Show I DIG ma SPRING BIRINO No State In III the tha th Union ha has larger or nr more mo numerous sprints than n Florida Many Man of 01 thom them form Md stream from the tha Ih tart start and some of ot them tham art are navigable The spring pring In th tb State and aud lid one on at ot th the largest and probably probably ably bl the tb beet known krown In the lbs lat UnIted Is ill 5 Silver r which Is I lo to located cled six miles mile et Mat east t of ot Ocala spring form forma th Ih the source lOure of ot the Okla Okia waha wh river a tributary of og the th Ml Johne John and steamboats traversing Ih the river enter th III the spring LapIn basin which has h hus ha haan an us areis noll of eral are acres The water Is I from t th to t thirty feet tut deep unit and lin is I wonderfully clear appearing ab b devoid of or color |