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Show NEW OFFICERS ELECTED BY DIXIE ALUMNI ASSN. AT ANNUAJJANQUET The twenty-first Dixie Alumni banquet was held in the Dixie eollege gymnasium, Friday evening, ev-ening, May 24th. A fine representative repre-sentative crowd turned, out to honor this annual affair sponsored spon-sored by the alumni association. Following is the program as it was presented: Toastmaster, Marion Snow; Orchestra, Earl J. Bleak; Toast to Founders of Dixie, John T. I Woodbury, Jr.; Response, John T. Woodbury, Sr.; Vocal solo, Dil worth Snow, . Encored; Toast B. Glen Smith; Response, Presl-to Presl-to Board of Education, President dent W. O. Bentley; Vocal trio, Mona Reber, Katherine Clark, Una Pickett; Toast to Future of Dixie, W. B. Mathis; Roll Call and Stunts from classes; Report of the Association, M. J. Miles; Election of Officers. A fine representation was made i by the various classes. Those I who responded and the classes I they represented are: class of '13, John T. Woodbury, Jr.; class of '14, Leland Hafen; class of '15, Mathew Bentley; class Of '16, Wim. Ruesch; class of 17. j Vernon Worthen; class of '18, none present; class of '19, Gordon Gor-don Mathis; class of '20, Phil Foremaster; class of '21, Rulon Snow; class of '22, Orval Hafen; class of 23, Helen Reichma.nn; class of '24, Eric Snow; class of '25, Ellis Everett; class, of '26, Walter Miles; class of "27, Wes A. Nelson; class of '28, Bert Baxter; class of '29, IJoyd McArthur; class of '30, Eldon Reid; class of '31, Grant Whitehead; White-head; class of '3 2, Karl Foster; class of '33, Alice Bentley; class of '34, Morris Brooks; class of '3 5, Wayne Bentley. Following the reports of the (Continued on page five) j alumni B anquet (Continued from first pagel class representatives the election of 'officers for the coming year was taken up. Officers for this vear were given a vote of thanks and a "big hand." Maurice Miles, chairman for this years new group. The others are: D. Jk Ahlstrom. St. George: i &ancey Sandherg. H.m. Heher Holt, Enterprise; Alice Bentley, Wayne Bentley, D El-den El-den Beck, all of St. Oorge Those who have come n con rlUi oncers" Point ot rierrsrrn .jbeen oih committee lthl'Uon;0rJd of- Maurice Miles. w;as comprised o . cha.rman. M ona I tary; Har . McArthur. John Staheli observed his 7Sth birthday Tuesday, May 28. He was pleasantly surprised to have several of his children come to spend the day with him. The day was spent in the temple and a family dinner and visiting were enjoyed in the late afternoon. after-noon. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Emery Huntsman, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Staheli, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Staheli. Mrs. Vilate Coleman and William C. Staheli all of Enteprise and Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Staheli of Hurricane. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Staheli of Enterprise were visiting vis-iting with his parents here last week. FOR SALE Four room house with bath, screened kitchen and sleeping room. Good lot with nice variety of grapes and fruit. Also two nice home sites 50 x 165. See A. A. Nelson. M-30-P Bom, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Robinson at the hospital hos-pital on May 23. Mrs. Joseph Bell of Panguitch is at the local ., hospital for treatment. Brigham D. Randall came in Sunday from Boulder City to spend a few days visiting. He has spent the past seven and one-half months in the Boulder City hospital as a. result of an accident while working on the dam. He had a vertabrae in his hack crushed. Mrs. Norman Johnson and son, Ralph of Rocksprings, Wyoming came in Friday to visit her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alma A. Nelson. She was: accompanied by Miss Lulu Penrose of Salt Lake City who will spend a few weeks visiting Mrs. Anne R. Price. WANTED To get in touch with anyone having good field corn seed for sale. Flints or Dents. B. Jarvis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ma this left Wednesday for Kanab to spend the remainder of the week with relatives. They were accompanied accompan-ied by Mrs. Mathis' sister, Miss Iva Dawn Shumway who tepent the past winter here attending the Dixie college. |