-- fralf-Cuttirt- j? Outlrr ye mta7 fcnt BaptecDbar S, 1903. Nolle la hereby gTao that the foitow- inz nftcitd etilar has filad nodlco of hln iaUttitlon to make fir I proof Jo support without leavirtr a car I DcWItt'a The oame Witch Ilarel w appliil to many slvei. but DeWitt'a Witch IJ?el Kalva ta the only Witch llaze Salve madtj that. rontaios the pure un adulterated witch hazel. If any otLer witch hazel ealve U offered yon it t a cotiotorftit. E. O. DoWitt iuv?atcd Witch Haz18elvod DeWitt'o Wlicli Snive i tho (tv ia Ihe world for cj!k. tuff'. trunM-o- . toiler or blind, bItdlo, U:hv aavl protrad . Dg T"9- - S"1 1 br u!l DriiK'Kls-ta- h'i-itt- HhavSnir, and HumfuKiiiiir doo in tlrai class sty PUBLICATION. Zi Tho Salve that Heals. . Two doorn South of P. O. dis-eaK- e. : ' ; BAilBEK SHOP I. A. Benton, grand jury. 11 TUB LOMAX DINING OAR3 ehe will misi tho Servlcrt a U Carte im all tbroub trains rotection of the Monroe Doctrine. For descriptiva parophleta or other laformatloo, Add'sa Dieting Invites Disease. To euro Dyepepsia or indigestion t is no longer necessary to live on Oen'l Agfc. Pa-- 8 Dept., Salt Lake, Dtah milk aud toast. Starvation pro- luces such weakness that tho whole ssiaswfnvntinrifwiM to an HyHtembuoumed eaay prey Koaol Dyepepaia Cure en ables the Htomach and digestive organs to digest aud aBsimiiate nil of the wholesome food that one cares to eat. aud is a never failing cure for indigestion, Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Kodol digests what you eat makes the stomach SW .was,. sweet, bold by all Drurcistrt. other harmful Hibnlance and may be given as confidently to a baby aa to au adult. It U alao plcisant to take. When all of these facta are taken into onusideratiou it is not surprising that people in foreign lande, as wt ll as at home, esteem thia rt medy very highly and very few are willing to take any other after having onco used it. For tale by All Druggists. i- c.r; tb 11'rejn prifetin4 t!.e I UTAtk. NKFIll the Uuitml States t srmy Butt Jao. Cliaso, 3Paop ,:4n It Sauto Domingo quarrels with e A O" Irian SaUM-.r- . Chrrnn alwaya ou band. .'ii pa :t " u P,u W Beet, Pork, Veal. Mutton, raw-a- O ing to th slump in KtMatof k Controller Grout and IresMont m to think that th plat Mr. 3chwab mut feel that be n- Fotnes bia oTice just in tinw. forms cf Tammany and th fusion Uts are po near together that they can fetaud with ono foot on each. Galeeil Forty Pouadn tn Tblft-Days. U Vet f( iril nr r.ths nr jtiunrrr bf o It ia raid that Mr. Cry an ith inrlitf'-tio- o. aUut to take a trip to Europo tbar bhd beo troubk.i averal butcut lie trird iioth tbedeniPcrnts and republic ins ) fforn them. W purct tcce.1t io f Ohio term anxion) tbt ho r,ma of ChaHiWr2iii at.i aLould reimtin f r the campdgn btrr T'-iln- t tDi he cointreoid tak-irthem. In' J a ff thlrtv djs h ka-in fih. II i After March 4, 1004 the triba t Kiined fonrtt jKtno.lJ - t ,i i . rsanizitmn of the iOOOO Indians .. , , ,. who ate now ward of the govern- - Mcrchar.ta, Itraorli, Mo. fmt aa: rant will ceaee and they will b hy all Ir-xl-l- i vine citizen?. An :rJ ;rt0 " 4lMo I (orwalluo avply to auy Tickm Agent or to ia nut dniigeiouH when thin remedy ia given. Jt contains no opium or wit." U ' a It: nuil n " " 9: 6 00 au : u U: e pneumonia. It ia cure for croup. Whooping cough - 4 )) M:'JU i Former Senator Hill is trying to Claimant. Pmt pofclicitloo Hfpt. 11. aa aud there tho European nations; demonstrate that bla preeidentiaJ Lu'. pohUcatlon Oct. 1. is no Monroe Djctrino t-- protect boom would be a boon to the coun liershe will bo ann?xed ery toon. try. -- : i) N.i tars on all ihroupb Tillman ,rvl!0 laciiBU. trlnH, As nine could nhroU rullmikU uJid rurally eluK a" iart cloven biwyers. to Clilrayo. coadui-WtoiirUt or famll) lot Kuve Curtia Jett, Tillman has a Thrt-- priniilljr to New Yorlc City aud llo weekly crniouor St. alno a ceriain Hznall margin. LouIh. Kin via t'UioKO . painplilotd ana all la oeHcrlpti For bin Morroco l'rovu .f iri.,i likii.'.'n " UIawo4 .... " it lira lii" Kxrt 7: ''AVl " " I'i:2i)m lmlvll " VioijleOrek.7M i! 1'iiblo " Colorado SiMv ;w " tU'iiwvr :) "I New im ltrfti.t ul Inn v and I I The finest marksman iu the IJ. it, ia reported that the Empress S. army is E. Hawkins, a colored f China cannot live much longer. When ehe dbs the ruler of the man and quartermaster sergeant Western nations will bo obliged to of tho 21tli infantry. vend the usual meesagea of condo It is rumored that tbo post oflico lence and sympathy to the young officials will secretly celebrate tho emperor. adjournment of tho Washington Oklahoma has no voico in the Section of tho president, yet the democrats of tho territory ore making vioJent threats of what they will do if Cleveland should receive the democratic nomination. (.uelri'jH Hold uy ti e hlKMicn. weeiens m . It cIhiisi', irpnrtiH. Cough Remedy. Itnotnnl) cures colda and grip effectually and permaiuntly, but prevents from remitting in thtae die-easp- Cub.i ia ub ml to 4eutl a fctrong ZoLby and a baud of pre-- a agents to Washington iu look after the intercut of the tvciprocity treaty, the riieru to bo well aqaaiuted with our Congivsa. The Sugar Trust will pay the freight. trieaUst ktiiiwii tuiiicitti'i rcoriKirucU 'id I u 0mf 7i ( OmVeu No2Trli Tnin Ulii-- Trnin Ni l - Deover ucl Ormai Junction ,ii, Nrjihi City, AM. KPKINr.S, DENVKK AND OJNTS BAST. W. VV. CHASE D-- w on every nr fifVLj aW5t?ASiS3 CHp lwa T yf J ay-- a. |