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Show v 5 y SECTION TWO PKOVO (UTAH) DAILY HERALD, THURSDAY AUGUST 24, -1939 , -y PAGE ONE Pi lof Kil led WHile Trying to Talk With Friends Yashmgion ; Merry-Go-Round (Continued From Page One) the Federal Works Agency. Is very proud of his golf game. Last week end a reporter called Sawyer's Saw-yer's home for information about a construction project and' was told by Mrs. Sawyer that her husband hus-band was attending a golf tournament. tourna-ment. ; ' "-. - "la Mr. Sawyer a good golfer?" asked the reporter politely. ' -He thinks he i" laughed Mrs. Sawyer. v 70''-Back r - -.: ' ';' J '-.Iff-1 L v .'(( i v'v' " j 5 ;' ;" 1 ' ' '-c f - - ' ,(---.... , -I ?:r . , frff 'v-CA V V I CAPITAL. CHAFF 'Friends cf .Wendell L. Willkie, grandstanding head of the Com monwealth and Southern " utilities, recently sounded, out certain Re-' Re-' publican jleaderjufor their opinion . ' of him '33 . a'presidentlal possi-. possi-. bility. Without exception the po-Xntlcos po-Xntlcos turned thumbs down. One remarked tersely,' "He may b-a hero to you, utility people, but! he would, be poison at the ballot box.' .T7Secretary Henry Wallace had had. twp turn-downs so, .far -in ;his search fofv a director of the Rural electrification Administration. As-- As-- sLstants Interior, Secretary Oscar - ChapmaiT'and Representative- Lyndon Lyn-don Johnson, militant young Texas liberal, declined' the postl. iDiplo ,.m malic and clerical -circles are , ? readirig-vith keen interest a bobk-AXlet bobk-AXlet entitled "The . Truth ' about Communism In China, 'written by Eishop Paul - Yu-pin, . Vicar Apostolic of Nanking," asserting . .. . that - tk Communistic movement exists in China and that the accusation accu-sation . is being . spread by . the - Japanese to serve their own in--.terests. . ''-ji V " ' -; - y SICK MAN 4y f The . condition of ; Justice Pierce Butler Is, more serious than his physicians have revealed. . Jx i. The i73-year-old jurist Is'suffer-,y Is'suffer-,y Ing from a painful - bladder augment.- and -while his -doctors . believe be-lieve he will Tecover sufficiently to return to the Supreme Court when it reconvenes .in October, - - -IV xsv-Ti ' v,-'f. A . : - v.' . r1 . ? ?v. S V - , ' V -' Death came to Ceryl T. Hubert, amateur pilot, as he flew low In this plane' over & tiouse in Mount Vernon, Wash i la an attempt p.shout -to mends.., iiis. passenger was critically wounded as the monoplane's motor failed.'. this, is by no means, a certainty. At his age and' wirn his massive build, Butler's ailment is - a xverjr5' serious maiier. i . , . . ler, the thirds . f?enior, Ltloggedly , J remained on theJoruntil the pnly immediate members' of his family, know- that while Butlef ap peared to be m roDust neaitn last term and was one . .of the four justices with a. perfect attendance recofd, actually he was a sick man in the -closing weeks. . i . . ,v He ' complained - of abdominal twinges and - hisv. personal physician, physi-cian, Dr. Fred. Sanderson, advised him toitake a"rest. But with Chief Justice Hughes absent with . d severe flu attack and Justice' Mc Reynolds,' the ;next: ranking mem-tl94Qelectio4 recejatly indicated he ber, awayVon N a pleasure ; junkefl would step doyfri earlier l assured to hfs birthplace in Kentucky But Court's calendar was completed, He then went to his model farm in Howard County, Md., where he raises prizes cattlei in the Vhope that quiet and leisure, would revive re-vive him But when the abdomi- TfaT pains 'continued. ' Sanderson took: him to Johns-Hopkins hospital hos-pital in Baltimore Tor an examination,-" Thisv reyealed' aV serious bladder condition and he cwas-hospitalize cwas-hospitalize for ' treatment. The JustleeVhas responded to' these efforts, but slowly.' r According .to Iriendsi; Butler or iginally planned to retire 'after the of a voice innaming his successor. This 6f fetv it . is stated, was actu- allmraunicatedto the . Pres dent by an intermediary butwas declined. - CONSISTENT, y - "t i - : i - ; j- 1 : i!'3T The, Only Heater , ,.1 - . -- - ver Designed;; : A I vrrrr-rrr i '! - Specialty to BurnA '.. V ( - : ' i: VVe5e7i-rcoa.; ' y :; v-;.f . ; v k h i. "- J Vi '-- , . - . Jv v. t n n rvj n" i - . r AUGUST 19 SEPT. 9 LOOK AHEAD TO COLD WEATHER! ' riere's your opportunity to have the most efficient," '..economical, qirculating iheater ever of fered.at a great r,nvingl SAVE KS MUCH AS $5.00 on the regular re-sale price Ofa Genuine Super-Heater: by placing your order with Dixon-Taylor-Russell Co. before September 9th. Remember, too the Heater will be delivered at vour convenience. ' - t . . ' v V- r PAY A1 SMALL DEPOSIT NOW--NOJIIING MORE UNTIL FALLU J A UTAH COUNTY PRODUCT v ? Tl I E PACI FIC SUPER-I IE ATE R is made just, a few miles from. Prqvo by. -Utah Countj" Isren. . Utah pig-iron is used in its construction "assuring you -"y of the very finest heater money can buy. at the lowest possible -price.-. SAVE ON FREIGHT FUEL AND UPKEEEWITH A GENUINE A UTAH-MADE SUPER-HEATER. SEE THEMTODAY'! " v - . - "Built-EspeciallyorYour Home" 1 1 &IMJlli1i (B(! - Whatever else he may be, Senator Sen-ator Lynn J. Frazierxis consistent. Unlike several olleagues, he ls not dne to talkeconomy and then vote to spend; ' . " ' X The missive, bald North , r)a-kotanis r)a-kotanis a firm believeriiv govern- ment spending and has 'never een - known , to vote. againstX'it. That's his credo and. he makes' no bones about It. - . . -'. 1 ; In factr so staunch anadvocate of spending' is Frazierthat, like, charity, he believes it should begin be-gin at home. And he has put tia policy into effectwith such - success suc-cess that he and four members --of his family) are collecting a total of $23,320 , V- year in . government pay checks. : This is j theFrazier gravy list: y -ysyy' The Senator, salaryvonly . . $10,000 Willis- Frazieraon Farm' Se-.,V:, curity administration : coop- ? - ' erativefecialist' .V. '.' . . 3.300 Vernorirazier,': son,' assistant .: ln father's off ice 2,220 Lynn Paidson,stepson, - Feder-, al Trade Commission ,At- ' tdrriey , . , . . .; . '.AQO Stanler, Gaines, r son-ih-law?ln-; ; formation divisionofthe - . .-; .-; Federal Crop Insurance cor- poration , . . , .W :.v 3,000 Total' . v . ; . . Vv.-S23.320 Note; Anotherreatlye,.M.J wasemployed from 1931. to ,1938 "gress at $1,620. ; " '-y . -'. a; ' , u yjufi . .mi j k. . BOX SCORE ; . ,' . . v . . y The " box . score of th . Was.hfng" ton Merry-Go-Round 'nepotism investigation in-vestigation so far is as follows:' i . f -m V - ,v- " Congressmen . . . . . . . . . -. 2 Senators Congress! Relatives 28 , "Take" v. . $140,920 (Copyright, 1939, by -United' . Feature Syndicate, Inc. ) f : ; ' - ,y ' Payson To Stage Handicraft Display "T PAYSON--The annual: exhibit of handicraft" classes. " sponsored by. Payson V City, Net'o .school district and WPA recreation will be held . in ' connection with 'the Payson Golden Onion Days and Homecoming celebration September Septem-ber 2, 3, and 4. , V ; i; All articles made by the children's' child-ren's' classes during the summer sum-mer months' will be on exhihir and also articles made 'by the Tlie committee' includes, Mrs. jfc!,rmaBarnett, Lorin Partridge, MrsKathryn Betts, ; Mrs. Sara Houston, Miss Leora 'McClellan antf Miss Dorothy pulver. -. . ChildrenNare asked to bring articles ar-ticles to be xhibited to the south room of thecentral school BROTHERS IIAtVE IIOLB IN ONE i V - ' record was created bV two bro-thers-E. B. . Vaughariand C. Vaugnan,- on V their iiomecoufse at - Crichel Park, near Wimborne. when thev halved et, 'hqle intone. 5otn brothers are .retired middle- aged business men : and ardentJ gouers. - , ., , . ':. v -- ' , -. BOY GETS FIRST DEER OlJlCKLY COALING A, Cal. Vnj.P),'Dad" Schoonover, took . his 14-year-old son Gergal . P. on . a deer hunting exhibition. At the first crack ot the lad's rifle in a running shot he brougnt down a 130-pound Pacific' ruck. - "Dad" returned hbmev filled with ' pride but with no deer of his own. ! Simply eprinkle' BUIIACir onv bed nd bed clothing, and dust into cracks a r ?revces around the room. BUHACII irinjs swift, sure end to insect in-sect pests guaranteed, safe for human beings and animals -.. odorless.'. In li&ndy Sifter Cans 25c up at Drug, Grocery, Seed Stores juid Pet Shops. - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmamammmmmmm iwmib m iiinni n m i n i T i , . ,, . - - ' ; " - ' - y ' . . . ' ' - f 1 r "1 . v--r v -.. I - - r-?-, ., ( Oi-I I 1 1 - r.v tsV'WW felyWW. That Your Sl.oc3 -r ... " . . ' ' . y- .. ? u. . i i . m ii - " n in. "lit w i i ftis urn ; r - y1 h II Lf T W n f I I i If f il' i I It I f t 11(1 ' , - t '..'.,. 1 ' 1 I I II I I 1 1 1 I I I I . W- 1 li 1 t 1 J 1 1 Dpys'Gords Here's a sensation!. Fine Whale Cords in green, blue, tanM grey. Zipper pockets. , Sizes 6 to 16. v GoyslSlacks - A fine big selection, or Boys' . Slacks, sizes g to .20. Pleated fronts or hi- waists. Blue, greens, tans all new fall shades, 7 y Girls'vDfesses V&9?v Lovely school frocks! . Wasp waist, fast colors. Sizes 1 to 14; Perfect; for school the . kiddies are wild about them ! Tf-7rv rn j ryrtn A Aim? G r.; 1 Dliricr Yburx Child's Feet or Yurx Own! .x Demand X-RAT THE SCiENTlPICWAY of Fitting: Feet! This is a Free Servr j FREDM AN-SHELB Y !-'iiir ir ilttfe Girlsfinklets . -y'y;y r OforTf? Elastic top '- good dark colors. - Sizes SYiVtolO'i. Extra quality ! ' " I ,-..,: Boys' Shirts y New fall, colors .- and 'pat-' terna resizes 6 to'14; San 'forized shrunk Guaran-' teed tub-fast colors! . - - .. " .- . " Gym Shoes Sturdy reinforced upper-leather upper-leather insole tcminimfze perspi ration. Airplane vde-sign vde-sign ; ' rubber sole " wili. grip anjr iioor; y y rs Shirts, Shorts ; gd Each- Fine' combed yarn; ribbed rib-bed upper elastic ' shorts. Sizes 4 to 16. Saver. Girls' Panties Rayon .' or cotton, something some-thing theylll need plenty, of. Stock- up now at - a l-iiw eavinral . ' Xv-f a - X -V'. fl sift &J&.X: ".AXXX in v x- fry if nr?ox rvn n ra ... ---. kV5TTi7vvTTT) T7TN f A fedhUSelectioiiof Shoes for Sport-rfOrress---for Play! Sporty ;-Oxfords in number ;'of; styles Dressy T-Straps in patent leather-ruSffiH0s forlevery day. MarkIcss-coni-; position sole! RIEDIAN-SHELBY ,XjX MEN'S and BOYS' STOElDOJiFOOBS x, : : y . -tax " ' V , ; VV;l I-' X 7 : Here's two sturdy-shoes in Men's aiid .Bo yssizesancl fust look at tlic sensational price for these first class shoes K Bhwn or Black FRIEDMAN-SHELBY. - "V vy ' - - - -' rX vx - K ! , i.i X,Vv-.-X sport --- -XXSH0E - X ' - p?x - . , v . T'""""" "X V: x V FOR GIRLS and YOUNG INDIES Sensational isthn nririnf ihoai Better Shoes for rGirls and Young Lyl ! C , V Mil - ' i A - X ' X 7 . 1 X. A. tadiesj Crepe soles and leather 7 soles in styles you're sure to like.X X. friedman shi:lby Now Ydu Can Ifavc xtra Quality Economically L 03o.9O FRIEDafc-SHELBY ' Dressy LieatherV Soled Wmg-tipped Bals, Or Crepe Soled oiucners; m iiacK, isrown, ancLtne jncw, Antique. . .. - ; J ; - Xl -;X--- , y- X- i ' --. - -'. - - -- -.- ... .-..-. - - . -- ..-v . ..." .- :X --"rt" v.. . ... . v "... , This is the snoe that has been a iavorite tor scnool and piay; ' xyX for years and years! - . Boys' sizes &y2 vXXvX, land q X-RAY SHOE FITTING J6ExlraN i:niirge-N K T 'f1! - -!' i 111 -1 OIiCM 11 Y2 III X A. 72 .;,;..;v,,X0.E.S9 FltlEDMAN-SIIELBY H -u v -V:. - V -rvx : 1 . ' ' - .yVLj. v -.v" - , i . . x I S y . : i I U U X. : U r 5 Is 1 ...... :!.-,-'. f .;- s - .-- i X-Ray Shoe Fit- 1 , y- A. S,wiih Fir ma tie p! J y u,,.. , - - ' 1 ' 1 1 : - 7" : : : " - y- . .. 1 |