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Show ADMIRAL SCHLEY ENDORSES SCHLEY, one of the foremost, notable heroes of the Century. A name that starts terror in the heart of every Spaniard. A man of steady nerve, clear head, undaunted courage and prompt decision. Approached by a friend recentlyi his opinion was asked as to the efficacy of Peruna, the national catarrh remedy. Without the slightest hesitation he gave this remedy his endorsement. It ap peared on later conversation that Peruna has been used in his family, where it is a favorite remedy. Such endorsements serve to indicate the wonderful hold that Peruna has upon the minds of the American people. It is out of the question that so great and famous a man as Admiral Schley could have any other reason for giving his endorsement to Peruna than his positive conviction that the remedy is all that he says it is. ADMIRAL 14$ ggj 9 issues Free. The New Subscriber who etiti out and sends this slip or tbo Mine of this Paper at one with $1.75 will receive: All th Issue ol The Companion for the remaining; weeks ol 1903. The Thanksgiving-- . Christmas and New Year' Double Number. Tbo Youth' Companion "Springtime)" Calendar lor I 04. llth. graphed In twelve color and (old. o Issue ol The Companion lor 1904 a library Than the ol the best reading; lor every member of the family, qjot FUZ.L ANNOUNCEMENT AND SAMPLE COPJB9 OP THE PAPER FREE. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. BOSTON. MASS. Free cttrrnr. A X-'- MJ f I it k .1 1 W. L. DOUCLAS 3.SS&3SHOESSE cas $3 to $5 av from Ton yearly by iJ0 or wearing W. L. Douglas They equal those 3 shoe. that have) been rating rrtt from fl.oo The '..00 iiald f W. L. Itotigla shore prove their n priority OTef all other mikM. fcoM by retail shoe dealers everywhere. Look tor name and on bottom. prW Tkst Host la r. astnit srsres lhre I la Peeclss (area l the Meftvt bs iDit Pff iff L rt rt.tl Hit rnourb tc Cin- ino anroow of lis fslitn. 1 tVomn sil over the country for what 5 prslin Taitine In ft Ji?i,'.'ji' h efrione mr frmale Ills, rurlnf sil InftsmmsMon and d.hnrf-- s. wonorful s Kir tnrost. nM ftffinl rtoch. rl.nlo rno'Mh wh for sn1 to rmo la snd whiten the tetb. Rml wxlay; m postal eard Will oo. t.oirtbTrtmrcUlenrsmtrwwtpitM hyoe. BO C fcer !! rt 4s. On' $4 0IU llttmtmmt Ska hf sssil, IWH eef. Catalog free, W. L. ti etlre. M. JkLJ i I Shores I i riAif 1 1 1 1 i .ti .! rrttmpt reum I Wl ifsnail4. s.i oM Ogatn Assay Co. SI -- C Mass. A. Greatest Railway Earning. The v. lid Goose railway, seven miles long, from Nome to Anvil Creek. earned its total first cost within thirty days of its opening, and shows in creased earnings each year. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do not stain the hands or spot the kettle, ex cept green and purple. The Impatient Father. "Mr. Phamley, began the yonng man. "with Emma's consent I have come to say that I would like to take your daughter away from you next " "What?" shouted her June, and father, starting up. "Why er I trust you have no objection. Surely you can't expect her to stay with you " "I didn't expect her all the time to stay with me all the time till June. What's the matter with thla Octo ber?" Philadelphia Press. Rates Via "Santa Route" To Boston, Baltimore, Minneapolis Detroit, Atlanta and other points. For particulars, address C. F. Warren General Apent. A. T. & S. F. Tty., 411 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Cheao Passenaer F Directing the Rainfall. The' Mandans, a tribe of American Indians, have a curious custom as re-rar- producing wTn! U.. Salt jr'iT. ftrt fi IS Thibis! that fJcnay tnd CCi Cliur Eiparicnca cm product . coio. At aU stores, or ly mail for lh prk. . u nit r'U L Iff In fop-f.- Uke-No.- 42, 1903- HALL Ct IIUCKCL, New - VH f V mmm. Tk. lltB tlio Cougli nt U OfTlIio Laxative iJromo gnininTfiMpt. niwf ..ti m f. and stopping Yoriu UIIUIIIa.llllt.uu I..IU..I MiS.BI IlidUIUte cured. 31 W.J Tmnl-- $t .ltaktir,Ut(v rain. This business is mainly in the bands of the young men, who volunteer to stand in turn upon the roof of a hut trom sunrise to sundown vociferously commanding the rain to fall or cease. They are assisted by the medicine men, who meanwhile perform their mysteries Inside the hut The youaat men who fail retire In di?Tace, but the winner ranks as a medicine man, an honor always won, for the ceremony Is kept going daily until suc cess is attained. 8orws TOOTH P0WQSS3 When Arswerirta Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. til ob. le?Tffifflisi,B, pole Ktttl'mrli s;Brnirett, iri"0 tt HI, llmun, tslambil bs. larar TI1K K. 1'AXTHX Accomplishes Foolhardy Feat. Simeon Strabrovsky, a fisherman born at Odessa, has Just accomplished the hazardous feat of sailing alon in a small boat through the Black-sefrom Odessa to Constantinople He has returned to his native town, and there, the "Patrle" says, he wai 200. presented with a check for even comnot a did have Strabrovsky pass to direct him, but steered hli Work BLELtADLE ASSAYS, twi ni i MilsoJ JL A nr rrrh. $,tjc. lllatrt4 Hw. Krorlloa. rs, iv;r.-v- -i I free. Thi i'm.t sbolatlrmtil. but a larre tiny TuMng. ! f power ff 1'sstln we will ntiecpiin ce trim txwxur with hook of lntrueloo tMAl lollet f. Mrs. Wlnslow's Roothlnr mtiup.' me Km, reduces to. For children teething, soft-cCammstlou, allay spam, cures wlud colic 3ScabolUe PIso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of aa 328 Third Ave., H., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. ft. UXA FREE TO WOMEN! rove tho hra and iin-m- n . a cough euro. J. W. O'Bkibn; Wilton Lackaye's Commtnt. The other day Richard Harding Davis was reading a new play to a goodly company of actors and newspaper men in a Broadway manager's office. Among these was Wilton Lackaye. After Mr. Davis had concluded a particularly effective third act he paused and turned expectantly to the little group of listeners. The applause from Mr. Lackaye's corner was tumultu ous. "Bravo! Bravo!" he exclaimed enthusiastically, looking at the man whom Artist Gibson loves to draw. "Davis, you ouaht to be a writer." Oversensitive Japanese! Tie Japanese race possess too sensitive a nervous system, which predisposes them to melancholy. Our people are more fond of tragedy than comedy in drama and novels. This state of things must be remedied, and the nervous system of our people must b better attended to. Thysical cdu cation demands, therefore, greater at tntlon on the part of our students and educators. Toklo Jlji. ipJ ,- -, craft by the stars. fifty-tw- mtip Pe- - d a Annual Subscription Offer. fell unnii.-ilifie- Mountain of Alum. In China, about twelve miles from the village of Lion Chek, there is a mountain of alum, which, In addition to being a natural curiosity, Is a source of wealth for the Inhabitants of the country, who dig from it yearly tons of alum. The mountain ia not less than ten miles in circumference at its base and has a height of nearly 2,000 feet. The alum is obtained by quarrying large blocks of stone, which are first heated in great furnaces and then in vats filled with boiling water. The alum crystalizes and forms a lay er about six inches in thickness. This layer is subsequently broken up into blocks weighing about ten pounds each. THE THE FAMILY PAPER OP NATIONAL CIRCULATION. THE LIFE IT PICTURES AND COUNTRY. CHARACTERS IT HELPS TO MOLD ARE TYPICAL OF OUR TIMES AND to , The fact is Peruna has overcome all opposition and has won its way to the hearts of the people. The natural timidity which so many people have felt about giving endorsements to any remedy is giving way. Ofatituae ana a aesire to neip tuners nas. inspireu uiousanus 01 people to give public testimonials lor 1'eruna wno neretoiore would not have consented to such publicity. Never before in the annals of medicine has it happened that so many men of national and international reputation have been willing and nublic endorsements to a proprietary remedv. tn No amount of advertising could have accomplished such a result. T .. . . u nnn j. ciuwa una wuii wu its j i mnfe iwwio. l'enins rc rararrh fit- whatpver receives is so many phase or location in the human body. This why it notable and unique endorsements. Address The Peruna Drug M'f'g Co., Columbus, Ohio, for free literature on catarrh. The Youth's Companion J A. PE-RU-- N Drug Co., Columbus. Ohio: Gentlemen: "I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley has taken and 1 believe with good effect.99 W. S. SCHLEY, Wcshington, D, C. ru-n- a . Thirst of Seedy Individual Remained .... Pe-ru-- na the Morning. NO DRINK. ADVICE, .BUT PrtcwSoo. Apropos of the humorous referenc to the somnolence of Judges made bj James M. Beck, formerly assistant at torney general of the United Stales at the dinner of the llardwicke socl ety in London, an English paper re calls that during the protracted ses sions of the ParnplI comnjislon Jus tice Day habilualiy sat with close eyes. It was commonly supposed thai his lordship was sleeping, and thi late Sir Frank Ixckwood, ob3ervinj that the learned Jjdso was very mud awakened by a little tiff between th president and Sir Charles Ruosell, ex claimed quite audibly: "This ia thi dawn of Day!" Omaha Bee. The Cause of Things. With a vast unrest In hi heaving-- breast And his knees uplifted high. He He on his bed with a throbbing; head And attributes his pain to pie. But th applo pie was less at fault Than the man's Inordinate greed of malt. Unquenched. He was a seedy looking individual. and as he stood upon the corner gazing wistfully at the disappearing form of the newsboy who had Just picked up a good sized stump and was making off with the prize, there was a vague aspect of despair in his attitude which was very touching. Perhaps it was this which attracted the attention of a party who was and passing by, perhaps It was something else, but however, this may be, the party stopped, andat the gazing solitary figure, addressed lt tnus. .0i4 man wouldn't .you like to have a drink this morning? "You've read me as accurately as though my thoughts were printed on an open page," replied the Solitary, taking his quid from his mouth, and Passing a dilapidated coat sleeve over I ' "I thought so,"' murmured the mild- looking party, while a tear trickled down hia cheek; "but conquer the de sire. Fight it as you would a legion of devils, for drink has ruined many a man who had a more expansive fore head than you've got." And then the party continued on his way, and the Soli tary gazed dreamily Into space and communed with himself. mild-lookin- mlld-lookln- g g I Sallow and 111. with a giant pill ' In his hand, and a look of fright. irx hi easy chair hear the victim sweat At the lobster he ate last night. But an Innocent lobBter you need not fear If you don't combine champagne and beer. mild-lookin- g DE WET SAW THE POINT.' Former Boer General Appreciated a Compliment Paid His People. General Christian Do Wet, formerly the fighting commandant in the Boer army and nicknamed "the fox" be'Peaches and cream brought a dreadful cause of the many cunning stratagems dream. he employed to outwit the British, Is Said the man to his wife next day; tow in this country. Before he left 'Call me a brut If I eat more fruit. I m In really a dreadful way." south Africa an American correspond But don't you remember," th wife re ent asked the general why he did not plied. hands with the Boers who were Join 'Those high ball and green chartreuse beside T going to America to form a colony. "I've heard of your country", said The Other Girl. De Wet, grumly. "A traveler told me How fair you looked that night In May, that what an American throws away Wher you and muslo held full swayl in a year would support a dozen. With .eager haste I clasped your waist. To Claim you for a twirl; Chinamen families during that time." And when, the dancing done, I told "True," said the correspondent, "and To willing ears th story old. If that which would support twelve Tour soft reply was "yes," and X families were accepted by one Chinese th other girl. Forgot Boer he would not be able at the end In lustrous silk and filmy veil a year to defend himself against of Ton stood before the altar rail. one of the heathen." bide as sweet as one oould meet, De Wet appreciated the compliment. Qf womanhood the pearl: Bui aa w turned to face th alale. 'Perhaps," he said, more pleasantly. shadow crossed your winning srall. traveler meant that the discard "the In In view. a pew And, plainest saw ed other the I toothpicks of the Americans would girl. make the chop sticks of the Chi Dear Rose, you are a charming wife I nese. For ten glad years you're made my life A happy lot. and I would not "Perhaps," said the correspondent. of having conquered the fierce Chang place with an earl; proud Tet sometimes, when you pout and frowry warrior. Or wear an unbecoming: gown. My thoughts fly back along Time's track To greet the other girl. Up to Date. . Brooklyn Life. " Coffee Jelly. cup of coffee is undoubtedly A hot a powerful stimulant enabling both mental and physical fatigue to be borne. But coffee disagrees with many persons, disturbing their stom- lchs by interference with digestion. For this clsss the London Lancet sug gests the use of coffee Jelly, which is squally pleasant. It assuage thirst tnd neutralizes excessive acidity of ihe stomach. ORIGIN. Of a Famous Human Food. The sujry of great discoveries or In ventions is always of Interest An active brain worker who found himself hampered by lack of bodily strength and vigor and could not carry out the plans and enterprises he knew how to conduct was led to study various foods and their effects upon the human system. In other words before be could carry out his plans be bad to find a food that would carry him along and renew bis physi cal and mental strength. He knew that a food that was a brain and nerve builder, (rather than mere fat maker), was universally needed. He knew that meat with the average man docs not accomplish the desired results. He knew that the soft gray substance In brain and nerve centers Is made from Albumen and Phosphate of Potash obtained from food. Then be started to solve the problem. Careful and extensive experiments the now famous evolved Grape-Nuts- , contain the brain fjod. Grape-Nutand nerve building food elements In condition for easy digestion. . The re sult of eating Grape-Nutdaily Is a in marked seen sturdlness easily and activity of the brain and nervous system, making It a pleasure for one lo carry on the daily duties without fatigue or exhaustion. The food is In no sense a stimulant but is simply food which renews and replaces the dally waste of brain and nerves. Its flavor Is charming and being fully and thoroughly cooked at the factory It Is served Instantly with cream. The signature of the brain worker ppofcen of. C. W. Post, Is to be seen on each genuine package of Crape- Nuts. Look In each package for a copy of the famous little book, "The Road to Wellviiie." s s Cm. Kor on me, all ye people, I'm a gorgeous slRht; dreis, a smart rrestion. This hat is my dllftht: I Wd my brindled bulldog And Just as pure as fate I promenade ench evenlntr. For I'm strictly up to dale. And when I go out riding In my new trap. My Pari gown nd hat, so gay And swell Imported wrap; Of cours I have a drlvrr. And a foolmnn so update. I know that I'll pans muster, Kor I'm strictly up to date. Sometimes I take my stito Juit to cut a tilRKT dash; If jfoplf will Kft In my path They must expect a orah; We really can't look out for theba Aa we perambulate. The common people must give way For we are up to date. We dah out In the country To see the people stare; We round the corners with a whls Knntizh to raise your hair! Our chauffeur grins a fiendish grin, And. awful to reiale. O'T wake Is atrewn with wreckage, For I'm strictly up to date. My two-wair- d Would Also Be at Home. Two of Ihe most eminent lawyers at the Philadelphia Bar were the late Benjamin Harris Brewster and his half brother, Frederick Carroll Brewster. Both had held the office of attorney general of the United Slate. They had not been on friendly terms for many years. It Is said that on one occasion a mutual friend tried to bring them together, and finally Fred C. consented to bury the hatchet and sent Benjamin H. a card containing his name, with the words written underneath. "At home on Monday evening. May 1." By the same messenger Benjamli. IL sent a card In return, which reat thus: "Benjamin H. Brewster also at home Monday evening. May 1." This ended negotiations forever. She Knew Herself. The story Is told of an old lady who has lived all her life in Germantown, as have generations of her family. The other day she Is said to have consulted a young physician freh from his honors at the University of Pennsylvania. "What do you think Is the matter with me?" afkfd the lady. blood "I am inclined to think yo-iIs not pure, ma'larn. Ill have to glre you something to p'T'-fJ"Sir!" paid the oM lady, with dignity, "you are probably not aware thai I belong to one of the oldest families In Philadelphia !" r " it" |