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Show HEPIII HECORD... -- THE A COOK, NBPHI. - PhUIAmi - - fnifMMi - Anglo-Japanes- e UTAH. UTAH STATE NEWS. The typhoid epidemic In Salt Lake City is waning with the advent of cooler weather. Mrs. Laura Stark of Ogden is dead as the result of taking an overdose of laudanum by mistake. The infantry at Fort Douglas, 205 strong, have gone to Fort Riley, Kans., where the fall maneuvers will be held. At Morgan, Charles McGuire, who raised a check from $7 to 70 was sentenced to one year in the penl tentlary. . . o The prospects are now favorable that as early as practicable in the spring the district of Basln will have a cyanide mill in operation. A pamphlet which has just been is sued by the Commercial club to adver tise Salt Lake City devotes two pages to the organ in the tabernacle. Secretary Bateman of the State Fair association announces that the asso ciation cleared over 2,000 on the re cent fair, despite the bad weather. A son of Judge Jacob Johnson of Spring City was thrown from a horse which he was riding, BUS' tainlng a broken collarbone in the ac cident The officers-elec- t of the city of Huntsville will take the oath of office Friday, and the occasion will be cele brated by a banquet and a general good time. A camp of Sons of Confederate Veterans has been formed in Salt Lake City, Fisher Harris, secretary of the Commercial club, having been elected commandant Frank Smith of Letal, aged 15, was shot by a companion while hunting ducks, and fatally Injured. The lad who shot him claimed he did not know his gun was loaded. The educational display at the State Fair was very fine, and was a credit to all the schools. The first attempt at a display in music was given and called forth words of praise. Lars P. Madsen, one of Mt. Pleas- ant's most prominent citizens, fell from his wagon and was run over by the heavy load, breaking bis back. He lived but two hours after the accident Samuel Brlley, a Salt Lake saloon man, attempted suicide by taking mor phine one nlgbt lat week, as the re sult of a protracted spree, but was saved by prompt medical attendance. John H. Seely and James F. Jensen, Mt Pleaeant's two principal thorough bred stock growers, carried off nearly all the first and second prizes for which they had entries at the State Fair. The tenth annual teachers' conven Hon of Utah, held in Salt Lake City last week, was the largest school con ventlon ever held in Utah, and the teachers declare it was a decided success In every way. Lizzie Russell, aged 5, was playing rubblRh fire at her borne in Salt Lake City, when her dress caught fire and she was bo badly burned that death resulted, after several hours of intense suffering. Syracuse people claim the model apple orchard of Utah is located at that place. It Is owned by W. IL Miller and is composed of twenty-fivacres set to winter apple trees that are sow eight years old. A number of the prominent young tnent of Taylorsville have formed an athletic club and will take a part In amateur athletes from now on. They will organize a football team, basket ball team and track team. Five women were badly bruised and shaken up as the result of a collision of a street car with a freight train In Salt Lake City. The collision was due to the slippery condition of the track. The motorman escaped death by Jumping. C. 11. Barnes, aged 33, Rio Grande Western station agent at Sevier, committed suicide Saturday by killing shothimself with a gun. His wife died two years ago In Kansas, and grieving over her death led to the deed. Twenty head of yearling Rambouillet lambs exhibited at the State Fair by J. F. Jensen of Mt Pleasant, have been purchased by Porter & Millan of fc.ackfoot, Ida., the price paid being ISO head. The lambs took two trst prizes and one second prize. sear a - e double-barrelle- pf Other special dispatches describe CONVICTS MAKE DASH FOR FREEDOM Russian war preparations, etc., and the newspapers, which are intensely WAR BETWEEN RUSSIA AND JA- interested in the developments, owing; Seven Desperate Convicts, Among "Nick" Ha worth and James Lynch PAN APPEARS INEVITABLE. to the alliance, are; Are Free for the Time Being, ..... a Whom Were Two Condemned .1 aireaay puDiisnmg maps ana estiWhile Convict Frank Dayton Es Murders, Make an Effort to Relations Between Two Powers Have mates of the navy and military forces Was Killed in Fight With the Reached Such a Stage That a Clash of the prospective belligerents and cape From the Utah State Peril Is Freely Predicted. of Officers. on the possibilities editorializing tentlary. the situation. The greatest attention According to the latest advices from is paid to the changed tone of Baron A desperate attempt was made by worth and Lynch, and it is believed London, it is believed there that the HayashI, the Japanese minister in seven convicts in the Utah peniten Lynch was wounded. relations between Russia and Japan London, who is much less confident Guard Wllkins was shot in the to escape on Friday evening, have reached a crisis, and that war is that peace will be preserved than he tiary and as a result Nick Haworth and thigh by one of the convicts, but the inevitable. It would certainly look as was a week ago. Inquiries in Japan- James Lynch, both condemned to wound is not serious. Guard Jacobs though both powers were making ese banking, shipping and commercial death, are at liberty, while Frank was badly beaten, and while his houses in London, however, elicited preparations for war. one of the ringleaders in the wounds are painful he Is not seriousRussian warships and a transport expressions of disbelief in the out- Dayton, was killed during the break for ly injured. Majors was badly bruised plot, with troops have left Port Arthur for break of war. wall, and the other participants in by his fall from the twenty-foo- t liberty The threat of war between Russia the Korea, and the Russian forces at New a bullet. was one arm and of were by all That grazed, plot recaptured. and Japan is a source of great anxChwang have been increased. Governor Wells has offered a re the in the plot did not esprisoners The Japanese premier and the min- iety at Washington, because such an of $500 each for the return to A. is ward due Alexander to cape probably isters of war. navy and foreign affairs event might at any moment threaten Robertson, Btate of the teller the prison of Lynch and Hadefaulting had a simultaneous audience with the the interests of the United States. Wells.'-Farg& Co.'s bank, of Salt worth. Bloodhounds. have been placed Is more anxiety over Russia's emperor Monday, and it is claimed There sen- on the track of the prisoners; and it than that of Japan, because Lake City, serving a four-yeaattitude' the Japanese are becoming anxious Russia has not kept her word in rewhen hearing he scuffle is believed they will he captured. . tence, who, for a try. at Russia. gard to Manchuria. Some of the prison officials are of between prisoners and the guard from whom they secured the keys to the the opinion that a strange woman who ANOTHER EUROPEAN INVASION. cells, sounded the alarm which speed- called on Nick Haworth recently may ily brought the prison officials to the have had something to do with the scene of the outbreak. Connors, one smuggling of the guns with which the, "New York Gossips Are Awaiting with Interest the Visit to That City of a Number of English Women of Title, Who Are Said to Be Planning to of the ringleaders, saw Robertson run convicts were armed. Turn the Tables on the Galaxy of American Girls Who Have Married Frank Conners said to. a reporter, upstairs to turn In the alarm, and atHlgh-BorEnglishmen." News Item. . tempted to catch him with the evident after he was returned to his cell, that Intention of killing him, but Robert- he was the first man to gain the son managed to elude his purseur by ground on the outside of the wall, and that Lynch was second. He refuses secreting himself in a cell. The men engaged In the outbreak to say anything about the manner in were Nick Haworth, James Lynch, which weapons were obtained, or to Frank Dayton, Harry Waddell, Frank tell who planned the delivery. Other HA VE REACHED CRISIS r n prisoners were equally reticent. Peter Mortensen, a close neighbor of Haworth on murderer's row, was sitting on the bunk In his cell when questioned. He absolutely refused to speak of the matter, and declined to say whether be would have attempted to escape had his cell been unlocked. Nathan F. Haworth, commonly known as "Nick" Haworth, was un der death sentence for the murder of Nlghtwatchman Robert Sandall In the Farmers' Union store at Layton. The death penalty was imposed on June 201900. The prisoner confessed to the crime after his arrest and In his appeal to the supreme court for a new trial, his attorney attempted to prove that he was insane at the time of the confession. The fact that he attempted suicide at the time of his arrest was also urged to prove Insanity. James Lynch was convicted of murder In the first degree for the death of Colonel Godfrey Prowse In the Sheep Ranch gambling house in Salt Lake and sentenced to death January 11, 1900. Robert L. King, who assisted Lynch in the hold-uof the place, is also under death sentence In the penitentiary. The escaped convict had a record before coming to this mate, and sened time in Idaho under the name of Welch. Frank Dayton, the man shot dead, was serving a twelve-yeaterm for the robbing and shooting of Dr. Kimball In Salt Lake City In 1900. After robbing bis victim Dayton attempted to shoot him. and In avoiding a death wound Mr. Kimball was shot through the palm of his right hand. He was confined in the penitentiary on Oc- Connors, Abe Majors and Edward Mullen. But for the assistance of Shuckers, a convict, the delivery would have been wholesale. Other convicts rendered aid to the overpowered guards. Maxwell, serving time For Some Time the Titled Foreigner Has Been Preferred by Our Heir esses to the Exclusion of the Home Product, but for a bank robbery at Sprlngvllle, saved the life of Guard Jacobs. When overpowered and beaten almost Into Insensibility by the gang of convicts, Jacobs was dragged from his perilous position by the prisoner. The enraged mob turned upon Maxwell and beat him down with their weapons. Three of the convicts were armed with revolvers at the time of the escape. Lynch is still in possession of his. Another weapon was found on the person of Waddell and another When th Latter Begin to Receive the Flattering Attentions of the English on Majors. The chambers of one had Ladlas been fired. The delivery had been carefully planned and was desperately attempted. Just before locking up time Guard Zebulon Jacobs, who Is stationed at the north cell house, went down the corndcrr to turn the giant bolts. It was a few minutes past 6 at the time. He reached the door of the south cell house and started Inside. On entering the door he was struck down by the desperate convicts and beat Into Undoubtedly There Will be a Grand, though Belated, Recognition of the Suinsensibility. It was during this enperior Charms of the Domestic Article. counter that Maxwell Interfered and was cruelly beaten over the head. The Sentenced to Life Imprisonment Death Was Suspicious. were secured from Jacobs and keys A special from Glendlve, Mont, The Chautauqua county. New York, the convicts started for the "death says -- ohn Klnahan was on Monday grand jury convened Monday, and row," where the men condemned to sentenced to life Imprisonment, and will begin an investigation into the death are confined, meeting Guard John Wilson to fifteen years In the sudden death of a pretty young Dave Wllklns, overpowering him, and penitentiary, for the murder of two woman which occurred at a hotel In marching him on ahead. Unlocking r tourists on a moving North- the village of Flndlay Lake. The girl the iron grating which swings open ern Pacific train near Wibaux a few registered as Nellie Gray of Pittsburg, In front of Haworth's cell, they shoutweeks ago. The murdered men were which Is believed to be an assumed ed to him to his freedom. Huraccept on their way to the Dakota wheat name. Her home Is believed to be In riedly they opened the door of fields. One lies unidentified In the Marionville, Pa. Two physicians perLynch's cell, and were starting on anpotter's field at Wibaux. The second formed an autopsy on the body, and other, when, In their hurry and comwas Thomas McGowan. A third har- today Dr. Henry Chapln of Findlay motion, they dropped the keys upon vester was badly wounded. Lake waa placed under arrest the floor. They were Instantly seized by Ed Shuckers, another convict, who had been attracted to the place by the 7 noise. They had failed to discover him In the crowd and did not observe hlra as be stealthily placed the keys in his pocket. Then he stepped Inside an -JS vf--empty cell and turned the key In the lock. Searching for be keys the convicts were losing time. Other prisoners were shouting to them for liberty. "We are loping time," said Lynch, who assumed the leadership as soon as be was liberated. "To bell with the p r box-ca- IS THE WATER ALL OUT d Chicago Record Herald. tober A, 1900. Harry Waddell, the ringleader of the plot, and who was shot In th right thigh, was serving a sentence for burglary and assault with a deadly weapon with Intent to ten-yea- r do bodily harm. On February 21, 1902, he was sentenced to a term of seven years on the first charge and on the second to three years, which sentence will take effect after the expiration of the former. The man took a leading part in the jail break and wan foremost In the assault upon the two After beinr badly guards. wounded he attempted to rise from the ground and get away and was only prevented ly the timely Interference of Guard Fchulze. Abraham R. Mators. alias James Morgan, was serving a life sentence for the killing of Captain Brown of the 0?den police force In 1601. Majors and his brother had been brought to bay by the officers after having others; we haven't time." a man. The two men put up loss of the keys probably pre- rr,bd The a decperafe fight with the officers, vented the delivery from the cells of Ix.fh ('attain Rrown and Majors' King, Mortensen and Itotha. all await- brother being killed In the battle. Majors was sentenced on October 8, 1901. ing execution. fvdward Joeph Ftillen, who was a men dash seven made The thn on th arm by a ball from one grazed but of outer the prison, walls for the of the guard s guns, and who put up the officials had been made sware of a vicious fight for his liberty, has the outbreak by this time, and gave been In the prison but a short time. chase. A ladder was secured by the Hj was found ruilty of the crime cf ritenced to three yeara robbery snd convicts and they quickly scaled the and six months on April 21st of this wall. The leaders had barely reached year. Frank Conners, another life man, the ground when the guards opened fire and Dayton was killed and Wad was convicted rf the murder of OfFtrone at I'rcvo on the dell wounded the latter falling on the ficer William of Jure 27, 1833. He was morning body of tne former. One of the guards t nvirted rf tie murder in the. first grappled with Majors on top of the wall and succeeded In throwing him to the ground below, where: he lay itunned. The other prisoners wera all captured with the exception of Ha- - in-si- do dcree j and sentenced to life imprisonment on Ortoter 9. 1813. H Raid to be on f,t the shrewdest rf th convicts In the penitentiary and 4 tr.oueht to have been one of the chief conspirators In the well laid plot 1 |