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Show EH.! L.-. a helped on one of the most successful suc-cessful "blood drives" the Utah Red Cross Blood Bank has had in Milford. These were gifts of time and effort only no money. J And 1,399.62 of the money we gave away helped right here in I Milford in one way or another proviT, I guess, that "Charity begins at home." The 1960-61 project for ESA is the Building Fund for the new Milford Hospital. As our first effort for this the ESA will sponsor their annual Fashion Show Tea in cooperation with Milford Merchants. Sincerely, VIRGINIA DAVIS, Treasurer, Epsilon Sigma Alpha Sorority Alpha Delta Chapter 1711. Dear Steve: I have subscribed to and read The Milford News for quite a number of years, and one thing that has "hit my eye" often is this sentence: "Solo by Dan Ferguson." I wonder how many people be. sides myself have often thought but failed to express deep appreciation appre-ciation for all the solos sung by Dan at funerals and on other occasions. oc-casions. Yours truly, J. J. M ASTROS. Montebello, Calif. I)ear Steve: As the new treasurer of the ESA Sorority, and as a comparative compara-tive newcomer to Milford (only 5Vi years), I totaled up some figures that are kind of interesting interest-ing to me and I hope you too. As you knew we ESAers have a lot of fun, put on dances, picnics, pic-nics, try to learn something new each year and also support projects proj-ects around town and the state. Of course, no organization can accomplish much without the help and support of the community, com-munity, and the ESA ladies are very grateful for this help. From June, 1954, to June, I960, the "gals of ESA" gave away $1,763.28. This is an average aver-age of $270.05 per year or a trifle over $12 for each member per year. Our record is: Gifts to the Milford Schools (books, flutes, drapes, Band Mothers) $478.26 American Cancer Society 30.00 American Red Cross 35 00 National Polio Found. .. 299.26 Playground Equipment for American Legion Park 565.83 Utah Tng. School at American Fork 99.00 Beaver Co. Hospital 70.30 Contributions to local Families 185.23 Not a bad record for 22 party loving "girls" huh? We have sponsored the Voice of Santa Claus in Milford, helped with the Milford TV Booster station sta-tion barbecue ticket sale; In addition the ESAers have conducted the Heart Fund Drive in Milfcrd for several years and ' |