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Show BUYS! BUYS! BUYS! OUTBOARD MOTORS $425 OLIVER 15 II P SI 98 $328 SCOTT 10 II P - 8 IBS Never Been Sold - Ready to Go - Forward, Neutral and Reverse NOW BEE THE NEW Vi H. P. 100?" WEEDLE33 SCOTT . . . THE "PANGUITCH LAKE DARLING" Fishing- Boats, Ski Boats and Cruisers by GLASSPAR and LONE STAR i;Aij : TERMS HOOD MOTE BEAVER 'if.-- "1 I ' BEAMf I : Siivcl ..-W iiinii!ii!iiii n ; j rxSi j I lf&'yi 5 1 ij Worthy of ti r your Trust pBBjJfe JtliiilVi Ml II ... : BOURBON WHISKEY if s I 1 JIM BEAM 85 PROOF KENTUCKY SffiBIClIT BOURBON -i in n n.i -.mh-I I I I WHISKEY DISTILLED AND BOTTtED'BY THE JAMES tWBfWWJ I ' I 1 BEAM DISTILLING CO., CLERMONT. .KENTUCKY gILg f j ' ''V-. - " s rt' jT" jT 'j cy is u vj -j ; tH?il S I Bffil SIS - Jv? pretty smart idea to save a tk'i$iw&-& raise because it's money you ' didn't have before and j MWfai ' Wouldn't miss. fTzJki M fJJ Other advantages of U.S. L-U, JpcS.yrf' Savings Bonds W &t2iSZj7 You can save automatically ' nSl with the Payroll Savings ' Plan. You now get 3 interest to maturity (Now Wishing won't turn a $5 a every Savings Bond you own week raise into a $1,000 old or new earns bonus, but it's easy to do. If more than ever before) . You you take that $5 raise and invest without risk under a put it into U.S. Savings Bonds U.S. Government guarantee, you can buy an $18.75 Bond Your money can't be lost or a month and have money left stolen. You can get your over. If you keep buying one money, with interest, any- of these Bonds a month for time you want it. You save 40 months you'll have your more than money you're big bonus Bonds worth helping your Government $1,000 at maturity. It's a pay for peace. JJ ore's how you can reach your savings goal with U.S. Savings Bonds in just 7 years, 9 months If you wont obout $2,500 $5,000 $10,000 each week tave $5.45 1 $10.85 $21.70 Yott save moe than money with Buy them xvhere you work, or bank Jht- U.S. Government cfoej not pay tor Ihit oaVerling. 3ri WE'VE JUST RECEIVED 250 EXCELLENT, SMOOTH WRITING PENS from a national manufacturer Well give these FREE to the first 250 Beaver County News subscribers who renew their subscription AND ... AS ANOTHER "EXTRA" ... we're again offering our popular "TWOFER" BARGAIN 2 SUBSCRIPTIONS (a new and a renewal) for g4.5Q (and you also get the pen (equal of pens selling at $1.98) and the FIRST 100 "TWOFERS" get a FREE REFILL We only have 250 of these, so don't wait . . . it's first come, first served, so bring or mail your renewal or your "twofer" TODAY ! Name , Address City State I want the "Twofer" offer. Please renew my subscription and send The News for one year to: Name . '. Address City State FRIDAY - SATURDAY AUG. 12 - 13 ELLIS SPAGHETTI and O fAr AC MEAT BALLS L m Heinz SWEET C fnr CUCUMBER DISCS . 0 m 70t NALLEY'S MUSTARD ONLY lA 9-oz jar (reg 17c) jar CAD Home Laundry Size QQ 1 (with FREE Waste basket) J'J0 BETTY CROCKER 4-lb bag CJr PANCAKE MIX Jlt SUGAR HONEY GRAHAMS CC By Nabisco 2-lb box U'i4 GLOBE A-l FLOUR 1Wb ba $1.05 n-oTpkg CORK FLAKES 2 for 39c EU SPANISH RICE 5 for $1 KOSE BRAND JQ f0r $1 ZEE NAPKINS 80 Count 2 pk!ts 25c Cudahy VIENNA SAUSAGES 5 for $1 Valley HI FROZEN C Cnr CI STRAWBERRIES im Snow Crop FROZEN 7 fw CI FRENCH FRIES iyi V TV IPJNF! CHICKEN CO. I I tiiU1iuiU3 TURKEY - BEEF OJif fc, FRYERS 44&I liTiimn. rmri'ir; 'liir'i 1 r - i - i i n n T "T" " - r -' T TQ li 1.5 IT Lr ; 1 IIS 1 MILFORD'S 1-STOP SHOPPING CENTER jj " " - - - - -t1 ,.j CULVER'S BK VALISES MILFORD, UTAH UVnUUL w u v . NEW ARGYLE BOYS' CORDUROY FINE CORD WOOL SKIRT SCHOOL SOX SLACKS CORDUROY LENGTHS 55c 3.98 98c yd 2.S9 Be right in style this fall! Has hundreds of uses. In Just think ... A skirt, or Styled by "Jerks". Quality Xhickset corduroy in gold, 10- new fall colors. Com- many other items, of 85 durable cotton in many col- green and tan. Sizes 4 to 12. pletely washable. Full 36- wool, 15 nylon, for so lit ors and designs. Washable. in. wide. tie price. 5460-in. wide. I - FINAL SUMMER CLEARANCE - I MISSES' SUMMER TODDLER GIRLS' SHORTS ! COTTON BLOUSES DRESSES SUN SUITS AND BLOUSES 1. 99 4.20 77c 1.32 1.99 Out they go . . . Sleeveless, Now is the time to buy and Summer play clothes of drip Top qUaiiiy material re- and short sleeves in many save . . . ideal for school dry fabric - in many styles duced to clear. Reversable ' colors and styles. or street wear. What Value! at this one low price. blouses, matching shorts. 9x12 ROOM DARK STRIPE SPECIAL LOW SUMMER j SIZE RUGS FLANNEL PRICE - MEN'S, SHOES ! 16.88 3 yds SI BOYS' GIRLS, 1 Completely washable, three Ideal for camp, comforters, WOMEN'S 1 lovely colors - gray, tan and sleeping bags and many Broken sizes and styles . . . 9 rose. Tweed tones. other uses. SWIMWEAR But a Terrific Value! 1 KIRK REALTY CO. DU 7-2851 DU 7-2301 FIRE - AUTO INSURANCE Check On Our "LOT SPECIAL" |