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Show AEOUNJ THE GLOBE. Switzerland's national council has voted unanimously to make insurance ngr.inst accidents and sickness ccmpul--ory 011 all citizens. A young man slipped from the el MI t the Lydford waterfall, near Tavis-,oek, Tavis-,oek, nr.d fell 100 feet without break-In::1 break-In::1 a bone, tie will recover. ulengo, the capital cf Uganda, hrn been reached from the nt coast cf Africa Af-rica by nn English missionary in three weeks riding a bicycle. Naples is to be connected with Mount Vesuvius by a direct, railroad lino, which will connect with the cable Ene rnr iv'.nrj to the top of the volcano. f-.-'or Crispi hrs sold his furniture and given up his house in Lome, lie is going to live in his villa at Naples, and declares that be is out of polities. ' A CC-ycnr-oid widow cf Tkleuham, in Clouccslci-shire, has' been sent to jail'for two months for miikmg oilier people's cows on ihe town common. Andrew Lame's translation of Pope Lee's poem 011 frugality is said to b" his revenge on his holiness for putting-cue putting-cue of his boolcs cn the Index Expurga-toris. Expurga-toris. Maseagni has sold his latest, opera, "Isis," to Tficordi, thus airindcuing-Ser.z.ogr.o. airindcuing-Ser.z.ogr.o. who fust brought him out. The only cue of the young men discovered dis-covered by Senzog'-c.o that still clings to him is Leoncavallo. i |