Show SAFE IN FIELD DEPOT DYNAMITED Goldfield Nc Nov Nov No A I J iO 10 30 ocl ck thIs morning robbers visited lslie l 1 the freight depot of ot the rono Ah Bullfrog railroad vl tI hit watchman and blew ol alien oln en the safe fc so cc II e nf or value val It ed amounting to several ral thousand aoi to toI I lars hare The Tha freight depot is I the th old I 1 depot of ot the railroad lo a mile and a M lisZt half from the center tenter ot f the town ton on the bluffs blu to lo th vest distant a Ii Quarter or if f a mile from fro the dwelling Two 0 watchmen wern wera erA on duty on opposite ends end of lit th while an on operator waa wa a at It work at the depot d Ot The watchmen were rap e ap one Otis at a tune time and thrown thron Into boxcar and end then the operator wee a overpowered There were pre nine of ot the Ih rob robbers Three watched el prison ore nr t while whit six fix Ix did the tM wink at t the de tie Put pot They Timey dynamited the th sets safe at and ancl the he I work was Wall iu so neatly nestly lono ilono aa as to ate late t that hat t the men w Ie professionals The Tho s att fe doors door were Blown open bur but not another thing thin In hi tile the office was ai alO disturbed by the jar J r The robbers soon noon l ft but their roon r were not able abl to ti release ra until about bout 4 i i lock when the th first brat alarm Irm was liven given P 1 W V frock Brook resident agent of ot the railroad arrived upon the tha scene erotic and f und that everything of ot value had l n stolen lolD stOl from sate safe and that Iha t the t h floor was wa tittered littered with scraps scrape nf ot paper The lime robbers evidently thought they thy it ire iv teeming tearing up UI checks but bur Ir In reality t th hy N tore lore up III ut a Ii large amount of ot money nony i i ted lied 11 Nt In lit strict Issued Iud by the th John Joto 8 S i k bank baik The scrip arll wee was made mad pay atIt a hlf to 10 ii I and nd Is It the money mon cur ur lent nt In lu t but the robbers robber evi nth Its It character of value Ain ARcu brinks says say the th amount ot of money b lunging to the th rail way wy wax wa w not law large lar but he Itt lost lot all alt Ibis his III own on mind Bud other personal effects effect of ot value |