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Show PAGE ' SEVEN T Utah County's Fair Will Feature YOUfJG SLAYER BU.EXPEDmdrl.EJPLQB5S Vorkers Alliance Heir to Millions Election Slated On Friday Night 1 hree -Bis Days of Activity tier a DEFIES OOTHEROIAH-UOilDSBLAnD PR OVO (UTAH ) DAILY HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, -1939 LAU v- Utah county's annual fair, 1939 edition, .will feature three big day 3 of education and entertainment entertain-ment September 7-9, Director Seth T. Shaw announces. " Pre-fair interest by the various communities presages the most complete display of exhibits ever assembled at the fair 'grounds, according to Mr. Shaw. Community -exhibits; annually a qoWfful part of the fair, are already being prepared-featur-ing products of . the 'respective cities and towns. Fourteen communities com-munities are planning exhibits, - according to Mr. Shaw.. Enthusiasm Reported-; , . County Agent S R. Boswell, In close contact with the farmers throughout trie . county, reports unusual enthusiasm and that individual in-dividual exhibits probably vwill surpass those of past yearsi Mr. - Shaw - emphasizes that there -is no entrance . fee -for exhibits, ex-hibits, and that everyone is Invited In-vited to enter displays. ' , Entertainment- for ' the three days will include three evening rodeo performances,-horse - shows, horse-pulling contests, etc. . - J. Cf Sorensen, manager 'of the Colborn-Sorensen Rodeo company com-pany of Blackfoot. Idaho, which is contracted to bring its famous show here, was in Provo Wednesday. Wednes-day. " , . . ' ' Brahma Bull . He reported s a herd of. wild Brahma bulls' and . a band or broncos will be brought " here next week. Theylb be -pastured here until the fair so that they'll have enough "ginger" to make things tough for the world-famous cowboys scheduled to ride,-Mr. ride,-Mr. Sorensen said. - Milton H. ; Harrison, fair board secretary, reports $975 will be given in rodeo N purse money as follows; $300 for bronco riding, $150 for bareback xhorse riding. $300 for bulldogging- and $225 for Brahma bull f riding1. , - Colborri-Sorensenx company; is bringing with the rodeo a pro-. pro-. fessional clown whofighis bulls with a cape, and a novelty, act featuring a fancy wfman roper and stunt rider, Mr. Sorensen reported. re-ported. " ' Outstanding"- breeders from all over Utah will enter mounts in the horse show to t3 held in connection with the rodeo, , with $400 in prize money to be awarded award-ed by the fair board-Entries are pouring in from all sections of the state, according to -Director Shaw. ' - ' Children's day will be observed September '8, second day t of the fair, it was decided this week at a meeting: of the fair board. Special Spe-cial Activities will start at 2 p. m., including ' bicycle races - ener V ;-'c -lS: faU 1 I I sSr r i 7A- Rodeo Manager Visits Provo . t v 4 4 TJie-horseman pictured above is J. C. Sorensen, manager of the Coltorn-Sorensen Rodea company of Blackfoot,'. Ida. whose famous show,- together with world-famed cowboys will appear 'here September Septem-ber 7, 8 and 9 in connection with the Utah county fair. Mr. Sorensen. Soren-sen. in Provo 'Wednesda said his outfit has been attracting large ( - crowds at riumerous rodeq ceters foot races, tug:o-war, and' candy shower ' from . an airplane. "AH events are free. , " ' - .Irt: charge of the program will be Jena V. Holland and Ireta B. Mason of ' the city recreational program. ' . ' ' I Superintendents of the three school viistricts in Utah county have agreed ; thatalthough school will not ; be closed.Xall children desiring-; to attend the fair .Will le . excused;- it - Svas reported by Mr. Harrison, V V,---- "Nsl-i- Dies GpmniitieefT On Ku luux Uan WASHINGTON, AugV 24 (UR) Henry D. Allen, Pasadena,, Calif., told the Dies committee today that he suspected Mrs: Leslie Fry, Glendale, Calif., for whom lie acted as lialion agent with so-called Fascist -I organizations, . actually was a Soviet SPY ' ' ; ' ; AVASIHNGTONSAug. 24 (U.P) Henry D. Allen, Pasadena, Gal., Light - ,. '- - .... ' ' s " .. ,'--.' , - v, - - v- .-. '.; , '.. - - . At Mo Additional Cost USERS toasters; noy 'Better Living mm - - . -4- ' J v'r 4 7 : f-" including Sun Valley, Idaho. . liaison man for so-called Fascist organizations; told the Dies "committee- i today that Mrs. Leslie Fry of ' Glendale, Cal., thought ias year-jsne migiu - uuy imr t ' t 1 a.:, ii....n - i i. a Ku Klux Klan for $75,000. : Allen, as agent ' of MrsFry, testified that he visited Imperial Wizard Hiram Evans in 'Atlanta last year, .but did not'go beyond .discussing1 a revival' of the Klan on the west coast a' suggestion Evans turned down. " -y't'llrs. Fry desired. in rsbme'wav to' get control of the Klan," Al-ten Al-ten said.'She seemed to have the idea .that "Mr Evans would sell the -membership list for a price. . There was a Vague mention men-tion that she;' thought the thing could be arranged t for $75,000' ; .: ' ., . - -v STRIKE IS SETTLED 'X SEATTLE, Wash., Aug:. - 24 (U.R) Settlement of, the 22 day erry strike on Puget Sound was xan-nounced xan-nounced today, " ' . - ; Negotiators said the 800 -members - of the Inland Boatmen's union would go back to work at the wages ia . effect ,when they struck. : -x. .. .. - . '.' - . - : - . . ' ' 1 ' v -i Mnc Servants iOF LIGHTING Mil) AP PL lAIiCES B EtlEF IT ----.V.'.-. . . ' If you ore a residential user of ele ctricity whoso bill is $2.25 per month orlessyou are one of thoso who benefit most from this latest reduction in elec-, trie rates in the territory served "by our Utah-Idaho interconnected system, - You can add more home lighting for seeing iaKS , more use 01 smuuet eiucinc waffle iron, coffee! "maker INCREASE IN COST on your monthly electric bill. Depending upon how much; electricity you now i use, you can have from 20 to 27 more electricity " each month with no additional cost to you. With Gheap Electricity! p7 flifri ( V - .V .. VI ; LOS ANGELAS, Aug:. 24 UJ! Richard Jensen,, snub-nosed, bare-footed boy of x14, with a mcp of curly red hair, may become be-come one 'of the country's young est life-term murder .convicts, m- thonties said today. Richard killed his playmate, Billy WilUams.x 13. He crushed his nead with a hammer, stabbed him with a butcher knife, and cnoc.ed him with wire to , silence . his groans. Richards, who had been to reform school twice, presented Billy's taunts of "how does it leel to . be an ex-convict V" "And I'm not sorry. Naw. He got- what was Xcomin? to him," ivichard boasted. "And I guess. I'll get what's coming to me. Let em nans" me or electrocute me. "or whatever they want to.'r: I'm not atraid to die." - v . . " !. He was .informed thatin. CalU fornia no one tuhder 18 years 'of age may be executed but that a siciyer 14 years of age, or' older, such as himself, may be sent to prison for: life. He shrugged. Superior, Judge W. Turney Fox will nold a hearing tomorrow to decide whether Richard is a fit subject for juvenile court. .-The county prosecutor's office insisted he was-notr and will demand; that the boygo 6n trial as an adult on a ,charge of fifst degree' murder.'; Bolivia Appoints 1 emporary Kuler V LA PAZ. Bolivia. Aug. 24 (1XE)a4 y --- - - - I . ... ? lien, cjarlos , uintanllia, comman der-in-chief , of - the rmy xuled as provisional head of the govern ment today, following the death of President German Busch, who succumbed' to a bullet wound irt the temple. '- -'" "It was announced that Busch, 35, , shot himself yesterday . His death created an . uncertain situa- tion in the government, While re ports circulated that, he commit ted suicide because of pressing af fairs'" of state. Other reports held family troubles responsible.' rDEATH INVESTIGATED -.X" - .'.." - - v V MISSOULA, ' Mont., Aug. 24 -r- (UJ! Officials today were- investigating investi-gating the death of John Luking", elderly grocery man whodied yes- terdayxpf injuries sustained when h6 was struck by a cai; The driv- er,, M. K.. Andrews, told officers i-uking stepped trom, the curbing in front of ' the machine. . .: . MOST - ' . J X'"- uppuances etcT-; AT. NO r i . ------ - ,V ,-v.V . . -. .' . ' I ' ' V;' , Reliving experiences of the Mormon Mor-mon pioneers who blazed the trail across south-central Utah irt 1880, members of the annual Brigham Young university biological expedition ex-pedition , returned to Provo this week. I Members of the party who made thexhree-weeks' trip were Dr. D. EldenBeck, assistant professor of zoology, Thomas C. Peterson, secretary sec-retary of thexVisual Aids bureau, and , Ilarry P.Ghandler of Provo, 1939 graduate of the department of zoology, A veteran cattleman, Jess Barker of Escalant, accompanied accom-panied the group as guideAnoth- er ranger, Jesse Spencer of Esca-lante Esca-lante also joined the party midway along'their trip. Object, of the trip was to make a reconnaissance survey to locate stations for future biological field studies by the " University, Dr. Beck reported. At the same time, i the , expedition served . to add a i number of biolgical collections and also to check upon their study projects under way, in southern Utah. - -' ' ; ; ' Travel On Foot- . Traveling on foot, with- pack horses heavily laden .with equips ment and provisions, the university scientists followed the Escalante riverbed a distance ofH5 ; miles to a point near its junction, with the "Colorado river, close' to -.the Arizona border. Along -Escalante canyon -; theyx . reported seeing breath-taking scenic wonders which have previously been uncharted.- This area should' prove valuable for tourists in future years, irt their7 opinion,x s . At 'Hole-in-the-Rock crossing on the Colorado river, the group placed in; the canyon, waltah of ficial bronze v plaque of the Utah Pioneer Trails ; and Landmarks association. - This plaque . honors the company of Mormon 'pioneers, who - answering a call from Brig. ham Young in 1880, made a hazardous haz-ardous journey from - Escalante across the' river at this point to make a new, . settlementin ; Bluff Utah. ' x - , : Evidence of the hazardous crossing cross-ing made by the pioneers was recorded in - still and motion pictures pic-tures bv Dr. Beck and .Mr. Peter-son.T' Peter-son.T' The dedicatory prayer , for the plaque - was' offered by-Mr. Barker. x , - ' -5 f Returning from -. "Hole-iri-the-Rock," the x expedition members scaled the canyon wall and traversed tra-versed - a stretch, of desert" under a sweltering, sun of110 degrees, Dr. ' Beck reported. "Extreme drouth is prevalent r( the country coun-try and many range cattle are dying. The party had'- difficulty when they found that some of the water holes .where they , had ex pected toxcamp were dried up. Throughout the entire trip speci-J f - ... a. .. ji ..... . 1. Ill" ; i mens or piant ana ammai me were "collected - by ,Dr. Beck . and Mr. Chandler. Photographic records of the territory where these , specimens speci-mens were found was madeby Mr. Petersbn. - - ' Results of the preliminary, survey sur-vey : were x termed "entirely satisfactory' satis-factory' by Dr. Beck. More exhaustive ex-haustive studies will - be made in the future from stations which were established ; this year, he said. " ' ' Wreck Inquiry to Reveal Findings v SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 24 0Jf The.'; interstate commerce commission com-mission will make 'publicvits findings find-ings in its investigation of 'the wreck of the stredmliner CSty of Ran Frnnrisfo "sometime irt Oc- xoDer, iii. u, rtinenari, xvj accident acci-dent investigation - chief disclosed today. ' . . . . . - - vRinehart came here from the wreck scene in ' eastern Nevada to obtain "routine y inf ormatipn" from. Southern .Pacific company records.. x ; ' ' Her Death Nlores Amaze Detroit '1 i Suicide notes mailed by Mrs. Janet McDonald of Detroit, Mich., , before she asphyxiated herself, may lead to grand jury quiz of gambling in city. Notes, sent -to city, state, and federal Officers, implicated police and highrivic officials of Detroit i L XJr. D. Xliea Ceck - X Ram Sale Proves Uery Succsssful NORTH SALTLAKE, ' Utah, Aug. 24 U,R) Pensxof the North Salt Lake Union sstockyards were being emptied rapidly today, f ol lowing conclusion of the 24th annual an-nual National Ram Sale that saw about 1500 head of choice-animals. sold for a total of $57,000., v ' Sales by classes' included Suf-f Suf-f oiks, $23.506 rHampshires, $14,-217; $14,-217; rambouilletts, $8571, and miscellaneous, mis-cellaneous, $10,911. Officials of the'. National Wool Growers association, asso-ciation, sale ' sponsor, saidxthis' year's event was an outstanding success, : particularly . in view : of currently? unsettled market con- HitiAna , MURDER XASiS SET POCATELLO; , Ida., AUg, 24 U.R) Prelimiharjr hearing of ; Britt Hargraves. Jr., charged with first degree-murder ;,in the slaying of Fi F; Hunter, Alameda marshall, will be held Sept.; 6 before justice William Wil-liam Hinckley irt district court here; Bannock county attorney.'Gf I M. Jeffery, , announced today. The ucurtairi parts . - ikuwiL WvgMi ! i fi 77 P " ' O ' ' i II I ' ' "" T - f in-T r "t r i . - ... I i ' ' ' . . X' ; ' . - - .. I v 1 , ' 5' , ' '. , .' A v. 1 , - - ' , i ,' ' r - - I , . r :yv - I'- , . V'J .-''1' ' y. , - . 1 : l --; drama tHat is DUPLER'S;August Fur Sale! ;For youthatfinalo is packed vvithvaluc3 ... gorgeous fur coat3 at undisputed low prices! : There will bo no curiaui calls . . no repeat pdrformancesTo take advan-j tage ofthe tremendoussavings. ybu aro urged to buy NOW! no,r.aorji?nG pnv EVERY COAT GUARANTEED V FOR QUALITY , v d' "iff f . C. at -i: J- . V, DAVID'S 1C8 WEST CENTEK ST. it Members of the Provo Workers' Alliance will cast ballots for offi cers for the nextslx. months at a meeting Fridayxat" 8 p. m. in the city court -rOom. ' . ' On thetlcket are the following: Chairman, , John R. Edwards; i vicechairman, ' Carl Hope, Archie Mnlet, A.::Rawlings and George llawlings secretary, ; Mrs, Flor ence Keel, Mrs, Jona Anderson and Elmer, Jones; treasurer, . Walter HunterJv: :;-'rp)r:y' 'ir'-:' '' Sergeant-at-arms, vote for two, Wcuceil Taylor, Mrs. II. R. God-dard. God-dard. John Housekeeper Glen Lee and Mr. Duke; WPA com-' mittee, vote for three, A.' Uaw-Iing3,i Uaw-Iing3,i Louis Walquist, John Swen- sen, Carl Hope, Mr. Metlney,'Mrs. Sarah Johnson, Frank Durfee and Ivan "Sorensen. Direct relief ". committee, vote for five, Mrs. Dora Peterson, -Mrs Florence Keel, Mrs. Dunn. -John Nesbitt,.: Mrs. Chri3 Johnson, Mr, Seybold, Louis Davis, .Mrs. John. Housekeeper 'and Chris .Johnson. Entertainment committee vote? for five, (Mrs. J, ft. Edwards, Cal St. Joir, Mrs., Johh Housekeeper, Mervin Christensen,' Mrs.Ione Ah derson, Johi Nesbitt, Mrs. MerVin Christensen.N -yjanies 'Bq,krr ;Mrsv Len Johnson. -' " ' . - .. .N.Xy.-A. .committee, vole; for! five, George RawTingsv Archie! Millet, Mrs, rDora Peterson,' Mrs.' E.' H. McBride, Mrs. Chris 'Johnson,. 'John-son,. 'Mrs.v Mary Hichards,- Elmer Jones, Ivan Sorensen and John Housekeeper,' . V ; Educational directors, vote for three, Mrs. Florence.' Keel,xGeorge Rawlings. , Mrs., Grace Peay Elis Keel.C Grant Alfred Carter, Bill . Howei Bert Manwell, BeVnetta Richards,: Orvilla Carter and Bob Grant. x'"'-- ' V- , Auditing. committee,", vote for threes A,- "fanner, Ax T. ; Madsen, MrL Duke Elmer s Jones, , : Rex Ward and Ivan Sorensen. OUTINO ,AT SARATOGA AMERICAX FORK American Fdrk eonductedxita ahnuali outing at;: Saratoga' Wednesday J afternoon after-noon under sponsorship ot the 3uniorc'hamber v of commerce ' . Entertainment: included, men's and women's softball, chl faces, . water" "carnival, free termelon . bust,, band concert dance. ', jDirtHo last act of tho' I. V Exclusive Furriers , v lor over Three Generations. v; Idren'S i Swa- ancs Provo, Utah Cindercila man of JIollywooJ 1:j Orlando Or-lando ;Ferrara, .actor and lonnrr tiusboy, who was K-it nn -.st.T.te vulucj t 12 million, .dollars by an. uncle U City Court Artliur Hose pleaded not 'p.uil-ty 'p.uil-ty ,An city toutt ThursU.iy to harboring' a1' dog without a license." li-cense." Trial was set ior . So pt - ber 5, JO a. m. .Frank ? Barnett ple aded guilty Wednesday to tejng intoxicated. He was given choice .of u fine or live days injail. , J. L. Uusert, forfaited $5. I!iui ,for running a led lif.ht. TOO LATE FOR I classifioat;on i ' FOR RENT UNFI'KMKIIM) 3 ROOM modern apaf tnvent with-.gar9ge."142 with-.gar9ge."142 Southo 'West. s7 S ROOM basement, batiu 'West 3 South.'Phone 1077W. aJJO FOR S A U'Mi SCKI J AN EO I H HOTPQINT electric range; other " householdfurnituKX TJUO North 5 East after 5 j50 p. in. a 25 FOll UkVr- I l'KMSIli:i) 3 ROOM basement; apartment. 4fS Norjth EstA .;: . ,;. 1 . - aSO OJfurnished modern ' heated; apartments; 187-North 2 East. Phone 1190W. , a30 .J t r - V i i 4 V |