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Show PAGE . EIGHT PROVO (UTAH)" DAILY HERALD, THURSDAY. AUGUST 24: 1939 . !. .. . Xs : X Healthiest- 4-H Girl, Boy To Be Selected Utah county's healthiest girl and boy wilr.be selected Friday when winners of community 4-H contests .vie for top honors here, announces Home Demonstration Agent Bessie Kirkham. . ' - Eight girls and approximately the same number of boys will be examined at Clark Clinic at 8 a. m. by County Physician Stanley II. Clark. They will be judged on posture, good nutritional condition, condi-tion, chest, head and throat, feet, hands," and stability of nerves. Winners will compete in the state 4-H health eontea. , - , Ellen Bone, Pleasant View," winner" win-ner" of the girls' health title last year in Utah county, went on to win the state . contest also. , In addition to the health competition, com-petition, contests will be, held Friday Fri-day in judging and in demonstration demonstra-tion of food preparations, clothing cloth-ing and -home furnishings. : The public is invited. A - . "' The judging contest, open to all 4-H menibers.-will be held at 1 p; m. in the First ward chapel. Girls compete in teams of two, and will judge food and clothing articles , and give reasons -for their choice. At 2 p. m. will be the demonstration demon-stration contest, also in the First ward, with 4-H teams of two girls. eligible. Mrs.: S.j R. Boswell and Mrs. R..L. Gillespie will be judges. Winners" : of the judging and demonstration v contests will par ticipate in statetournaments. . (Continued from Pagj ne) CONFERENCE Fourth ward chapel, with the general gen-eral board representatives. y' - At ,7:30 there will be: a joint meeting of stake and ward boards witha special invitatiori -tothe - stake' presidency, x high j council men: assigned toM. I- Ai supervision;--bishops and counselors; President - Leon Newren will extend ex-tend greetings andxan assembly program will be presented: by the fiveywards. At 8:15 the men and women will go Into separate sessions and ..X at 9 o'clock department sessions will begin. " Stake and ward board? members will reconvene Sunday at 8;30 a. m., in the. Fourth-ward chapel, to discuss the yearly program and , activities, division of responsibility, responsibil-ity, the budget plan, etc - i All the workers will attend the 10 a. m. 'general session in the ' tabernacle.- . . ' I '( At "2 p. m.. stake arid ward boards will meet jointly again in the Fourth ward chapel with general gen-eral board members' scheduled to deliver their,, . messages. Department Depart-ment sessions will begin at 2:30. The Sunday evening session at 7:30 is the Young People's con-; ference to which the public Is invited. in-vited. .': ! :-- i Mc'GyiRE : : i Continued fronfPage One) the voters of N Prpvo - cfty, jl shall appreciate .their- confidence and goodwill I n bes towing - upon .me the prhilge of serving; through ' another term. ' X j Mr. McGuire," secretary treasurer treas-urer of the -Heal Realty wmpahy," for many years has been prominent promin-ent irt public and religious activir vties in Provo, in addition to sery ingyarious institution.s as an ac-countartL ac-countartL .- -V ; ;'-' .':"." iSi He received his college training at BrlghamYoung university, and after, graduation, was employed in the Bank of HebCity. In 1907 he began bookkeeping, for the Knight Investment-, company - of Provo. " " ' ' He entered "the Northern States L. D. S." mission in 1908, .and : succeeded suc-ceeded R. J. MurdoclC. now-president of Utah stake, as secretary of that mission in .1909. . ;!-; ;!-; Mr. MeGuire", was . accountant and credit manager of the ; "William "Wil-liam M. Roylance company from 1912 to 1920, and in 1922 he became be-came postmaster' of Provo. Four years, ago he entered, the race for city commissioner, and won by 5S5 votes over the late J.' E. Snyder, incumbent.; . '. WTien the Utah stake was reorganized re-organized last spring,. Mr. MeGuire was . named stake clerk,: which position he now holds. ' .v; Backers of the commissioner for re-election- ; will likely cite "his large public improvement program as his, major accomplishment in Office. , - ' v : ' . Motor vehicle accidents " during 1938 cost $750,000,000 in wage loss, medical expense and the over-j over-j head cost of , insurance, plus " an-r an-r other $750,000,000 xfor property ;v damage;- ' --r. y" - v-.; 07FER - a n Figure in Hollywood investigations i y A supposed deal between producers and William " Bibff, former ' IATSE business agent, left, is" the subject of . some Hollywood sleuthing by Charles H, Carr, special assistant, attorney general, right. Attorney General Murphy has sent Carr to Movie town; toy check up on labor racketeering, charges involving motion picture producers. He is also probing income tax returns of several. 20th Century-Fox film heads, 7 , A . - -, - A (Continued from Page One) AT ordinance ' "will not ' Only constitute consti-tute taking of' plaintiff's -property without1" compensation - and without due process -of law, ' but will likewise constitute a remov al of a limitation mutually obli gatory upon plaintiff ana qeiena-ant qeiena-ant from the defendant to the irreparable injury of this plaintiff. plain-tiff. A .. " - .- A . " The suit asks that-the defendants defend-ants hot' only . be restrained from erecung or operating a- pioxiu, INJUNCTION put seeks, to enjoin .them from-W using' the property property at tne sue for any other purpose than pr-TnittArt pr-TnittArt in : a rpsirtenHal .district unclassified as defined by , the 1 zoning ordinance. " V X ' George V. Worthen, attorney for the plaintiff, filed 'the complaint.,;- - : X XXXX-X' -. ,AA a X-XX f 'X-- "Optical Illusion Hill-; X Exists in Georgia Also . WARM SPRINGS, Ga. (U.E) Within a stone's throw of Presi dent " Roosevelt's . "little A. White House," is one of .the , nation's magic .hills.".'. '. - . For' years Georgians have" vis-. ited this stretch! of read . to feel their, cars roll "uphill." m Many motorists , have halted their ma chines at the .bottom of the 100- yard,, grade, released their brakes and felt . their . machines drawn slowly.- back to the "summit." While some oldtimeraare ceretaln the hill contains lodesfonel highway high-way "officials say it is an optical illusion. .-. , . . ": ; : Romance in Cabin' Plane Edges in on Auto Rides . ; . ? : ' EVANSVILLE, Ind. -0LEJ At one time romance ' was found in a buggy, rolling down a 'country lane. Still later it was discovered on bicycles and in' i roadsters. . '. But the 1939 youth, according to Harold Howard, airport attendant at-tendant here; has a "new y method -a. cabin plane. . '. yC . '- . Howard : says night plane rides for "airplan.e dates!- have become common. f ; .. ; : : . "Almost ; every night some f elf low cans up m rKiiuw,i we wm take him and -his ..girl friend for a i night . ride over , the city. When they arrive it's the back seat of the cabin- iplane. They can see the city well from there -ir ithey jwant - to; 'I'sf-ApC - "If they'd rather, roniance - well;lmawf ully, busy flying the piane. . . 1 n Seven Workers Overcome, 5 Clod of Dirt; is Blamed ;;-; .v.-: , x .. ' . TORAIN, O. (Cn JFlichard Leitch, U. , S. Bureau T of Minesr inspector, . has ' reported- that . a four-inch cube of dirt which liberated lib-erated a . quantity of gas probably prob-ably was the cause of . seven workers " being : overcome-7 while working in a tunnel here. r I Leitch said that the . dirt clod was. knocked 'from around an old liberated : the gas ( with- which it vas saturated when .; it fell xto the X tunnel floor. i . Fort Worth Enthrones '"Glamburger Queen" FORT WORTH, Tex. (ILE) One day Miss AJta Mae Shipman, 19, : ; mmm EHD3 SEP?. 0 --vn ? - err News' SUSPECT COMnTS SUICIDE IN JAIL. CLEVELAND,)., - Aug. 24 . (U.R) Frank ; Dplezal, held- in ' the Cuyahoga- county jaUvsince July 5, as the ' suspected Cleveland m,,rrArpr i mmtttoH mil- VV Sheriff Martin .L. O'- z.":.-ja . ::. T- Donnell reported. yO'Donnell 1 said two ! deputies found DolezalTiangint: in his cell. SAILORSv DEMAND WAR IUSKxINSUKANCE A Joseph'Curran of Jew York, president pres-ident j of the National.: Maritime union, said today his organization would ; demand war risk insurance for seamen on ships entering Eu ropean ports, v ; - . OPPOSES REDUCTION 7 CHEYENNE, Wyo., Aug. 24 (UJ) Sen. Joseph C-T O'Mahoney, D., Wyo., saiT herethat.he "could see no benefit for x the United States" , in a reduction of the present tariff rates- on "Argentine hides,' canned beef and relative products "Teca'use" our livestock industry, in-dustry, .with present highcosts of uproduction, would be t:ompelied to - endure increased competition irom abroad. : rr5fAPF:n i.inV' V . SHOT BY CREW :X -,V CAPE MAY. . N. J.,Iug.V24 x U.P Coast guardimen today shot and killed V,a wild lion - that escaped es-caped from " Its Jcage aboard steamer and terrorized passengers and crew for more than six hours. The lion, part 'of , a ( shiprnent of wild animals to azwinCaracas, Venbuela, broke out bl its . cage on the . Royal DutchNetherlands steamer, Amazineuid roamed the decks until it was ehot. . - : x. . CUPPER HEADS'" ; FOICNEW ZEALAND A k HONOLULU, Tr H., i Aug. 24 (HP)--! Pan-American : "Airways' California clipper took of f ;from the Pearl harbor, base today yf tor Canton Island, first stop of a'sur- very flight over a Honolul u-New Zealand ocean air route. - The '42-tbri '42-tbri plane, is expected to reach -its destination .in-' 12 hours.' It carried car-ried .only a crew . and flight ob servers, POLAND REFUSES DANZIG v ANSCHLUSS -V ' WARSAW, Aug. ,24 ,. (U.E)-rPO-land will refuse to v tolerate a Danzig anschluss with Germany, authoritative sources declared de fiantly tonight; after the govern-' alleged invasions" of the 'Polish frontier by, armed" German bands. - ; - ,';'". v 'v ! was ' just another attractive drugstore drug-store i--Mcar-hop,"tf'x'S;.X--',A"-. ' The next -day,' she" had' beeTn crowned 'Glamburger Queen and had, been awarded - a short term contract to appear in . Casa : Man- ana, the . outdoor summer show here. - - ' . ! i ' Miss Shipman 'won Jier crown' because of her acquaintances vot- ingf her the city s most popultr "car-hop" in a contest. . ' -J Gil3 Da Obituaries DEATH CLfiDS ' mm mm Mrs. Ada May Pelkey Johnson, 69, wife of Silas Johnson, died of pneumonia at the Salt Lake L.D.S. hospital Wednesday afternoon. x , She ' was born in Provo, August 9, 1870, a daughter of Don Carlo3 and Mary Elizabeth Hallett Snow. She had lived here - all her life. Her first husband, Charles Anthony An-thony Pelkey .died January 5, 1928, and she married Mr. Johnson August 91928. , ' ; Mrs. Johnson was an active L. D. S. church worker, i She had served as a Relief society teacher in the . Bonneville ward for many years. - - '-": " ' Surviving besides ' her husband are five, daughters, Mrs.V Blanche Hawkins and Mrs. Kva wutcmngs of . . Provo, Mrs. Mary . Brooks of American Fork, Mrs. Alice Lub lin of Roosevelt, and Mrs. Mabel NortqnQf-Clarkston, Washington; 21 grandchildren, .nine, greatgrandchildren, great-grandchildren, five" brothers, Levi C, Clark.N James C, "and Don Snowb all of Provo, andArlington Snow of. Pleasant View, and one sister, Mrs.Reva Snow White of Provo. - TTnneral services willbe held at 2 d. m Sunday in the Bonne ville ward. Friends may call at the Hatch-Quist funeral home Sat tirdav i evening and at the family residence. 838, East Fifth South, prior to the services. George Deyo Di At Urban :-Tr XWord was received in Provo to- dav bv wells tHimnaii oiv vue Death Nof G eorge Deyo, at ' Urbana, Ohio Mr Deyo. a prominent shipperof Jersey fcattle, was well kriowrilamong local dairymen. "He wai' a close friend of the "late, A; Or. Smoot and Joseph A. .- tsume, ana a greav inena uuui uc in erenetal in his own state. . ' ; On several occasions when Mr. Smoot Visited him at Urbana, the latter was invited to speak in Mr. Deyo's local . church. - . ; ' J Charles E. Cloward PAYSON-Charies E. vCloward, 76,None -of Payson's best Known and properous citizens- died . Wed-' nesdayaf ternoon at; his home6n East, Firsts South street. V. ' :Mr. Cloward was bornAFeb. 7, 1863 in : Pay son,. His father was Thomas " P. Cloward, pne of the original 1847 Utah pioneers, and Mary Gardner Cloward: He married mar-ried Etta Moesser, onNjuly 22; 1883 in PaysonShe died October 30, 1937. . They spent their entire m&rriPfi tit at. - rheir . Paivson residence yand on their farm easH of Saleni. He was a very successful success-ful and properous ,, agriculturist. Surviving are -six' Children, Charles E. - Cloward Jr., - Mrs. Mattle Pickering, Mrs. ; 7Zola pixon and - Mrs. Madeline Drxpn ofxPayson; , Mrs. jurma oagera of Milford,. Lee Cloward- of Salt Lake City and Elmer Cloward -.of Provo ; X 20 grandchildren ; . slx great-grahdchildren, . three brothers broth-ers and one sister, , Parley and Edward Cloward " of Rexburg, Idaho, and Miss Amy Cloward of Blackfoot Idaho. : : . : Funeral services wilbe conducted con-ducted Saturday at N2 ' p. rri. in the: First ward L. D-NB-yChapel with Bishop J. A. - Law - incharge. Burial will be In Payson city cemetery .by the- Desert Mor-tuary.-. : , Thomasabbitas A ' - SPRINGVILLE Thomas A Gab-bitas, Gab-bitas, 56, a lifelong . resident ' of Springvilledied Wednesday night at' the family home, First ' West and Second . street , of a - heart attack. . X ."X . Hd was born 'in SpringvUle, December .21, 1882, a-'son -xof George and -Kafiah Gabbitas'. : Surviving are his aged mother, the following- sons arid daughters, daugh-ters, Mrs. Virginia Graven and Floyd Gabbitas of Springville; Mrs. Rita Scott of Provo ; Mrs. Edna Blssell of Salt Lake City, and Leonard Gabbitas of the U.S. navy; ., six. grandchildren,' two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Lbynds of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Violetta Cannon of -Twin ' Falls,-.Ida; twa brothers, George andx Herbert Gabbitas, - and . one half-brother, Glen Harrison, all of Springville. The body Is at the A.Y. Wheeler Wheel-er mortuary pending funeral arrangements. ar-rangements. - - X - .,, '.- . A. . - - " Literature Class At Springville . 'V s '' ' ' A : " ' AX ..jr: ' ' ' "Son of the Forests;" an autobiography auto-biography by James Oliver, Cur-wood, Cur-wood, the life story and outdoor philosophy of one of America's best loved and most. widely , read authors will be reviewed in next week's literature class in Springville. Spring-ville. .A A AA ' - A '- ' These v classes ; are ' held . each Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 5- in the library and ' are free to all - who wish to .attend. Eacn week a current ' popular ' book is re viewed, and the lives and works of some of America's best early poets , are-studied. A new , world's diving soeed repord" was made by' a' Curtis Hawk 75 pursuit plane at the J speed of 575 miles per hour. AY Briefs Air. and Mrs. Moroni J. Cottam have recently returned from a delightful' de-lightful' two weeks' vacation to- San Francisco, .Treasure ; Island and the bay cities. . ; y . . Miss Margaret Boyer has re turned from spending the summer in ' San Francisco - and ; Los AngelesCalif.; An-gelesCalif.; wh-r she-.has 'been attendingschool at the Marie Fohr tayne Mannequin .studio. - -r Mr. and Mrs. IL L. Black (Ella s.l Vincent r and children. , havel-e turned to their home in ; A venal, J canr.. . alter spending -two weeks here with relatives - and f riends. Aney . jiaye peeji entertained I in 7S- . ... 'V I r M i!i . A ;. y. V - X' aAx a r - ttaa-'X i III . . X 1 i I I. I - V A- .A' A I TAX , -j' X 1 . r.A f , A 11 , -.: .-. - i i . t - ... w I LI k.-ix. A ,XX.a : . ' in ' Y aaT -X - ' - V . , - A V : ? A Doys'. Smart IVing, Tip Y I aV A A I - pers rU I ' D ) X ; yy .iffi y ..4. V - - -i i in i iiirj,--wnii- i IWa ni'iimrfti I i . n- n rtiifcirr i V 1 Provo, American Fork and Salt Lake City. , ; . -. Mr; and Mrs. . Antone K. Ront-ney Ront-ney , and familjf have returned from New York, where they have been spending the past two months Where Mr. Romney ' has been r engaged ,in graduate study ;at Columbia university. Mr.. Romney is instructor at thej Provo L. D. S. seminary. While away, the family fam-ily enjoyed trips to Mexico - and Canada, and visits to the world's fair, y - . . . ... --jr..'.; 'v.-;; . r." ! ' i '. "?" i Mr. and Mrs;' J. C. Kindred have returned f rom an .interesting 10-day 10-day trip to- San ; Francisco, Calif., where they visited the , 'world's fair. ; and Mrs.v IK. F. Cannon and daughter, Dorothy Jean Cannon, and Mrs. . Cannon's " mother, . Mrs. W. E. Knox of Mountain View, Missouri, have returned from the 1 coast, where hey have been vaca tioning at Long Beach, Laguna Or m;v 37 Seiecte -A. - A A Smartly TailoredZOxfbrds. Quality Features that Mothers and Girls xboth liket and h'ppl:-;- ?X- ; ' For BestOcca'sibris-Gore Primps and Straps that are flattering flat-tering to the6ot,and theyp e of shoe that you'll wear with most, nyfoutfit. Sizes Parents, : CT reAre f Savinas! r..f, 3 amotrfpr sive looking calf uppers tins her with crepe rrubbe -A with Iat - aayj, - Rjuiuuieruiwiz i -oirapsi K - Always a fayorite withJlttle yi,evt;riy my ieur anu -inxvvmins soies. oavei. oizes,V4fto a A X7 A X a ' -a -aa : X DRESS QJCFdaDS X'aXsA0 A famous : Towncrafts for boys. Youp-assiirance of top qualify-v Smart wing upv style Awitlv brown fflovX leather, uppers and husky crepe soles and 4'heels, or smooth calf up- wlth leather" soles. s douj in uooayear -welt construction. Long service at a saving. -, ; w Beach and WTest Los Angeles. Dr. Cannon has been away f or two weeks, while the others spent the summer there. Mrs. George Stewart of Ogden, was a'visitor in Provo today. vv -'; -.':-.-T-i , - ' J XR. jr. TaylarVf Salt Lake, City was nere on business. - X " - C-1 JoIn of .Salt Lake City visited' Provo business friends to day. J. L. Carr, Frank II. Peck, M. C. Large, ,W. E. Page and J.. C. Mulville, all of Salt. Lake City, were among, the business visitors in this city today. , 1 : PRESIDENT'S MOTHER RETURNING HOME x , LE HAVRE. France, Aug. 24 1 iuk) jvirs. James Kooseveitj motn er of the i president sailed ferthenounces W. united States today aboard thee liner Washingtoni js--; Long - yearing: - a. X J-' V"v.- - V: & A. School Favorites 'A'Aa-Xa , Be Read it k wear much more expeii- lowjjceinaijcates, amootn soles br moccasin toe stvie . girls'; f orbest occasions T is (ann u. Sturdy-leather '- ." " OXFOfiBS ,.': A, V , You'll , look Var and wide before4 you ' find , their equal in value and' price ! Smart wing tip style that boys like! Smooth leather uppers, with sturdy compositionsoles com-positionsoles and heels. High shoes dressy enough '- for every occasion yet strong J and durable! v Smooth' leather. . . uppers Xwith t rugged compo sole t and heel3. , -.s . , . - .- X v ) t i JCV N Cf A A , M. I. A. Workers To Meet Friday -Y. M. and Y. W. M, I. A. Muko officers of Utah, Provo,'. Sharon, Timpanogos, Alpine, . Lchf ; a nd Kolob stakes, are meeiin'g Friday at 7 p. m. at the Mlinavu ward hall, for an Important rec ri-a-tional institute. ' ; General tyoard rr.c :r.hiTH will here, 'and.preparation.H', .will - be made for winter M.. A. activities. activi-ties. ' ' ' . ":-- OIIANGK DlSTUllUJTION A A special . distribution i of oranges to clients 'of PrpvO; and, UtalT county 'will be made Frkiay - irrom a. m. io :isu p.-. m an- charge. Clients must brim; thi if " cwn containers. o o SflUIfJGS! 51 A A ' 4 y 0 K y. - - -. . , .- Xa,-'-' X A W - ' -y 'A 'f x x. X X X -A '1 - - n-;:-: Xx xx V X ' h : r ' v y j - A A ) |