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Show PAGE FOUR SPRING VILLE (UTAH) HERALD, r THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1939 Interesting Features For; Ethel D. Rambeau Society Editor v Phone, 494 iWomen; Club and Lodge News i V l. u I t' Sorosis Club Holds Outing A social attraction of the week, was the annual Utah Sorosis club outing- held at Wildwood . Wednesday, Wednes-day, the women meeting in the late afternoon at the summer home of Mr." and H Mrs. Victor J. Bird, and being- joined later by their husbands -at the Claude Ashworth cottage. Mrs. William Bailey, president, had charge of the short session of business for the women, during v.hich Mrs. J. C. Knell presented the program for the ensuing year. ,,Dt:Heicu3 steak dinners, prepared pre-pared at the Ashworth home untie un-tie the direction of Mrs. George Worthen, were served to 55 members mem-bers and partners gathered around a huge bonfire. .nearby. Congressman-, J. Will -Robinson was a special guest,' and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Edward3 were pre3ent from Salt Lake City.' v . ' I. E. Brockbank acted ai master mas-ter cf ceremonies, and Congressman Congress-man Robinson spoke, giving "a resume of the recent congressional congression-al sessions. J. R. Hodson, Johns E. Hayes and Mrs. Hannah Cardall dtlxghted the group with their participation .In a story-telling contest. Community singing was led by George S. Ballif and Mrs. Aliie V. Clark, with accordion 'ac-ccmpaniment'played 'ac-ccmpaniment'played by Mrs. Wil-. Wil-. liam J. Harris, who also , entertained enter-tained with several .numbers." t Mrs. George Worthen was general gen-eral chairman, assisted - by j Mes-dames Mes-dames Alex Hedquist, Dallas H. Young; and Stanley M. Clark. The entertainment committee consisted consist-ed of Mesdames, Claude Ashworth, I. E. Brockbank, John E.L Hayes and Victor J. Bird. , f X . . Glub Dinner jx For Husbands An aftemoxsn-of handwork and table -games. were enjoyed ..by memoers or the Mary . Cecelia club at the Jiome of Mrs. - C. A. Tolboe Wednesday. , . . . 1 . , x : In the. evening, the J women v.-ere joined by their ; husbands, - and" a delicious dinner " was served." ser-ved." Garden ' flowers -were ar-. ranged in" decorating. N , S . . tn. attendance were the following fol-lowing members- and partners i Mrs. LenaXD. Swenson, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. xDahlquist, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Tolboe Mr. nnri XTrs George BOef, Mr and Mrg. Clif-. ton ; Tolboe, Mrs. Mary Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. 11. P.x Hansen, Mr. rjid Mrs.v August J. Johnson, Mr. nd Mrs. Donald Tolboe C. - A Dahlquist, Sr., and Mrs.K Mary TV Gunn of Hyrum, and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rasmussen and Mr, and Mrs N. .Williani Knudsen. . . ..x, - , I V I - - ' Farewell Party-In Party-In Gariyon Mr. and Mrs." Wilmer Tanner entertained at" a picnic supper at uanyon Glen Wednesday evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Black and family of "A venal, Calif. Guests - included Mrs.. Kate Brown and Stanley and Vincent Brown., " .; .x- . . ,' - . " ., ; u . :. Former Provoan Is Entertained - . ; '- ' i" ' To celebrate the birthday' anniversary anni-versary of Mrs. T. G Mc Cafferty (Lora Dunn), of Salt Lake City, a group I of friends motored to Salt Lake, Wednesday evening, where they, tendjjred . a dinner-at Weaskuin. ; ,- Covers ! were laid for Mr. Aand Mrs; McCafferty, Miss Dorothy Alexander, their . house guest from Honolulu; Miss 'Barbara Paxman. Miss Amelii Buckley. Miss Rhea Taylor and Mrs. Ethel Rambeau of Provn Taylor Stewart of San Francisco, and Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor Lynn jof A venal, Calif. . . - MA APPLIANCE CO. 51 Isiorth. University Avenue srjusYns vorj E Factory Demonstration by" T MISS BETTY HERRON V -X-- f at Utah Power : EVERY DAY Student Couples Complimented at Alpine School -A cleverly arranged affair, and one of the outstanding social events of the - Alpine summer school this year, was the party Monday evening, sponsored by Mrs. Elsie C. Carroll, dean of women for the session. . The function was In the.-form of an announcement party for three of the - co-eds,, who " are wearing rings ".or fraternity pins the. last few days. The honor guest3 .were Miss Dorothy 'Nelson, 'Nel-son, Mis3 Vera Teeplesand Miss Bessie Ailred, and the young men who made such a social possible are Don Candland, John Freckle-tori Freckle-tori and Morris Shields. The latter two were in attendance. ' Mrs.-- .Carroll Introduced the honor guests nd presented them with rolling . pins and Index files for recipes, each containing two autographed recipes t front "Hap" Hodson,. the, famous Alpine cook. Mrs.. H. R. Clark sang; "Ro mance in the Mountains"; Farrell Collett gave a . chalk talk,using Knots (naughts, i nots, noughts) for his theme; clever original skits appropriate to the occasion, ?were presented by- the : girls ' dormitories, dormitor-ies, the;' one by. 'Alpine Delight, under the direction bf Miss Marian Becraft being awarded first prize; Mrs. Va3co M. Tanner gave- advice ad-vice to the soon-to-be-brides; Prof. Karl Young gave an interesting inter-esting talk and demonstration of Indian "courtships and marriages; a fashion; show demonstrating not that-"clothes make the man?, but chat ;4'clothes catch the man," was presented . under the direction .of Kay Luthey., m :r?: x The finale of N the shpw- was a bridal, procession! Those , talking pare were Virgie Wasden, Bernice Holt,-. Carol Pugh, Elinor Stuart, Maxine Nichols, : Eleanor Fair, Irene Smith, Josephine -Thomas. The rhymed descriptions of the costumes were yf read : by Ruth Candland. Those in the bridal pro Cession were "Preston and Isa-belle Isa-belle Romney j Gledhill, bridegroom and bride; tob Buswell, minister; Bennett " Cash, father , of the bride;'-' Dorothy !. Millermaid of henor Sanford Bingham, . best man, . Helen Hansen, flower girl. Fortunes, sent ' .by-, the . spirit of Timpanogos were distributed by Esther Wilden and , read: by the recipients. : . ;- -; ' . j 1 After - refreshments werei Served, Serv-ed, the ' remainder of . the evening was devoted to competitive gramjes ! directed 'by Dema , Nance, and faneita lmlay,L and whatrpf oved to be th;1' m t popular feature of the cvering, the telling of fortunes by a palmist, Mrs. George. Han sen; a . card necromancer, Leora Curtis;1 and a crystal gazer, Dorothy, Dor-othy, Nenpn. The : party, -which was attended by the entire school camp, was held, on the 'green be tween . the dining hall ; and the ibrary. - Canyon Picnic V ' For. Visitors X ' -1 Honuoring " Mr. ' and Mrs.v W N. Conrad,, who are visiting here from Alberta Canada, an outing was held in South Fork", Pro vo canyon, Wednesday f evening. : -:-:", Relatives and friends I made up the party, and delicious picnic sup per was-the. main attraction, Those participating were Mrs Allie Cherrington, . Mrs. .Nettie Conrad, Mrs. r Don Overly, Mrs Albert Conrad, Mrs. Rpy Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Smith, Mr. and Mrs.. . Frank . Holdaway,' Donna Bertin," Beverly Cherrington, Nor ma Ferguson, ; Jennie Fox, Mrs. Zelda Bunnell, Mrs. Lyda Chase, Mrs. Florence Carter and f Rowe CTinger. , . ri Birthdays ' v Friday, August 25 . - . . . . i J. W. HALLIDAY-BURT HALLIDAY-BURT W. BROWN , , JOSEPH IL' STORRS MRS. RAY HOOVER V x Provo, Utah . X tootoess orLiht Co. THIS WEEK! Schoolgirl Starlet In Smartness j wiiil ... ia. flh .MfMI.illllli Freshman Jane Withers gives two dress; a peasant boy -and-girl lapel leather, and a white uanie pique . - and -- Birthday, Celebrated 'A swimming party was" held at Park Ro-She ! Wednesday evening, ti celebrate the birthday annivers- ary of Mrs. Stella Mooney.' , X A wefner roast followed . and was served to Mr.and Mrs. George Hansen, Mr. anil rs, Ted Hill,5 .ULrY and. Mrs, Mrs. William Losee Mr. and Mrs. DeVar 0f ret Mr. And Mrs. -Andy Johnson, Lola Mooney and 'Mrs. ;Ike Carter. , " t ; ;' ; '' X'"::-'; -;-:: . u- CLEAN iatME'DIATELY . ' Don't neglect quick cleaning of food spots on- rugs.- A food stain is an urgent invitation for moths to dine, : particularly if the rug is in a room that is .'not in ctant use. Besides, it's - much easier to remove a fresh stain than one that has become - seated. A .reliable .re-liable dry cleaner is usually . all that is necessary. . -! - i .......' . t7e Arc; Happy, to' Annonbce That A Snscial 1 ....'' . x x X , - Of Chicago; 5v l;nday and Come Ih At DavWs And Let Us Help You With Your X Fall and Winter.C6at Problem! Seelhe Newest uiurtkin onorx. uress. xrhftni nnH Marked "A 1 .NX 4 X. 4 i K i tips for pepping-up a ginghan gadget of redxwhite and blue set, including bolero - weskit, collar cuffs. . State Nurses to Bold Outing --j 'v, ' A meeting and picnic of . the Utah State Nurses'x-association, district -No. 1 3,' w4H . be'hed at Maple, canyon, near Moroni, Sat urday at 4 o'clock, x - All nurses are urged to be present pres-ent and' reservations should- be made. immediately with Mrs-. Ruth Hammond of - Epfrraim. . Junior Girls Entertained ,x Junior lrls of the First ward M. Iy A. participated. in. a delightful delight-ful outing Wednesdayin Provo canyon. ' -"., - - ,Jl 1 v After swimming at Vivian park, they - were served a delicious picnic pic-nic luncheon at Canyon Glen, , - Included in 1 the group', were Adele Johnson, Isabelle David,. Ida Taylor, Maxine Harding,. Carma Ferguson, Ann Roberts, Marie, Roberts,-'? Vivian - Peterson, - Myrle Weight, Shirley Pastoey. Lola Wheeler Donna Bertln, Jane Gard ner ; andVthe teachers,Mrs." Thel- ma Ferguson and Mrs. Ar villa Harding. -- -. ; Ocpresentatiuc of the' & SUIT - - - ul'VV. , ' : ! - - ' -.' ,,x,. . ; , . . ' ' - X - - - - . n- v - X- Will Be In Our Store All Day Saturday, August - - . , ,x- - We Will Be Glad to Take Special Orders for " 1 Individual Requirements x in Fall and Winter 168 West Center Street frovo, utafi - COATS DAVID'S Home From Alaska Miss Ardith Spalding, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. N. C. Spalding, has returned from an interesting and enjoyable trip to Alaska. The Provoans first visited in Seattle, Washington., and the boat trip to Alaska, included stops at Juneau, Sitka, Ketchican, Wrangell, Petersburg and Skag- way. . -x- - - Garden Party for Literary Section , A delightful party given by the officers of the literary section of the Women's council was held Wednesday afternoon , in the gar den at the home of Mrs. Mary F. Smith. , A Japanese scheme was carried out in the decorations, lan terns,, parasols and garden flow ers . being used.. , Miniature Japanese Japa-nese parasols were given as favors. Monte Carlo Whist was played and prizes awarded to Mrs. .Harold .Har-old Mitchell, Mrs. ,A. E. Wright and Miss Blanche Nelson. Mrs. A. M. King, chairman bf the section presided, and Mrs. Anna . Prince Redd : read some ; of her poems. An outline of the year's program was given Xy Mrs. King. Mrs S. R. Boswell, presi dent of the Women's Council was a special' guest , e ",. Refreshments were served to Mrs. 1 Arvel . Morgan, Mrs.- W. H. Wilde, Mrs. LeRoy Hoover, Mrs. G. R. Willetti Mrs J. M. Redd, . Mrs. Joseph Seethaler, Miss Blanche Nelson, Mrs. Harry Butler, But-ler, Mrs. Ammon Tuttle, Mrs. J. B, Syrett, Mrs. T. V.Maloney, Mrs. Walter Lewis,; Mrs. Iva J. Benson, Mrs- A. H. Hansen, Mrs. W; Earl Gadd. Mrs. Albert -Tavlor. Mrs. Geo-gev Troth Mrs. C. Elmer Mad-sen, Mad-sen, Mrs. Harold Mitchell, Mrs. A. E Wright, Mrs. Helen Parker, Mrs. S. It. Boswell, Mrs. W.. M. Andrews, and s the hostesses,- Mrs. A. ; M. King and Mrs. Mary F. Smith.- . - - - ' .; Helen Ward Is Hostess I Incpmpllment to Mrs.. Louis yoolsey I MarVel , Wilde ) , Miss Helen Ward" was . hostess. At- a pleasant affair Tuesday evening at her home. Garden flowers made the rooms attractive. Coronation whist was played. Mrs. Mary Woosley .of Canada, receiving the .' high score prize and a guest ; favor going to Mrs. Loula, Woolsey. ,A tasty: sup per followed 7 Other present were Mrs. Charles Wilde, .'Mrs. E.DXWilde, Miss Dorothy . Wilde Airs. . William ,,K Firmage .and Mrs. Thomas Shortt. Glub Calendar1, . READERS! GUILD Readers Guild members will be entertained at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Marion B. Clark 309 East Third 'North street. , - y CO. . 25 and 26 . : ' K . i - ; ). Materials and ivni - ' v mmoH '..-v- . -... x: .-t Commerce Frat Honors Visitor . I In honor of Dr. A. Rex Johnson John-son here from "Tashington, D. C, active and alumni members and guests of Alpha Kappa Psi gave a 'canyon party, Wednesday eve ning at WildwQod. . - - Softball was enjoyed followed by a steak dinner served in Ken Taylor's .cabin. Accordion selections selec-tions by Rex Johnson Jr., and community singing .completed the program.. ' .The following were , present: Dr. A. Rex Johnson, Rex, Jr., Ben Lewis, Richmond Anderson, Harold Har-old Duce, Donald Duce,' Merlin Slack, Bert Ludlow, .Ken Taylor, Ray Jacobsoji, Cornelius Peterson, Orville Howe, IDale Jones,, Bill Rasmussen, Sterling Strate, Jay Schofield, Elton Sumner, Bill Old-royd, Old-royd, Orrinv. Jackson, Pauly Harmon, Har-mon, Ross "Sterling, ' Paul Creer, Sam Smoot,- 'Rajph Olson, Frank Swenson aftd Mark ; Bo wen Arbor, yetae Club Party - r Arbor Vetae club 'members met at the home of Mrs. Lareta Abbott Ab-bott -Vednesday evening. "' Needlework ; and the' game 'SOU4 were the "diversionsMrs. LllaDi-sen LllaDi-sen winning the ligh scoreprlze and Mrs. Jennie' Bushell, the consolation con-solation favor. A delicious luncheon was serM ved to the following: Mrs- Nina Cluff, . Mrs. xEdith Thompson, Mrs. ..Pearl Darling, :. Mrs. Jennie Bushel V Mrs. LIUv Olseh and Mrs. La'reta Abbott.' ' f : x M; L A. Grouo x-0- t anypn ? any , Y.- Mf. M. I..A. officers of the Second ward entertained the Y.W. M. I. A. officers and teachers and their' partners at a melon, bust at Canyon 'Glen - Wednesday evening. . . Games and campfire songs followed fol-lowed and "were.' enjoyed ' by . 34 guests. Verne Nelson;' president of the ;y. M. M. L A was directly in charge. : 'X- ix&mb mmmmim : , Jt : iu :twt. h : -:x s,: itimitM' ,vVi !.x x ''!';;' K( fLJ'J j kM V- YOUyPRESENT " ? jj ' T1 7 ''' vCV ''l FURNACE forQNLY i 'j V . . ; J U .), . . . ; - 4 ,, 0 )5 x. - . V ,.:" xv-x' j ---.- j ONLY $5 DOWN puts full autbmsntic'heat in your home! And, $49.50 is ALL you pay divided into easy monthly terms if you wish for having your present furnace made into a 100 automatic gas-burning heating plant. Why pay more for a semi-automatic appliance when you can equip your furnace for absolutely effortless, smokeless, ashless Heat at such a low price? N . Come in V 135 West Center St. Junior Chic 4 f I. I A FAVORITE with Gloria Jean, miversalnew little singer, is this suspender frock, with a skirt bowthat, ties in the front. The- bl)ieand white blouse, edged ia navy, i$ gmenam, ' me sum navv sUK-broaaciom. and get f ull details on unusual of f erenow! j , . Phone 820 Serving? Twenty-thre Utah Communities Couple Make Wedding Plans Mr and Mrs. .11. J. Hansen of HichfieUt, announce the rnga-ment rnga-ment of their daughter, LaVonda. , to Horace J.Christensen son . of Dr, and. Mrs. P. AChristensen of lYovo. -; . - '. . V The 'marriage will take--place in the Manti temple,' Sept. 6, -with President R. D. Young off iciatin,'. 'Miss Ilanaen attended the II. Y.U.for . two years and was .af-liliatedXwith .af-liliatedXwith the Fidelas - social' unit. Mr. tZJhristensenr, a "Y" graduate grad-uate of 3Sxand. a . IJrigadier, did post-graduate xwork at the mi.-vorsity mi.-vorsity last Var. ; , -'" 'C-.v-- 'x n .' - ' Alpine Summer i ; School Pance : J ASPEN 1 GRQVE The lat stu-dent stu-dent body dance of : the Brigham Young ' university Alpine eummer school vwill be htld this evening under the direction' of Robert Bus-Well Bus-Well of - Ogden, student recreation chairman. -;... ; .'. , ; .'. x r -, TheNJance is the fifth in a series of socials events" which have been ' held each yeek during, the Alpine . term. Students, faculty members and their friendsxwill4' be guests at the xlance. - :...'. Music willbe fumlshed by Ciirt Curtis and- -his . Qrihestra f rom Provo,xM r., Buswell anonunceU. Afternoon Of s Enioved J(n enjoyable time was . soent Lby members of the Do Novo enm Tuesday afternoon at the. honic of Mrs. Josephine Wightman. Mrs." Uert Sullivan and Mrs. Harold Clark were guests; ana the members present were Mrs-t-red Newell,1 Mrs. Thomas JKi Beesley, Mrs. John Yea ger, Mrs. Alvin Corbett, ; Mrs. Ted John-. son, Mrs. George Kim be r, Mrs.' John Bush, Mrs. Harold Calder and Mrs Arthur Duggins. After a "tasty luncheon, contract con-tract bridge was played, Mrs. Duggins won high score and Mrs. Kimber, the BecondlavOr. , this Q U V x , x . 7 X" |