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Show OLD TIMERS AUXILIARY HOLD REGULAR MEETING The Union Pacific Old Timers Auxiliary to Club No. 33 held thair regular social at the Old Timers Club house cn Thursday, Thurs-day, April 6. A very delicious luncheon was served by Margaret Lund, Freda Smith, Maudell Crae, Kate McDonald, Maurine Mil-lr, Mil-lr, Clao Labnjm and Vera Cooper. After the luncheon a short business meeting was held. During the af'ernoo'i, brid.f; and pinochle were erjoyed by the members with orizes going to Alma Sly and Emma Griffiths Grif-fiths for bridge and Lela Gil-lam Gil-lam and Mae Colborn for pinochle. pin-ochle. Cut prizes were won by Theresa Pitchforth, Mary Al-brecht Al-brecht and Winnie Johnson. |