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Show JUST RECEIVED A FINE LINE OF CRQGKERY&GLASSWARE AT THE COOP. LOW PRICES IS OUR MOTTO. We will give your money back if our prices are not as low, or lower, than at other places. We have decided that "Small Profits and Quick Returns" is the best method of doing business, and are determined to sell cheaper than others can. Our late reduction in prices have saved your money and made our competitors com-petitors scratch their heads. WE POSITIVELY WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD,; SPECIAL SALE of CHiLDRENS' Pkt S Gents per poir Call and see them, they will Astonish Yoiu A complete stock of General Merchandise firs, Addie Price, Cor. Washington & Diagonal Streets, WASHINGTON ROLLER MlLiS; Flour, Get made, Chopped Feed; Bran mia Shorts,, at lowest casfi prices, Havo ..for sale Twenty-one feet o! IRON PENSTOCK, Dirt Cheap. Apply or write to: E. H. Snow, St. George, Utah; Constantly on hand at E. B, SNOW'S a !arg8 Supply of FURNITURE including Chairs Tables, Bedroom Suits, Wall Paper, Linoleum, Etc. Also carries a good assort;; ment of Undertakers Supplies, D. M. Osbom Machinery, Machine and Wagon Extras al' at Bedrock prices. St. George MEAT fSARKET J.H, PEARCEi Prop St. Q33rge't Utah. Til. IVJU lOWlv'rH .WKCB, - sm.gn& JK-J f3 mtm |