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Show ' : " "T -ii ii f- -f-t r r ,- i.t SWEET CORN FOR SALE 40c a doz.; Slicing and Pickle Cucumbers and Summer Squash. McCoy Williams, Wil-liams, Milford, phone DU 7-2681. LOST 7:00x15 truck tire and rim between Minersville and Milford Flat. Finder please contact Max Carter, Minersville, DU 6-2881. WANTED JEEP. Phone DU 7-2389. 7-2389. COLORS and softness are renewed in carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre foam. Beaver Home Furnishings. Fur-nishings. LOST Lost, August 22 at Big Flat picnic grounds, a Brownie Hawkeye Camera, not in case. Reward Re-ward to finder for return to A. F. Woodhouse, Beaver. (a28pd.) WILL GIVE PIANO LESSONS in my home. Contact Mrs. Gary Anderson, DU 7-5559. (a27pd) T - WE KEEP ON (f 1 REPEATING . . . pS)tv 1 WHEN YOU NEED CASH v b( C ...SEE US! J m m wm " We can't say it often enough: When you s II need money in a hurry to pay bills, consoli- , k h ji date debts or any other worthwhile purpose, lV your best "3et s to see us f or a lw"cost loan- jftsSS Quick, easy, convenient ... we are always ' 1 II ready to help Beaver County residents with their financial arrangements. PROMPT, CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE ALWAYS r Milford State Bank and Tomorrow Beaver City Branch UaM mum s a s fa a a b 5 (mJ ! AIR -CONDITIO f I SinclPO UATtT ffilf . sswitolh. to Ibe-frteir living ' w!V Electricity is the heart of better living in the home. j V"V Dozens of times a day you flip a switch to cook, to clean, 1 to launder, to heat your home, to cool it, to light it, to be i jS . i entertained. ( . a5s2f 1 While electricity is the heart of better home living, : f til j j copper is the heart of electricity it is the key to depend- JtL f. M able, economical and efficient electrical service. And when j (. ij ; your home is adequately wired, you enjoy the full benefit , jjv, ' of modern electrical living. ' l Bringing an older home up-to-date electrically can be ti accomPtished easily and inexpensively. A competent elec- rVV Yyfj i i trician can correct faulty wiring and add new circuits to yw YfJj, give you peak performance from your present appliances T"" V Fm anc e PPortumty to switch to even better living in the ' J ) f ! 'rl future. In a new home, a little advance planning results in y A ) y f V ' $ . wiring that will always meet your needs and so add to your y A I ly ; H't'lt enjoyment of life through greater use of electricity. Lf The copper produced in Utah by Kennecott is the start-' ' . A mS point of modern living for hundreds of thousands of j001 Americans. Made into wire, the everlasting metal brings j For the complete story of how electricity I them the electricity they need, when they need it, where con serve you in your home, see the Vor noorl i ' special 30-page insert in the September mey TlVtXl IV. s ( 14 issue of Life Magmitie. j ' r ' ' ' -!!wJ ...- .' .' - Utah Copper Division Ifennecott Copper Corporation u c!.3a PROUD TO BE PART OF A GROWING UTAH - 11 " . SAVINGS on UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE Have that FAVORITE SOFA or CHAIR RECOVERED and RESTYLED by TWITCHELL UPHOLSTERY OF CEDAR CITY SAVINGS OF UP TO ONE-HALF OVER RETAIL FURNITURE PRICES CALL or WRITE for FREE ESTIMATE No Obligation to you. Free pickup and delivery and 10-day service on any upholstered furniture Terms If Desired All Work Fully Guaranteed . TWITCHELL UPHOLSTERY 750 No. Main Phone JU 6-9372 Cedar City |