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Show PROFESSIONAL CARDS FREDERIC CL1FT, M. D, CITY ATTORNEY St. George. UTAH. W. CRAY( - Tonsorm! Artist, Hair-cutting, Sh&ving and Shampooing in latest stylos. North Si, - Sfc'' (;,;0:ft'i' DAVID H. MORRIS, COUNTY ATTORNEY, St. George, UTAH. Goto FASCHER'S PHQTORAPrt GALLERY For the Latest, styles and best quality of Haft and Gloss finish Photographs, as well as Enlargements GALLERY WEST cf COURT HOUSE. GEORGE R. LUND, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' " St. George, UTAH. All kli.33 of pracflcs solicited. - For Good BOOTS & SHOES Go To JOSEPH ORTON, North St. St.Gecrgs. H. PICKETT & SON, CARPENTERS, BUILDERS, and CONTRACTORS. Will build yon anything from a Toothpick to a Meeting Houje. St. George. t'tafc. PYMM MOUSE, Zt. GEORGE, UTAH. HEALS REASONABLE. JOHN PYMM, Prop. Abo dealer in. Jewelry, Stationery, Groceries, Etc, Antikamnia for Headache. Neuralgia, and Sciatic Pains. Sure Cure. HOME INDUSTRY R. M. ROGERS & Co. will c nipste with Chicago In the Picture Business, both in Prices and Quality. Entering a specialty. Satisfaction Sat-isfaction guaranteed. No money in advance. Fiames always on hand at very low figures. Give us a call at Booth's Gallery. is;2, l-:- PIONEEIi MILLINERY SHOP Mrs. Julia A. Pace, successor to JULIA H. IVANS, Visitors always welcome Temple and Burial'-Suits a Specialty Locust street. St. George. MILES BROS. SADDLERS and Harness lakers. Everything in our line from a Hame Strap to Heavy Harness .V Stock Saddles. Sad-dles. Out -ide trade- solicited. We will olease you. We also run Feed Stables: Hay Grain. Prices Hea.-onable. Call and see us. half block ive-t Court Houk-St. Houk-St. George, - Utah. A. R. WHITEHbAD 6: SON DEALERS IN General Merchandise. We also order Furniture, Carpets and Wall Paper on commission, St. George, Utah. Fanners, Mechanics, Sheeps hearers and al! others take uuiiu ttift W. G. Mi'es )-wr? a'vrv-s on hand the Celebrated Biaiaonc Valley Grit GRINDSTONES, Mounted with Hangers ready- for use. or without mounting. Prices and kind of pay to suit the limes and eounn-v 2nd North Su - St. Oi.-e.--c. |