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Show EloY-.V .LlP. The veteran aetcr. Joseph dei'ersen, "s now cn cr-.'uisia-tic e.ecksi. r.nd has cade aeplicat'oii for mcmbershin in hi L. A.W. A Hartford inventor lias see.w?j a ater.t for a paper bicycle rim It is .keht ;-:-d strong and w-il not split like 1 weed rim. Flc-tic- s to the reiehste.q- in the duchy of brunswicl.-. this summer, turn m the aeimde of the candida'es tc 1 ':'-rd the taxation of bicvelcs The Eoyal academy ,-c, havo roc. agnized the gracefulness of a b cvc'.e, ml one tan cow ga.ie upon a portrait 1 '''tV' en a "l,;he" It is the handh ,VWl'- of -' Thornvcroft II P "".id thai inl'aristhereisaniu-na.ioral inl'aristhereisaniu-na.ioral Pa-.i cf h: , thl '"ve "arehr.rn.er. ,',- stornee '-!; of bicMlcs it, nil the mrcc -yr.s e, i:i!..opo. A bh.cle colen'iu ,'l",rl'.v ''-'ttoanctticr.ainlthe '" '"'- '-vveropp. i0 mvvo i( ''!'e archbishop of Milan t-.1Sfl'..otl,,. :,ri,ram!U,,Jrti '".!. ;!r to bis c'c-rV, y'elnig out iuv ;. wocldlViu ,n ,luh- -"V-cd cal'l..- 1, k- ;,.J.;, I::il!,,,r : kmc to see g'i-e.ol twerv ,,.,,,; . --I ouieomtnei-t. x,,ivI - , ,.ll'n;r ,s Pveli!r;., suited ns a ','U:;,'0n l'',as sixhicw lesnt ' ,;u " "V":"' ' --'-l-'i.t irv- ie:;;,rv-.-n:o,.,f bcr |