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Show ' ' SECTION TWUV PROVO' "(UTAHT 7 DAILY" HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1939 v PAGE THREH A&iress Sues AStrouBTwrri' T FACULTY Gamp Fbyd-Pdny; Giipress T.onucanJ o Da CsdioafeJ at Aug. 24 PJic" burial; ground, where the famous. Ute Indian chief, Peteetneet; probably prob-ably lies buried, for it is a matter of history that he died here Sept. 23rd, 1861, A little to the . south of the monument may be seen the foundations of houses, once occupied occu-pied by the Utah Expeditionary forces, while a little; farther on is a national cemtery; marked by an imposing monument., ' Unique Construction Not only has the monument an Impressive, liistorical background but .it - is uniquely constructed. Youngsters toiled -for days in the Oquirroh hills west of here to ob- talnv rpck covered with Indian hieroglyphics, which went into the construction of it. Fairfield invites the citizens of Utah cctuiity to attend the dedicatory dedica-tory exercises which: will be held Thursday according to lanky, good looking Bishop Gardner," of Lehi, who has had charge of the construction con-struction andwho was onej&f the "youngsters" that roamed - the COURT CONDUCT METICULOUS ' j PASADENA. Cal. T.I!) Dr. ifichael A. ' Iogolevitch; former noted Russian burgeon, called to testify "In a civiKsuit refused to EETItlG SET By U. G. DUBOIS -. FAIRFIELD On the - 24th of this month at 2 p. in. the stately monument marking the Simpson emigrant route to California, the Pony Express route, and old Camp Floyd, will be dedicated -In ."Middle of Town, ..- S It stands in the middle ol tdwri, surroundedi by points of historical interest. It is within a stone's throw of the old harn where overland over-land stage coach drivers baited their teams. To the west winds the road to California, vanishing from view through the Five Mile Pass, which iaUtah county's-only gateway to the desert. A couple miles to the north is an old Indian sit down wnen, alter oeing sworn in, his attorney toid him to -lie seated."' "In a hall of justice," Dr. Iogolevitch ,toldthe couit. one nerer sits down until ordered . , Opening the 1939-40 academic year of Brigham Young-, university, universi-ty, the first faculty meeting will ibeelniondayl . "Sept. 18, according accord-ing to announcemenTby Dr Christian Chris-tian Jensen, acting president!- ' k.- ' . . . y " , 4 i Air members "or the university m" faculty; .will convene in .the .assembly .as-sembly room of pre Maeser Memorial Mem-orial building oh.the, upper campus cam-pus for thcopening session. "In-- "In-- fitructiona'Will be given regarding registration of students: which will take place Sept. 22, 23, and 25 -:. ,-. v Four rnember-'Cfthe B. Y. U. faculty will return' from"1 leaves of absence at; th time. Dr. Carl F. Eyringv. who 'for" the 'past two years has beenpresiding over the New Eri gland mission of the LL ; D. S. chureh-iiJH return tor tak up his dutieaa dean of the col Oquirroh in search of suitab lV4i43 honor. ' "His . Honor" t.-j rock.-., -T-BiShon Gardnerlust eeleht-fliAil his eightieth birthday and has worked diligently for a pony ex It M said thsft 27 singers ar press monument in Utah county onlytwiceas loud as 'one 'singer. X s : . : - ... lege of arts ad sciences and pro fessor of s physics and niathema ticsAfter three years of study at New York university. Prof. ,Clar ence S. Boyle will resume teach-" , Zing in", the department of account? Jntr ttrA l-iiictrioc nrf ministration. Golden L. . Woolf , - associate professor pro-fessor of . secondary educajtion and -principal of the university high school,! will return to the - cham pus "after a year's studjr at . "University of Calif ornia. The fourth returning faculty member is: G. Lynn Hayward, assistant professor .of Zoology,-- who has been -. studyingV towards his doctorate doc-torate at University of Illinois. Three- new members of the B. Y. 'U. faculty will beintroduced at the. opening meeting. Theyare: - J. Wyley Sessions,' -newlytippoint-ed professor of religious education and director of religious activi- ties ; . Anna Boss Hart, instructor in English in the secondary train-insr train-insr school. and "Franklin. R. Hav- " . mcreTTnanager of the university! - prea.- . v Ivins Takes In -mi fig uacingH vent l. 1 4 : Viewing the world's fastest har- nes shorses and. outstanding race horses in the east has v been the " - experience of H. Grant Ivins, pro- . j fessor . of animal husbandry at Brigham -Young university and president of- ihe Timpanogos Sad .die Clubduriftg a months ,trinin the easjern-United States. . .V According to word received in ;. Provo Sunday, Professor Ivins - witnesses - A the -h Hambletoaian Stakes at Gosherii-New York. - He reported that $37500Twasxof fered after the -first's heat for Peter , Astra, winner of the race. ; X ' - At Saratoga, . New York, the Utah horse expert. saw races with 'horses from the best stables in the ast. At one evening jof auction, ; 48 yearling were sold with the top price being $(3,000, he said. . . ,Enroute to Utah, Professorllvins will visit the, Missouri! State fair, - .now conceded to be superior even to- Kentucky as the greatest cen- - ter of American saddle horses. He will return to Provo. in time for the second annual Utah Coujt- ty Horse show to be held jointly with the Utah County ' Fair, on A September 7, 8. and 9. . . - 1- Clarence Grigsby StroxJr(lef t), one of the Stroud Twins, movie and radio comics, was named in a $50,000 breach of promise suit by Meredith B. Davis, actress, who charged .that he won her affections and then deserted "" her. Stroud .and Miss Davis are shown together in the East. ,: . UNION TRUCK TERMINAL '-'I SHIP " BY TRUCK Connections 'Everywhere . "MOVING . - v bonded , and Insured Yellow Cab o. "Phone 300 - Pro vo,? Utah SPANISH FORK ' SOCIETY . Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas' Bona , of Spanish ; Fork, Mr. . and Mrs. Rudolph Ru-dolph Balzy and Mr. Wnd. Mrs. Elias Bona of Benjamin, left .Wednesday .Wed-nesday morning to attend 4he U. B. I at Duchesne. : ; -' Mrs.' Naomi Henrichsen and son, Clark, have .been visiting since last Thursday with ' Mr. and. Mrs. M. M' Thomas. They; left Monday for Salt Lake .where they will visit "with relatives for a : while. Th-y will be hoiise guests of -Mr. and M rsV P. ; E. Clifford. They ac? coinpanied - Mr. , and MrsI K. .C. Tho.mas of. Salt Uake home." ... Bishop and . Mrs! . L., F. Smith and daughters Barbara- and .Mary went to Aspengrovfe in American Fork canyon Wednesday to meet the members oj;. Bishop Smith's family in a.; family picnic party? given in hopor of visiting sisters of Bishop -Smith,Irs. Virginia Lcwii ." at fAIbany, 5eorgja, and Mrs; EtheL iSchrodeyntT' two children. jf..GlSndaleCalif ornia. The guests were the members' ot thtrnieber A.. Smith faintly ot Draper, a very pleasant time ot visiting and reunion was enjoyed. - Honoring" Mrs. Jack - Bradford formerly MLss Adelaide? Clayson, her mother, 'Mrs.rMary N.' Clay- .of Richfield, at SDanish -Fork. son entertained at a bridal shower j ' MrNand . MrsJ Ishmael Barney Aijursuay lor iory. relatives ana close Iriends of tthe"'yuhg couple. TireTiostess was 'assisted :by; Mrs. Hannah t Bradford, t. Mrs.- Mabel Clayson, Mrs. Rosalie Mi'kkleson, the latter' of Saritaquin. Mrs U". B. V. celebration in Whe Uinta '.basin.' . ; ' . -. Mrs. Eleanor Johnson was pleas- antly surprised Sunday f when 'she returned home from Sunday School ; to- find her. J children and grandchildren assembled at ' her home to' honor her birthday anniversary. an-niversary. Those ; present were Mr. and Mrs. . ,Orlarr-Robb Send five children" of Consumers,', Utah;" Mr. and Mrs. , Dellbert Johnson and two 'children of Provo; and Mr. and Mrs. William E. Johnson and three children from the- R. L. Jex rancnVAf ter a short period of visiting vis-iting and good wishes; Mr. and Mrs. Wililam E. Johnson took the crowd with' Mrs. Johnson to their home where . aXtasty dinner ; was served. : ; i . ' " - Mrs. E:r'R.; Wen'zler of, Tre-monton Tre-monton isreceiving medical treatment treat-ment at, the S. W. Georges hospi-: tar.' ; . . "; Mrs." Alfred For tier of Quebeck Canadals reported imprpvlhg the S.. Vi Georges. hospital where he is ta king medical treatment - Frank Mereck, xa road laborer ot neiper .was treated at th eorges nospuai Monday ioryan injury received i in an:automobile accident rlear.a :constructio1yeanip in Spanish Fork canyon.yHeX had received cuts on his head and other injuries, Following'vtreatment he was taken to his home. W " The birth of aton Is 'reported by Mr. and Mrs William Busse, Maiy jLeifsqn .and Mjs.-' Mary Bradford. . The entertaining rooms were -'bright 5vith. summer, flowers. Games wer4 the ; maindif ersion undeivthe'i direction , fairs'. Zina Erbckbank and Mrs.; Mildred Peterson, Pet-erson, Miss Cora Gardner entertained enter-tained with jaccordian music.' .A tasty triy luncheon was served at 6 p. m. the" hostesses being assisted assist-ed by- the Little Misses,- LaRene and LaRaine Clayson and Beth Whiting, outof town guests included in-cluded 4 Mrs. Heber Jex of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Mildred Peter-sort Peter-sort of - Logan, Mrs. Agnes Clayson" Clay-son" and Miss Beth Clayson of Provo.- The bride ? received many lovely gifts. Mr. and . Mrs. Bradford Brad-ford ' have just returned . home from visiting relatives in California- They weje accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robertson Ro-bertson and baby .whd have been visiting r relatives ! here for some tinie. :r'Z.i:h"'.'-;r'-.?:-.X -. .. Mr!, and Mrs. Robert Jex,, Misses Theda ahd Elthear-jexnand LeRoy Jex - and Mrs., Hannah Stewart left Wednesday for the- armual report nne Dirtnjot a son.. - Mr. andMrs.x Lofter T?tn rnsnn Jr., and MrsLof ter. Bjarnson Sr., were the-dinneiN,guests Friday - of miss jjjstner Jones- and her fa theivElias Jones. MrNJohnsnn snn of the late Prof. LofteivBjafnson, rauuaiea iasi x June from the Washington V University, : Wash ington, D. C. He has.-accepted , a positio nas teacner at the Univeri sity ;of Utah . this 'winter, V He is a nephew -of Eias Jones. V Lemonade , is called-squash" called-squash" in I England. j V Vlemon Gave the Bard's '' .' : : . .. . Works the Work 'I Cast the old fear of damage dam-age overboard Avhen you send clothes to Madsen's "fnr .rlpnnino Wpn Telephone 475 ,'safe' in ?urands V' wo;- Work guaranteed! x .'X'' . "Tv -N I : O. " ; ' ' ' X I t - '- -I I I Ml ' I- . ., I HI.. Ill I . ..IM-I I 11.11 . I-. I I. 1 -.1 'i :- i i--' .i- , - - i. '.0 ' ') Our Big 15c jj-Q Beer iVoii;: DP Our Coils Are Thoroughly Cleaned After Every Barrel. DRINK DRAFT BEER' . , WHERE. IT IS KEPT AND SERVED , RIGHT! 9S DHILILIIACnDS American and National League" scores by innings, daily. -'x Direct Servi-e! . ,v I A fill I y Six weeks, .40 pencils, miles of adding machine tape that's what 20-year-old Helen Brown used to count' 945,843 words in complete works of William Shakespeare. - It was just one detail in job of getting copy ready for contestants in ' nonstop, non-stop, typewriting, marathon at Tcronto.Qat, Aug. 25-Sept. C, Faini.el50ato SX; N y:&r 1 ; . -.. . y-i- -.1 '3,. ' -."j. -- - ;..:..--.-,...'m.- S" . ..,.' -'J . . jCSi . , 1 - , v' . ....... -i J SpiPflinigsS Genuine Panel -Damask Tick Well Padded for Comfort OTI esalmeiniii: Handles for Easy- Turning ies . . you get a genuine lmportediyon' v panel damaskx tick on thlsCinnersprjngrnat- , tress, despite, the low price IVWijUi 182 ' bouncv coil SDrincs and nlpntijXrrf Xhoose, green or.roseSave on Ing price! 1 adding. utstahd ; y 1 T'S . ' y 1 Y" t - ;V.-iv i o 'I. : ; (So 9 Jwo Easy Terms on v Purchases . A Totaling $10 or More Helical Tied Y Stxudy prlng with heorr'" home; tpring helical tied !opf v 'N. Chenille Rug c Gemune-t-ihe- Bille rug . la. 22x38-ln. lxe. SmmhI imnrl : potterns . , and ; CO lx f to; TinsiaaK ; Irani. Begular vprice " B3CI '7 lr -icP 7 y v ffte ft3 fall. I l.i n!y.Ai . Rollaway Bed Bargain 95 39 Inches Wide. HandyrollawaT bed.' 39 lnchei wlde.- Wllh .casters lor easy sOTing. Check ttils low-price!- Padded & Covered Full 12x48 inch sfnrHw . Trnnfnt" . Board complete with' pad and :over, ready for immediate use. Sale special! .. 10-Qt. Pail SI Reff.-29C' Sturdily c o n-structed n-structed 10-qt. galvani zed water pail . . . easy-grip handle. ; B a r grain! , PATTERN GOES I THROUGH TO 1 DACK . . CANT W EAR O F F IK4TIL RUO V EARS OUT! Vex? ( ;y,- Usually Priced 89c; NEW Sparkling " : XPatterns Square Yard Genuine Inlaid Floor Covering, with'the pattern that goes through to th6 back. In a brilliant arrav:t)f desirablelrjatterng and colors. Amazing value at G8c a ouare yard! 'Xx27x90 Inch IVowXess Than yJMel 'Yes! These full 27x90 inch Rag Runners arts, onlv- fiSt now! r!holri Of patterns. 3 . . - i it" I NeV : OesigriGord Tables R e gulqr I y Pr i c e d298 p 1 -pc. PuJIoYcr TopJ V Sturdy card tcuble with double braced legs and top and ll-piecepullover lop. 'New lightolor fancy design and i checker board finishes. A great value! n .- -:jy v 11 . Our Regular 26.88 y" - ' r f Investment " X f i"- t ' ' - N 5 . $3 DOWN Dolance Month! An investment In.Comfortl; Plus Carrylo? . Charg . VI W. . Large, roomy club chairwiih ? inviting barrel shaped .arm.,! . wompieie wixa large ouomcm to match. Both piecesydover your choice of colors Spe- ; ;S f J t. 1.t- 1.1 "V-'- : acuif pncea iorixu buioi Enamclvarc Blue '..enamV v wars la choice ci: pla plates, puddlna pans. V'. dippers, wash . basins, bale dishes ttNB d , sauce pans. X . T.n -1 1 ferf . - - y Ware : U Tin bakft . ware. Including Includ-ing pot COT r s, pie ,k l e' p 1 plates, lcrtn-plates, lcrtn-plates, cake pans n d leUtC cake pans. Square Clothespins 30 for 5 Hardwood clothts pins, ,,s q t o r hap. "x . Wire Clothesline 50 " ft.. 100 ft. 25c Six strand clothe's i n e-' wire; resists ". rust. , - ,: ... . . V 1 - 7 .pil'.v. " 4 '---g.rv.n- - i ' ; y- i c ( 1 IV . v ... i i ... aeon iar.1!? ..--,... . . 7HVayRcflocior 7 New 7-Vay Reflectoor Lamp at less , 'than the .;, Usual price of ordinary ' 6 ?way reflectors! . . Complete .with ' washable . silk pleated shade,; -' Chair Special 1 ';h)!w Sturdily y constructed con-structed unfinished- c h a 1 r-set r-set vp ' end smoothly sand- ed. ready to paint the color ol your choice. Rea. 79c. Unf. HiXChoir ' V 166 Metal '...r.iS) 1J ,vK1W? . Sturdy unRn-Uhed unRn-Uhed h I v h chair with till-over tray , a n d safely ' strap. Smoothly Smooth-ly sanded, ready lor your paint brush.'' ! - ' Dcd .49 fx.. - v : 'Sturdy' rnelal bed . with coii-. Hnuous metal tubing. . Handsome" Hand-some" baked on. enaniftl a-: Uh. Full or twin' six. Bej- j1 ular S.43! ; TORE HOURS -Week Days 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. mV - Saturdays9 a. m. to G p. m. TTT tnr ttt' .187 West Center St- Phone All v Provo, Utah h si in I mm i il i Dust- Mop rr 'f 1 Vn ' large site "1o3 yarn head dust mepj smoothly finished handle ihat fits-' loio t prina '.. socket .Grand vaiuel ' |