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Show iHE KOr.Tt-ifci-ii-'ci-; AS A LOVER, "fcane Asmlw: Vr.Ise Acort'sM, t'ndor tiic titl", 'Tbc Xorthcrncr aj a Lover," I-izzie Petit SuTtcr s-iyi; "The soul hcrr: voiuao v. l.o Jiiumln. r,tcd the pages of a touK.-tapon.y r,.. cntiy by Ucr vk-.vs of "1'ht Nor;h.--r:i '.Ian "from tioutlicrn ".'orn::n'3 fitan'J. ooirit' ought to have entitled her nr-iirh, nr-iirh, 'The .N'orilicrr.i Man from t.lR, Ptandpnint of One Southern Woman Who Has Had Hut Little Experience of Ilim.' "Nobody denies the soutnern faueina-tion faueina-tion of manner, or the exquisite polite-sens polite-sens o! the high-bred soul iierr.er, or the capability of the southern man for m'okinff'love. This last Is vast, al-most al-most limitless. Given moonlight, music, mu-sic, the warmth of a Bummer's eve, or he solitude a deux of a winter's fireside, fire-side, and he from temperamental hi-iliumccs hi-iliumccs feels himself compelled to malic love, which his bright antagonist, antag-onist, girl or widow, brought tip from childhood to know he wiil do it, aa-iwers aa-iwers wilh coquctish raillery or protein, pro-tein, encourai'cmeni, os she prefers. "The writer in jticstio!s f"iys that the' northern man malies love for the mere pleasure of r.1 tainincf. What does this o'c.thern womari think of tte liusbtnd wiio, after years of marriage, v. ill write to his wife that she is 'the h.-ht cf his eyes, the core of his Lean, the angel of his hi.:?' Vet ia a w'Ce sseisl i;; perience norib i hare known h esbsrchi quite as demoted as this. Cod Licss the love of the north, as many a scuihorntr has found and proved ii! And 'the northern man does not know how to make love!' lie doesn't? In try oil 'mammy's 'vernacular: 'Why, Lard! honey, you ain't never had no northern sweetheart, is you ?' 'If the writer, whom I have supposed 'mammy' the old dear to b? address-in.?, address-in.?, had ever had any experience, she '.von Id have known the northiVn lover jeller. Ah! if she couid only know :iow the unspoken chivalry of his heart or woman wells up hi deeds, no! .ords; how he heralds his presence, or ' ov s in absence that his thoughts ar? i-.vays with her, by show era of little-;i:is. little-;i:is. cr plans for her enjoyment! " 'Why do vou rive so many thius-s?' said a southern woman, with moist. eyes, to her northern lover 'Do you think I care for you for the sake of. these things?' " 'i iicilcve. if I do my level best to ontribute to your happincs', you will .are nil the more fcr m.e.' he very sensi-!y sensi-!y answered. I am net speak :r. 5- of solated cases, but of northern men as 1 class. "Act a man or woman who ever knew northern men cr women as they are . ouid ever hazard the accusation that hey arc cold and selfish. Fee.- rich men it the north but have a tribe cf de--icnderf?. 10 whom they give cf what hey have m-.de. cften by many r.n hour of a r oh. 011 s toil an, "I patient entrance. en-trance. Tne middle wc, hing classes, crhaps, are (.cider and harder than tk; ame classes at the south, because the millions of life are co much harder n the poor at the north t'.ian at '.he u!h; but let any emergency arise. ::id they arc thoughtful, cer.-siderate .nil helpful of each other. The surface coldness of northern people mean, sim-"!y sim-"!y that they are more e:." -controlled, -'cur true -crthcrn m m ali nwrch til ike stake v kheut movi;--; a mi: -de cf hi kmc, .sill bear cruel ein uiiti! icy 'wrr.t b.de-.vs his brow. ;,at never ut-ler ut-ler a murmur. Is not soeh rcurmre sublime? Nov.- Orleans Times-Democrat. |