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Show " Winsor Bro,. extracted 200 gallcti or honey last "-ecK. Rar- Wniicliead returned kom p.inguitcn lal-:e Saturday Dr. Affleck -.villi his wife and L.miiy lefi for Suite Line on a isit Tuc ;iuay. Gordon Woolicy is sick with cmils and fever in the Southern States mission mis-sion held. The address of Missionary Ovm vV. Jaris is now: Pouglassvillq, Douglass Co.. Georgia, The T.vice-a-Week Ditvoit i'vee Press and your Hume Paper both one year for only 82.10. , - Dr. Higgins informs us, Friday, that Miss Maggie Cottam is improving. The ca.-.e is one of peritonitis. The thrice -a-Week-World , nearly equal to a daily, and the W ASHINGTON County News, your home paper, both one year fur $2.25 in advance. WANTED High-grade man or woman wo-man of good cnarch standing, first willing will-ing to learn our business, then to act as Manager find Correspondent here, on salary. Address General Manager Julia A. r ace, St. George, Utah. Maine Memorial services were held in the Tabernacle on Sunday. Stirring Stirr-ing disconr.-j.'.s were delivered by Elders S. L. Adams, Jos. Armstrong, Jos. Orton and Thomas Judd, A collection was taken up at the close of the services. The Press lias tin office cat. The creature was left behind by fl. D. McCarthy Mc-Carthy at the. time he removed to Salt Lake City. The cat is getting fat on printing ollice paste and bids fair to become be-come a uselul member of society, Salina Press. We have been requested to publsh Manilla,1' some poetry by one of our local poets commemorating that great battle, and which was read in the Tabernacle Tab-ernacle on Pioneer Day, but owing; to its length, find it impossible to do so this week. It will be published next week. You will enjoy this publication much better if you will get into the habit of reading the advertisements; they wil' afford a most interesting study and will put you in the way of getting some excellent bargains. Our advertisers adver-tisers are reliable; they send what they advertise. The editor of the Press spent the first of the week at Josiah Martin's ranch on upper Lost (.'reek, in company com-pany with Charlie Jenson. About 200 trout were brought home. The editor had the misfortune to injure one of his eyes with the branch of a tree and has been knocked out ever since. Even fishing has its drawbacks. Salina Press. 'During the hot weather last summer I had a severe at tack of cholera morbus necessitating my leaving my business." says Mr. C. A. Hare, of Hare Bros.. Fincastle. Ohio. '-After taking" two or three doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I was completely releived and in a few hours was able to resume my work in the store. I sincerely recommend it to anyone any-one afflicted with stomach or bowel trouble. !' For sale by all druggists It is the duty of a wide-awake newspaper news-paper to expose crime, if crimes are committed in the town where it is published. pub-lished. People, in some instances, are apt to wink at dag-rant violat ions of law and say, as did the hired girl, "Oh. its only a Hide one; it don't count." But-there But-there is no occasion, for a newspaper to strangle the truth. Many a criminal has been brought to justice through the fearless work of an enterprising and aggressive journal. Salina Press. Our Brass Band did excellent .-ervice Monday, considering the short time they had to prepare themselves. We have a line band, but chey require to keep in training to perform good service serv-ice with comfort to themselves, one of them remarked to our reporter that his lips felt like two weinerwm-st sausages, which is not to be wondered at considering con-sidering the hard practice. A good way for them to keep iu training would be to have tin open air performance ex cry urclay eveu.ng. A collection could be taken up during each performance perform-ance and the proceeds would pay then, for their labors aud keep their " instruments instru-ments in order. The people gencrallv the children especially, would enjoy these concerts and the band would keep in gcod training. We believe the pe,-o'e pe,-o'e would donat-- freely f,,,. lhis )(!) '', I', l-:ine .,,,,. |