Show 1 I 1 I M i B JUVENILE COURT OWES NO MONEY NONEr At Least Not as Back Rent for lor Quarters Says Mayor BUT TRIBUNAL MUST VACATE Auditors ia Mute Mur III HI In Is Mayor John S has haa vetoed vat the resolution by b th lb ty coun ell ii at It A ft recent ng Un the Iii juvenile court to 10 pay par 75 per month lash Jaek rent NtH on lu Its quarter quart In Inthe Inthe the Joint building III ein nOlI th the court fOUrt wa wac made a It pert at of too the judicial machinery if Sac the Third Judicial district and taken out of the hands hand of ot the thai elty oUr ration lie If cites at as MX his Mn that the court count wa wu was tendered the thu UM use u of or the by b Mayor M fra free Crea of ot charge lie He Include In itt hi his veto toto the statement that he will approve ap thus the r nie II It If the th council will alIt 11 adopt It without the payment dance merely mI tile court to te vacate rOost t the tho room m Jan Iati 1 SOME 80 r CHANGES It I is Mid that the auditors depart department ment ml will wm need the room ro when the new of accounting I 1 taken up ut und and un that It Its Ita present will IM Iso I all too loo mall cattaIl for the purpose et of th the office ceo There Then li is I a more mo toot sleet to 10 effect a R change of or quarto quarter between the ourt court and ais the th auditor II UtIl lor The court will be baa willing tiling te I it accept alit the lb quart of the auditor and I II more than willing willingto lu tu give live up In k quarter There I iii used need tot for or the court to 10 Nt ha Hi In a ted in irs inthe Inthe the ike joint building er to give an opportunity to consult with the county aunt attorney attorn on many man matt mat matters tern coming be before b before fore fora the court curt for settlement |