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Show n LLBU TUSCALOOSA. Ala. (U.E) How much should a child's school lunch cost? . Miss Certle Reynolds, acting nutritionist for the state department depart-ment of health, told delegates to the first annual short course for lunchroom managers delicious and healthful meals were served children chil-dren In the Jefferson., county (Birmingham) (Bir-mingham) schools every day for 5 cents. , X. Miss Reynolds said a . nickel would buy the following in Jefferson Jeffer-son county lunchrooms: Y-c" A meat or meat substitute, such a cheese dish; a starchy vegetable, vege-table, cookies, cakes or fruit, and bread. - -"" X ' "We figure our food budget so the cost of this plate will, not run - over 5 cents, but bv careful planning plan-ning we can keep the Costof the plate down to about 3 cents." she . said. Y 'X r . Other di3hes which Miss Reynolds Rey-nolds said could be, sold for the Mme c-ice were: v y , UnIt soups, containing meat and Vegetables, served-in bowls that .'contain three-fourta of . a cup: milk, fruit juice, tomato juice and salads. Four , crackers and some sweets are served with thejsoup, -she said. . - - V Miss Reynolds warned Iunch-room Iunch-room managers against serving commercially-made Ice icream of -inferior quality,, and advised them ' to, be sure the cream was of good V ouality before offering it to chil- dren. - s ' ' X She eaid milk, -fruit juices jand tomato juice were the only drinks that should be sold in lunchrooms. Miss Reynolds said commercially commercial-ly made chocolate milk is sometimes some-times served, but pointed out that ... this often has. a very low milk - content. T""' X ' Delegates, at j the short course were served a simple nickel lunch which Mias Reynolds said was proper for growing ": school chil dren. . Y"T' Xy. '' f '' A y " '' v- --' " ' JENSEN SPEAKS ; x . X" Dry Christen Jensen, acting .president of Brigham Young uni- nam oun8 - versityj gave an and.i.ysis tu. x i current European crisis in-an ad-.' ad-.' dres3 'at the Alpine summer school assembly, Wednesday. ' -'x The 'political situation in Eu-. Eu-. rope has reached a maximum dej, - 'gree of tenseness, it was ' de clared by Dr. Jensen who is pro-" pro-" fessor of political science at B. Y. U. In explanation of the eminence of the present "crisis, vhe discussed the ' background or "the situation In western Europe. Music for the assembly was furnished by a r ladies chorus, under direction of Maxtne - !(Nicholes of Rigby, Idaho. - I ! TTRAVEIL'-'DM I Enjoy delightful relaxation on Union Pacific trains. Delicious sleep . , freedom rom highway hazards! You'll arrive refreshed, ready to see more and do more at ine ait.- v wiw service - pleasures Francisco extra rail L017 - -V ;x x y 55 1 ' NT TO NEW YOHK , Round -Trip In. Challenger Sleeping Cars;. Berth Extra 10GS. N Round Trip in "Standard Pullman Brth Extra Aak about $0 fare in Coaches and $135 in Pullmans for circle trip fo both the New York and San Francisco Fairs and return. TO SAN FRANCISCO VIA LOS ANGELES S1.0: ; s333.5 $30 Round Trip MiT Round' Trip In Round Trip in Standard Pullmans xChallenger Sleeping . Comfortable Berth Extra Cajrs; Berth Extra . Coaches See Decider Dam en route to Southern California. Convenient, loAC-ot tidm trips from Las Vegas, Ner. C. Depot Provo, Utah 10A0 If 1MI ZxZc7Ut Government ChecRs Their Incomes Income tax men are investigating the reports returned by Joseph M. Schenck, left and Darryl F. Zanuck, right. Schenck once played Northwest Mountie roles, but amassed a fortune as ia producer pro-ducer with United -Artists. Zanuck first produced movies for Warners, The! two formed 20th-century Picturesjn 1933, aod now ' bead that film firm, combined with Fox. '-''y'xx'-' - ' - Campus Ready For Fall N - X "' Preparing for the opening, of ', Sept. 22, the autumn quarter, campus buildings have been- thoroughly thor-oughly renovated, and repaired, according to Karl Miller, superintendent superin-tendent of buildings and campus at tne&righam Young- university. "Approximately 200' students hae been.' employed in the clean-up-and paint-up campaign,' Mr. Miller said. "We .have used ! 180 gallons of paint in redecorating the buildings off the .two campuses."' cam-puses."' . .x . ' yyx y -. In addition to general renova tion, Mr, Miller reports that land Opening scaping has been completed oirtljie" revokation "of the bond license held grounds of Knight Hall, the girjsy Lauren W. Gibbs, Inc., Salt dormitorV..' ' - Ijllro ritw waa tfllfen trwair with dormitory. Ah extensive automatic heating control system valued at ?2,00C Js' beingf installed l, in the; lower campus. This is calculated to rrovide better Imoderated temper- atitrao In thA InrffvlHnal buildings knd at the same time to lessen the fuel expense, according to Superintendent Super-intendent Miller 4 v; -: .' t Following a .sanding process for leveling the floors! on1 the lower campus, all the halls and rooms of the buildings have been re-varnished. re-varnished. The cafeteria is undergoing under-going a thorough' renovation. . .. Bcith gVnasi"1"2! have been repaired and redecorated. The ceiling of the women's gym was the - largest individual - paint job on the campus, according to Elvin Dennis, .assistant superintendent cool, clean; air-conditioned dining car meals . . .. restful- cuv you can -spend a X Y. ' . . . . - . day in Denver with no los3 of travel time and . at no extra cost, by taking, advantage of the fast, overnight VPony I Express" from Salt Lake to Denver, and Streamliner 'City of Denver" trom uenver 10. vnicago. - yx ' y of a visit in glamorous South- ern California! You can go-to San via L03 Angeles at little or no fare. FADES X. 7C20 Round Trip In Comfortable Coaches. - H. FUNK Ticket Agent Phone 312 - U 110 IH E CKzlltitgcxl PROVO: (UTAH), .DAILY HERALD, . i i of . buildings : and campus. It re quired : ten men using 25 gallons of paint, . working seven hours continuously to completely cover the arched ceiling. campus lawns and shrubs are in excellent condition; thlayyear, stated Mr. Dennis. -, ' ' ' 5. The Arts building, and v the Training building on the lower campus will be opened Sept. 11 for the 'University training schools, Superintendent Miller reported. S. L Done Chouse J. ' , y ' .T.lay lose .license .. -x- . -V SALT LAKE CITY, AugSy24 (U.E Another c step in tlie state securities ' commission' . nronosml filing of a bill of particulars by Assistant . Attorney General Grov-er Grov-er a Giles. 1 . XN The bill charged irregularities in the bondrhouse's' handlingof $3900 worth ory refunding bonds issued by, the city of Aurora- A previous charge filed by the . commission com-mission asserted the Gibbs firm hod soid $23,00OrinMt; Pleasant refunding bonds' without, redeeming redeem-ing $13,000 in, old issues. The company has been ordered to show causcAug. 2B why its license li-cense should' not he revoked ; - ' , -' XjX ' - ! J PaysoirSheep Man Vice President George Spencer, Payson, lias l3eri re-elected seconch vice- president pres-ident of the American Suffolk Sheep society.. Also re-elected were James Laidlaw, Muldoon, Idaho, president; Howard Vaughn; Dixon, Calif., first vice president; C. - W. Hickman of University of Idaho, secretary; and. S.P. Niel-son, Niel-son, f-ephi, George B. Mann, Woods Cross,, and R. ;E. Thomas, Heber directors.. . Election was ,.h6ld - Tuesday night - in Newhouse' hotel.; POLAND PROTESTS . 1 GERMAN ACTS r . WARSAW- Aug. - - 24 (U.P) Polandtonight , protested ! to Ger many x two alleged Violations of the Polish frontier by armed bands 'jot Germans. Ah official communique said the Polish ambassador at Berlin had protested to the ' German government govern-ment .against violations of the frontier In the Silesia sector ' last night. y .. . y Y' A Call to Alms X Col. Theodore ftoosevelt, Jr, THE second annual appeal to tha American people to help relieve the untold sufferings of. the countless count-less millions of Chinese non-combatants In the current invasion of China by Japanese armed forces will be launched in the -week..-of October 30 by the United Council for Civilian Relief in China, it was announced an-nounced yesterday by Col. Theodor Roosevelt, Jr., Chairman of tha Council. The United Council will again stage "Bowl of Rice" parties In some 2.000 communities throughout through-out the United States in Its drive for funds to provide food and medical medi-cal care for the Chinese women and children refugees suffering not only from the horrors of war. but -from ravages of famine and flood. mm Li FELLS -0E- GANG PRICE, -Utah (U.F) Tracking and shooting of Butch Cassidy, leader of the "Robbers ... Roost gang which terrorized inhabitants of large sections of the inter- mountain west in the 90s, is re called- by Peter Anderson of Price, last remaining member of the posse credited with breaking up one of the most formidable On Sale Thursday, Friday & Saturday PEUFECTION 200 ex 25c SIZE EAGLE BRAND trnzz y IS oz. : HQ- ARMOURS LIGHTHOUSE 7 31 75c U1ZK EANG PULLS ' "IOC SIZB ,-. , .wornrx FLAltEG X) For FIR'Sf . AID ASSORTMENT y C)c Cotton, Bandages Adhesive arid 1 6 Quick-Strips. I) t r T " T frloUf 1 s UU ill ' "t'J QX Healthful! s imszi t; n de luxe w NApJj NA cooling dunk en-yy CX, ) nced withas- V ' ) 'IWM sorted fruits S Y -x - i " C THURSDAY, AUGUST gangs ' of killers in .western history. his-tory. : K . . V , Anderson explains that he be-' came well acquainted with the so-called Robbers Roost country before the Castlegate payroll holdup hold-up of. 1S94. . . y "I had spent three years riding rid-ing all over the accessible parts of it just prior , to the holdup," he said. . , "A U. S. deputy marshal , who persuaded me to lead him to the hide-out of the Cassidy - gang, suspected of the robbery, retreated re-treated without making an arrest or even showing his face, when Anderson pointed the place out. Corner University Avenue , and Center Street jwuubNj y Y ' . - , - i i n) nn , . v -y I I V ! I V J I I III II ' . 1 , 1111 II llfllf II... Ilia II ' I 111 '. . v"- x-1 - ' v A ' asesBaBseaBBassHaasBMBMBSBBflBaBBBBass ' 11 1 l. . I ' . . - W. . MIX . y, I.- -a r -, New. MINIATURE ' AETNA RADIO x ' With Built-in "Wavescope Serve as Aerial; PJug-int PTootti IPacCo - 55C SIZE '; i ,-. tADY EGTHEU, :'it'!LAJ'l Y T THE 'DARDY' ALARM CLOCK SHOWER and DATII15PRAY A handsome time- Fits all faucets. and x dependable. 5-ft. tubing: r !7-!lO ICO i m piLLSy.y -.24, , 1939 "We went after the outlaws, Anderson said, "three years later following 'a. cattlesteallng incident inci-dent in which two members of the gang ambushed and nearly beat to death two (employes of the cattle firm from which the animals were stolen.!' . . f :SS . A posse of 18 men under Sher iff Charlie Allred of Price took the trail. Anderson served as a deputy under Allred : at the time. Joined by a, farmer at whom the gang had fired oh etlS'ly in the day, 'the party 1 trailed the outlaws out-laws to a small , canyon where they surprised them in bed.- In answer to a demand to vaa . PO-DQGOLFDALL Tough Long True 'Johnny Bulla, long driving, prafeaiion&l, averaged 312-yards 312-yards with 12 Po - Do. Golf Balls. This 'extraordinary re-cord re-cord was made in May, ly39. Right Reserved to Limit Quantities 7 HEALTH B lixsonp (Tn wy t X I I I I i I 25cTC0T(l POWDER 1 -lb. Boric Acid, 40c Midol Tablets. 50c Dew Deodorant 30c PoKdent 75c Alophcn Pills 60c tleet Decilatcrv 25c Ex-Lax tablets (95 50c ledent tooth AprikShowerTalc;, . . 39c 35c Cutex Nail Shannoo 31c 3 75c Dreskin Ccclies wcoropa 69 c 65c Bisodol Povdef . . 49e d-Ib. Soda Dicarbonate 12e 3 Lovely Odeurs in n TANTALUX PERFUF.1E OAR CWithatmy , ; ''lock and key- . ; - ChypreCiardenia & Bouquet in a shiny chrome stand. '."V . y . c ;. 40c SIZE 25c SIZE FLETCHERS DAYERS CASTORIA ASPIRIU Succes ZC7' Y 50c SIZE ' V White Shoo7 UIIGUENTIUE SOAP For Sunburn x"". ' - -X, ) V J w - X C Y ! j!' Mild Refreshing-rFrasrant 1 C il .. Pa is lays Gardenia ! I a Laiheis well in any w.at- , v7 -TS, J ( CI- Leaves skin smooth. C 7 Y-y- "xSikes y ; ,7 x u . u " ; w. -r - i surrender, " the. outlaws fired a shot into the ground just in front of Anderson," he explained. Posse-men-returned fire and picked off Cassidy as he made a break for his rifle, which was. standing a few feet away Two other members' mem-bers' of the bandit gang died of bullet wounds during; the night. K "Butch Cassidy'is grave in Price is. marked with only a weatherworn ; -pardyNexplaihed the only, living member xf the posse; " ,' : X .' , . - :' ' , They fastest German -t ighting olanes in service have & ton speed lot 320 mile3 per hour. zoo - YAno .... 3fcr72c 12 for 2.50 y , TOBACCOS J 1( ) Union Workman y dtf eWSWBVBB.wwew-'- El X Russia Tjp q FULL PINT c ' Ly LL F.jETAL 7)c r.iEsn v. vi i p Pow.er Crys. 17 Powdery paste 3 -89c I Soft Absorbent iLEEMEJC Clcansinc TISSUES BoVoi vrc Kind to tender skin. V "" - n" "y : I " 1 i I 1 II I Y V v"w- X - y., Yr x . X -x y? .. ' y s, Y&' r- . , yW"- ' yW , ..V'l y 1 II.'.' Hi J ( i Handy 14- 2IPPER BAG 61' Durable fabric; No-Sag frame. page Timrs RATTLEKS IIUNT11D 'AS 1IOBBY - SARATOGA, Cal. U.l!) Di. k Garrod. 19, not only has a tio-cialty tio-cialty in life but has . the - good fortune- to live on a family tat-e that furnisljes him VwiUi plenty of opportunity . for -x. r-cising.it. r-cising.it. The hobby is ia Kill rattle snakes. He has the rattK of 50 to date. The .Hawker. Hurricane fiyhtin.t plane, one of EnglatHt'.s nwr.-it , has a maximum epetxl . of . ' -3 10 mlleA per hour. i.so, cizcv- ANUC3IL cupposiToraEa MEDIUM OAU GOAL"3 LAtlCCDAnZ tor iSc VALUOUl-" ITOHLETj For iClC 1 llay Fever delict! JNE-HALAni?:: Gil AVE CPaEAr.1 with 50c DRESUin for After Sdavo ;x:Both- rSc ' ' For :. .-iJvJ -. x:l, 18-ln.Whipcord SPORTSMAN 11 39 i a : No-Sag construction; construc-tion; waterproof . nch . n n n y o ; ' - ...---y--y..-- p.-' X tOc SZES. v --- V f i s"t r ill a n1 C , Tour.' x--Jlyz: ' V Choice' 'X I x-fex l ' i-, Vuxedo x -x :' ' I I y A Union Learior Jf - H . ' x: Reaular or JumVr .' xv '9 IfJ Gla? TialiSG CZPV. Regu!ar5,00 Value . Silk Seamless " r r- - f r n r : ;'y. vr;::lsny ; -o98 ' ' yxy- pricca a- x Ebcperienced fitters to serve your r.tyJi y in AnlJsU, ICnee-Caps, Etc y No Charge Fcr Scrvite! f |