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Show v X PAGE SIX PROVO (UTAH) DAILY HERALD, THURSDAY, JUGUST 24, 1939 SECTION TWO A uiihess COLORFUL INDIAN' DANCE- CEREMONIALS .v BY PROF KARL YOUNG v. Last week end a dozen or. so people from. Prove, drove . five hundred mile3 . to Gallup, New ilexico,. and in so doing turned back the clock as many hundred year. At least, as they settled down to watch the opening performance per-formance of the eighteenth annual Inter-tribal Ceremonials," the illusion, il-lusion, that-the ages had reeled backward grew on them,' and the memory of mild Utah Valley faded fad-ed before a - pisiori of primitive America made real andfrvital by the presence of several, Jthousand Indians. V '- . Indian athleles', cowboys, " medicine-men. and dances;. Indian house-wives, coquettes, grandmothers, grand-mothers, and children; Indian pottery-makers, weavers, silversmiths, silver-smiths, and artists Apaches, Na- vajos, cneyennes, ana nopis m fact- Indians from thirty distinct tribes had come here tO'"the-place by-the-bridge" .for four days, of ceremonial dances, horse-races, .'and sports They were guests of the business-men ;' of ; Gallup, and - the town was theirs. This was the . one big event of the year for many ' Indian families from the : remote hills of the reservations. In creak ing wagons, on sweat-stained horsey they had come to celebrate in an - all-Indian show. , - . ' Formal Pattern V : The whites . were , there ' too, thronging;, from the - east and ' south; from cities and well-tilled farm lands, arriving by motor and pullman at this hard, dry town in the pinon-studded Navajo country coun-try They had corae'rto see the In-, .xiiana that Buffalo Bill Cody knew nothing of. These Indians were not V mere barbarians in paint., and V feathers; they were people rooted bacime, n LEG PAIuS BE DAHGEn SIGH Of Tired Kidneys v r j . If ba-ekaeb. end tec paina are making yoa arii rabte. don't juat eooipliun end do nothing-about nothing-about them. Nature may b warning you that your fckl nays ned attention. Tbe kidneys ere Nature' chief way of taking rxeees eeida and poionoua. uU out of tbe blood. Host popU paaa about 3 pinta a day or erwmt 3 pounds of waste. - . v t requent or scanty paaaajree wit imarting and txirtwaf show tbere nay be something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. If, tea 15 rottea,of-kidney tube and filter , don t work well. 'poisonous waate matter stays fca the blood. The poisons may atart nagging backacfcae. rbeumaUc paina. leg pains, Ium ci peo and energy. 'get ting up ntgbta,' ewelUng, paSneaa uxtdr ibe eyea. nendachea and dinineaa. lon'l watt. .'Aak your druggist, for Doan'a PUla. used successfully by muuorte for over 40 year. Tbey rive happy relief and will help the i3 nule ot kidney tut flush out r ' paste from tha blood. GaC Doan'a Fil in deep and meaningful traditions. They-had a culture as specific and complex as that of many of tne white people who came .to see them." The especially interesting thing about them was that they expressed their tribal r beliefs through the dance. The surprising thing was that the patterns of the dance were strict v arid formal. Martha Graham's routines for her dance troupe are not jmore definite defi-nite and fixed than the. religious dances of the Indian. In j costumes of ' gorgeously blended; colours groups of picked dancers portrayed portray-ed their most striking2 dances, performing .. seriously and with equal dignity' the intricate steps and the simple stamping rhythms of their various' ceremonies. . . f , No intelligent White manTtbuld have seen the complete program of dances at Gallup without feeling" feel-ing" respect and admiration for the Indian who has been so often misunderstood.. . . . r , . .' . ' Included in the. Provo' group werer Mr. and MrsSKarl Young, Mr. and Mrs. " Roberts IC. Allen, Mrs. Orea B4 Tanner, Floyd.Corna-by, Floyd.Corna-by, Thera Lou Olsen, and friends from New York. m v 4-t 3 Ac liduemcn t Exercises Set- poisonous 'ilia. (adv) .The annual 4-Hi club achieve ment exercises for r-all 'clubs the Springville district will be held - next Wednesday, 'August S0, ' at Memorial hall, announces Mrs. . J. - C. Nielson, supervisor, in charge jDf arrangements, i The doors oflhe hall wlirbe open from 9:30 a. to li:a.rn-..c to receive ; articles made in club work, during .the summer, These will be on display at xne hall in connection .with the . achievement exercises in, which those ywixo have - completed their work will receive-, pins. There will alsoVbe a style re viewj auring theVaf ter-noon, ter-noon, the program to begin Vat 2:30 p: m. ; . " c; r Nearly a ; hundred club - members mem-bers are expected -to participate. The public .is . invited to attend and . see the accomplishments . of the club members for vthesum- - - . -,.- mer. . ... j . . I NUDIST CAMP ODDLY NAMED V ' I LOS ANGELES V.T$--Il efforts of county -authorities "to abolish nudist colonies . succeed, some charming names . willgo off the county, map. j The ""present nudist colonies are; "known as Fraternity, Fraterni-ty, Elysia, . Land' , of Moo and Shangrija. .:; J r X Here's What Million Looks Like X If yoa ever make your million, Earl A. Bauby of Chicago's Federal . Reserve Bank shows what you will nave. fuea:ru&i ue fives. 25,00D tens and 25,000 twenties. It wUI pack .intca suitcase four feet long, 26 li inches high and six inches aeep. SPRINGVILLE REPORTS MRS. MANILA BROWN, Repprter, Phone 223-V : I Ji. Miss Naxjmi . Deal of Los An geles, Calif., and Mrs. - Ella : D. Strain -of-San Diego, Calif., ' are spending their vacation " in this city, "at the Deal hornet . . f ' ' ' - ' . T : '- X' ' Complimentary to m:ss Olive Brown of San Francisco, Calif;; a - former teacher in Springville, who visited here one day last week, Mrs.' 'Floss ; Johnson entertained enter-tained at an ' informal tea afc. her home in the v.afternoon. There were "approximately "'o guests in attendance including former, -students and rls vwho ; knew .'Miss Brown., s,, y - - -.. Mr. and Mrs.' Joseph Elsraore of Eioche;Nev.rwere guests last Friday atthe. home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bulkey. j - ' - . - rAX .. sj i; - . Mr and Mrs. Glenn . Blackett of Huntington ;fark, Calif ; Mrs. Maxine' Blackett - ' and - Mrs. Jane"" Beddoes of Maywood, Cal.' are guests of Mr and-Mrs.', Lloyd Bulkley and ; are t also ' visiting others relatives and . friends in Springville. , . For her little"daughter,-Norma Rae," Mrs. RayN Simkins entertained enter-tained at a birthday party ' at her home Tuesday. She ,was three years -old. The group enjoyed games on the" lawn and . a dainty lunch.. In attendance were about 15 little friends. - . A .' 'Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cherring-. ton, and MrJand,Its..B.,Pal-. ireyman and daughter Helen, went toxTuhl,' Idaho, the past week end to attend funeral services ser-vices for J F. Thomas, 'husband ot Mrs, , Lucinda Cherrington Thomas. v v Mrs Mijlie Bird Of this city, spentthe past- week with Mrs. Millie Montgomery ; ' at ;Heber City. , ' , --'''I f' , '; 1 - Miss, Verona Condie, accompanied accom-panied by Miss : H6rmoine Robinson, Robin-son, ' Jess Lee and Lynn iNeison returned to Afton Wyo., Sunday Rafter, spending the, week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Condie. here. Miss ; Robinson has been .visiting,: Springville. two weeks in ' Mrs. Ethel Robison of Salt Lake City. i has returned '. to' her home following two . Aveks visit witl her mother, Mrs. Agnes Mc-Kee, Mc-Kee, and other; relatives, all of whom -entertained extensively for her 'during. ' her, 'stay. - Miss .Ruth Sanford,"-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanf ord, has returned to her ' home; Ihere after -spending a year in - West-field, West-field, New Jersey., -, , x Mrs. Eva Starr of Richfield.' has been visiting relatives and friends in Springville. . X A I n I n i t it t 1 - V - - . UL U U U UUUL7 i sooTEiimn . :.v, - ' r - N, 1,' x X. ' X:' . - - . - i - . . . ...... , ; . . . ' - . - .'' . . ' -v Will Pay a iReWaVd of FIVE THOUSAND DQL- ($5000) for information leading to thear-' thear-' rest and Conviction of person or persons resporisi- x Iile for wrecking Train X - : - . . of San Francisco) near, Hafney? Nevada, about An x r- t i a t - 'A 101r (Streamliner City 9:30 p..m. Saturday, August 12, 1939 Vr 4- Information should be furnished to D. OT0NNELL, Chief Special Aent, Southern Pacific dompany) G5 Market Street, San Francisco, CaU or to the OFFICES OF THE FEDERAL BURE2AU OF INVESTIGATION INVES-TIGATION UiS.-Department of Justice, ill Sutter Buiidingr SanV Francisco, CaL, or .301 Continental Bank Building, Salt Iake City, v ' v : X X Vice President. in'Charge of Operations X1 - " . August'15, 19.19. San Francisco, CaL - - Mr. and' Mrs. - Dan vCopeland have .returned - to their home In Los Angeles', CalifT, gaffer vspend-r ing the . summer with Mrs. Cope-lands Cope-lands parents, - MfC and Mrs. Roy Cates. Mr, Copeland will return to his work with the U.- S. Spring & Bumper company. . Li LwuU U rrrn. L0r Li3L:3Qii3n Oi Plans for the opening and dedication dedi-cation of the $340,000 TJtah . Valley Val-ley hospital are goingf forward rapidly, announces ice' President Presi-dent R. J. Murdock of the hospital hos-pital board of directors. ,; Mr. Murdock is acting president in the absence of President Franklin, S. Harris, 'on- leave' of absence to - Persia. A program, , dedication ceremonies cere-monies and openhouse inspection will be held Sunday, . September 10. Thereafter the hospital will be closed . for a' week to prepare for reception of patients, then oft ficiallyopened for operation MondaysSeptember Mon-daysSeptember 18y , " ,Tabernacle . Program , The program has beenrset-for 2 p. m. September 10 in' the stake tabernacle. Installation of the bronze -plaque,, sealing xjf . the do- nors box, and dedication will follow at' the Utah Valley hospital. hospi-tal. President Heber J. Grant has been invited to dedicate the building. build-ing. v . . ' v General inspection of the hospital hos-pital by the public, with Superintendent Super-intendent Freda Consigny in charge, will conclude the activities. activi-ties. The public is invited, and the board of, directors is anxious that a large crowd be present to , in- won the first game of . the layoff. A softball- dance, regular event cf the y league, : is planned for I August-31. President Louis Clegg. said today. The! dance wiirbe held at Arrowhead. - spect pital. the modern, spacious hos- . U-S, Springuill Jaagb or Groun SPANISH FORK Utafi-Idaho Sugar company, ' representatives of Spanish Fork in the Central Utah softball league, will meet Springville, first half winners, for the title here. Monday. , The; Sugar company team, second sec-ond half champs, dropped Spring-villo Spring-villo " in tn i. In thi 'swnnrt f,imf of the series Monday. Springville A PIQUANT SIGN r , WARNS DRIVERS . OTIS, Mass. (CP) ThiK little town has a unique way of greet-ingv greet-ingv visitor, j Signs ' sat Hhe town lineproclaim " You are entering God's Country. Don't drive through ,1ike liell Cranium Answers Question on Page 1, Ser. -. 1. Ixmis leads. Hdyvvard, rom:int-ic 2. Ann gangster's Sheridan, moll, " I- oomph r.i'1. 3. Jack Denny, comedy roles. 4. Ginger Roger3," dancing star; f. '-Jimmy Cagru-y, ;anster. lype- - ' ;,.'. ; r ".'- C. Jeanette MarDonald, sinking-star, sinking-star, n ' Any Size Roll DEVELOPED and PRINTED for 35c . 1 Xand Twice-a-Day Service "T J0 Discount an Eastman Film "HEDQUIST 3WQ 7 v. Mrs vPeter. Nielson -has returnr ed from Tuscon, Ariz., Where, she had been visiting her daughter, Elaine, :wKo is" convalescing from a recent illness; also another daughter - who. is; empldyed as ; a nursein a government -hospitai there. j " 2. The. Primary stake board, under un-der the. direction of President Mae Huntington, ' will entertain at their, annual party for primary officers and teachers Friday afternoon, af-ternoon, at ParkXRo-SherThe social had previouslybeen announced an-nounced forArrowheadv" resort, but has been .changed. Members " of 'the Fidelity club resumed their parties with a meeting ;last Wednesday night, at the home ofMrs. , Olive Miller, following a summer recess. Bridge .was the feature of entertainment7 en-tertainment7 following a ; delicious delici-ous luncheon. Prizes for the gameswere won by Mrs. Flora MaibsnMrs. Royv Cates1 and Mrs, Fay Cranmer. Otners in attendancewere attend-ancewere ' Mrs., Ann Johnson, Mrs. Rose Roylance, Mrs. Delia Dallin, Mrs, Mary Clegg and Mrs Marie Morgan,, the latter : being welcomed - as, unew, member. Ecsy to Build . Gr Improuc 1 - , . -;:AVith Our Low Interest Monthly Payment Plan! XxiBERAL APPRAISALS and . V Minimum; Requirements together with our ' . Quick and Complete LOAN SERVICE will assure you a New Home in record time. Make application and submit plans and specie fications NOW I 1 T . FIRE INSURANCE BONDS AUTO INSURANCE ' a. f mm 1C0"PURE PENrirulL Perriiit No. tW Uu 33c PervQuart 1 Quart ' Sealed Can.; . 2Sc Second flOC QlyCan..il5v For.;....37c , Double Your ,, Money Back on GOLD CHEST RAZOft BLADES v You Are Not Satisfied Double edge, super tfatntype.Packageof 9. First Pkg 15c Second ryfi pkg a y 2 ?kgs. For.. 22c i - V--"f7y i M1 - DE LUXE TWIN POINT" SPARK PLUGS . Guaranteed x ur.Resv'. Price 1 Plug.. 59c 1g-...fl)' 2 Plugs For. . . 58c jf7& 1 TIser Heavy N Duty nashn-ht , Cell 1st Battery... . 8c Second 6 Battery... 2 For...; IV.. 12c S For.. ISc -i-r- 't.. J CACzin PAirrr Excellent ifiudity, all poptiUr pastel ahMea. t One coat covers. First 61b.Pkg.'....C3c' Second y 6 , 2 6-lb. PkgsU-C3 - AH Popular Shades, Top Quality Our regular price, 61b.Pkg 20c Second 51b.Pkg.aU ' 2 6-lb.Pkgs.E2c if- i i i;t u ir M!Mif mm win i COWTIWU-'Pc: ItM fant ' these W,n Rational e ptcli HQ ? The?..fr!c"' effect W 50 GALLONS FUEL OIL INCLUDED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE I I WITH THESE CORONADO DELUXE .. OIL CIRCULATORS Latest type .heating unit including , new heat intenaifier. New modern exclusive Corouado design. Burns low cost fuel oil with minimum coo-v, sumption. s , , , Model 10300, 10 inch size, heats S to rooms. 1 gj:....:.r,5595o Model 10S3G, IS inch size, hea'a S'rooma. AS LOW AS r ,f $10 iCR WEEK ai..-...G9SO Coronado model S9G10. 10 inch size circulator. " - , ft1 hdy , . L. " If MANAGER'S SALE SPECIAL! y . -1 Gamble's Super 8 , ' Bib Front Overalls - Our special sale price on overalls or - - JKIA1i HWi ...... Abaotuteiy top juality construction Bar tacked at strain potnta. Sanfor- - ized shrunk. Triple gbickness wh strain comes. - CAMCLE'S SUPER I WAIST BAND OVERALLS Tha ideal summer work garment. Men's Sizes SO to 42. . , .SSc xbqys' sizes. ;. ' WASHER SALE! PRICES SLASHED! CORONADO ElectrlcWaalior ALL WRITE Porcelain Finish. Modern Streamlined style. Very best construction con-struction yoa can buy. , LoveU Balloon Typa Wringer . ; Adjustable Pressure Wringer ' With Automatic Drain Board Power. Leg Construction .- .Bowl Shape IS-Gallon Tub . '"' ' " Many Other Ezclusive Coronado teaturea Model G49W Special , A V Sale Price $15 Per Week fay Monthly COHONADO GASOLINE POWER WASHER Briggs ec Strtton Gasoline Engine. ifcSO Per Week Pay Monthly i jy y y -- - yy , y . ;;(fln y. . y ENOUGH HOMEGUAnD HOUSE PAINT "OR THE AVEnAGE 5-ROOM HOUSE E3 22 Gallons t It costs surprisingly little to rrdoco- " fLY SrAYCR ISCtlCID AT K0 fXTRA CHACI fc'tTH PURCHASE OF 2 CTS. fLY trui Sale . Price... Ob9 KLUls flit), motquiloM, ' . ruadUea, etc. ..,... ..v.. tel COLD PACK Extra deep. Ample depth for quart laf s. 20 qt. ske. lloIdsTqt. jars. V LUNCH COX Sale 0TC Price. ;.iiO.Y A Se Value Deluxe type ruit proof Ulterior. J rate your homer, aa gallons of .Gamble's Homeguard Ilouae Vmmt ' .III I U V. . " HOMtfitMS ' i. KUS PAtT rennishee the outside of tba arer- age i room bouae S coats. - . r Made of the fineet inr edleiUe known. Compare otily riJi paint selling at M.60 per gallon.. Sale Price, . f O C Per Gallon. ...ij.OU Sale Price; Per QaL 'SO 7 C In 0 OaL Lou. . . . rjm JL -J Gamble's Cuper Quality Grade "A" Carn Paint Price Per Gallon In fif C -Gallon Lots. . . .."LmT U t Hare's ur offer. Two first aualltY Columbfa tires for the list price of ene natloaaalry SMtvertised first line tire. By list price we mean the prices shown on the large tiro companies' price lists, not our recutar sell inc nrtce. For example the hat price of one 6.0O-l First Lino Tlr is tlS.M. During this sale you can buy S First Line Columbia Tires for S 16.95. in using tne nrst line list price of outer companies we use it for purposes er- on of comparison only to illustrate the extremely low prices we efiei these nrat quality Colombia Tirea - : . if We make no claims or comparisons of Quality with any other mak tire but, "FIRST LINE" is molded into tha sidewaU oi every Columbia eo older i We make no claims or comparisons of quality with any other make of tire which is the ruarantee of the manufacturer. AU rtre stamped "tW Line" except. lOz H Thia hre ia ased only . vara man as oot nm qumi l'WJrvj v $ riyx -,Y nrst quality. - GAMSLE'S COLUMBIA TIRES ; Size 4,50-Sl 4.7S-lt 5.00-lf List Prke Of One ! Nationally Adv. Tire 12.S0 13 ' . 15.95 Price For Two: Columbia . . Tires ! 11-45 r I 12 jo - 13JS .ss n 15.95 Prico' For One. For One - Columbia Columbia Tire and : y Tire One Tube $3.9$ X 4.3 S.55 X6.70 . S.72 J7 t 1 -.Our Price For Two Columbia Tires and -a wo iudcb S9.K , f 13.74 i - : la.M t .7 , Q 7.97 i 15.94 ' OAh' ft sr. f Vfc . ki 7.97 tl x 19.04, CctlaTirei ' la V.'rl'J. Tires :.'.z"zi Free! Heduccd Price! MAflTLC RADIO Sale liif!o , ! Molded plastic c!n-et c!n-et ry. Aulmualic lever tuning. tube ' ' . A.C. n L-Jaj PO.ITACLE RADIO J f 2.t0 Down, &0c r vk Ne Carrying Cltsrge Complete "" Carry it wbercver yw go. iSo Wires, no plug in of any kind. , TtlUCIl AfiD TRACTOR OIL! X "f fW. Ttla Tan1 nfv a-kaf naf. ' -Y U "r fj 4a. SjMW 4k MU dkAAVtrVA VUa UVl' a-TA ;;a. esA s e nn MM WAV aM aliW V- W BLXo sUUH : ' Our Regular Price Per Gallon, SOc. iof oL'cr flH-VJYLVAfJ Inclndes Federal Tax Less Container 'l Small Deposit for Returnable Container Farmers! Truck end Tractor own-: ers I Save on your hauling, thresh-. thresh-. ing and plowing requirements during thia sale. Stock up at this low price, Thia oil guaranteed 100 finest grade Pure Pejm, 7UCE SIZE FLY Crn'YEH i;:slcc:d at r:o extca :c:iAncsv;iTii run::: OF 2 CLLC"3 CAr.'.ILE'S CATTLE FLY SFHAY Per nncj Kills .files, mosquitoes, hugs; and - other insects. Special price during this sale only. srnAYcri ir:cLUrD 1 $LC3 ALLOWANCE FOa.YOUS OLD CATTERY ON GAMBLE'S Prosperity CuIIJcr 45, PLATE CATTERY Our Regular Price. .$7.23 Less Allowance.... .$2.00 Sale Price $ Exchange.. ... W Guaranteedkln Writing for . SHyeara - :,.,.; ' F-itra IIih Capacity 49 .PUtes - . Dont delayguntil your battery fails. Buy now Sethis low price. 9 Plate Battery $0 C Exchange. .... .,t .7 w a& J Batteries Instaried FRECl y . . -1 ,- ; 29 GENUINE AC CSc SPARK PLUG , : ; Clearance Sale Price' Each 2D9 . Available ia a variety of pep ular sizes to fit roost all cars. ' Buy now at tMS price. ' y You nctunlly sava 3Cc per plu. P:) i C 111 ... ..nfi I FiDnr ROOF , COATING Our Rerular Price - . ' iias - . , Sale Price 6-GalIoa Can Waterproofs felt, rnr-Ul, t.,o or cement ' roofs. &e cracks, boles and seams. . t,. art:. id-x id-x Flashlisht Included at f.'a. Cxtrt Charr With Lunch lilt ; Cora- plcte. . . f Contains '.ipinl.acu-J '.ipinl.acu-J v uu boiile. - Pt Size Kit .Or no ; ccAn :::rr CALL Si.de Price , . m -' - y 4c iue. Kew n'vle Tnil mafOMwl. Um-jpersalrubiirr Um-jpersalrubiirr iulnii 288 West Center Street Old J. C. Penney Buildinr; X y |