Show MUNYON PRAISED WELL KNOWN PEOPLE FY FOR HJ HIS REMEDIES Read What Dr T R Spear Mr Nelson and Mr Howell Say There can ln be L no about Mut th the any ny doubt neu rf t f Hundred 4 ot of ieee 1 In n pit 1111 ti pert or ot the Urn Iti count n er r te Ip IPP tiffin that they the have been n cured ru of ot dif dlf Erry vry person pen who cut suf ut fers t frn wIth rl should hould Mr tr Ir M or P D I howell Mt K pin Pine write writ to et Pt t Sun an n anel 11 n lie will tell you eu u after t All II 1911 of ot remedies and end that he we s cured eu by bv Munyon Munn many man t H If It you have hv or If It you ou know any ny one on oil that cutter crr catarrh have hav them cull II or 0 write writ to Dr T 1 H t i Spear Ii mu l Camp II n lie will tell you that three or 0 four tour dote of ot Munyon 4 drive Catarrh Hem m all pain way away and M b t the whole a tem I We V e want every sufferer of ot kidny alt ali 11 ment to edt call on or 1 writ write to te t Jam Jm Nelson lIon laM 1 Park fit At Alameda Cat Cal 1 If e will wilt tell you ou one on hot bottle 1 1 of t Kidney Rem item edy y made him n R well man We v e dont to tn add propone one on word to the testimony of it then tM people We Wa want ant to you OU write to them or a see pee them th and know th tM the facts faals We do know that our IX nem y curve tims U old oM chronic cases ft that It I 1 limbering up II stiff cUff UIt and halks Joints j that It eu cure sharp shooting quirk quick ly ty em ertl mod j I We W do tie know knon that 1 I Kidney le la more mON iso cure cursi eu theft than any eny remedy oom TV We do Io know kno that we e can nil Oil this tIU thi paper r full of or testimony ta from people ople that have hse been cured eared right In your tour own 0 elt oIly city We do to know that thet our pile Ointment restively Ih cures cure Piles Pile that thet th t our IIla Item r cures ur l all alt form of ot stomach We do know that our are a ab ib containing no iw mor or phine cocaine or other harmful drug dru They are guaranteed under und r the tM Pure r Ppl 1 Law w Hokl I kt bv liv nil all WAS WM S SICK When hen en a teen man tays a he h always wae we sick troubled with a cough that lasted all what would uld you TOU think M hi tit should hould say he never nver was ilia nick Mek nc it IBS ig la Mallards Syrup Sach Soch a aman man suMs edat Mr dr Ir J C Clark Denver Colorado Colordo writes For years year I 1 was trou bled with a esver couCh that thit would lat last all aU winter This couch left me In n a mil flits erable condition i tried hound Syrup and have not had hd a sick day da since Ince Ini That what It did for me m Sold by Z C M I f Drug D Dept r t 11 Ill III and I South Main Ht Mt n H nGot not Got ot to t RO uncalled for suit and I overcoats H 4 price liliCe leI 11 7 L Second South Hi lb the time Joy of or the tho for or without SA II Y l Is b it no DO happiness can bo be complete How the picture of mother and babe angels smile mlle at and commend the th thoughts thought and nd aspirations of the tho mother VO 0 I C E which bending the over expectant the die cradle mother The must ordeal past pass through how ever ii fa to so full of danger and uttering suffering that It d m th exquisite He thrill of she he motherhood looks look forward to the hour when the she he hall haU IU elf Eer Every with inde dread and 7 J an nc uld know f that the AM k h danger pain am and horror tAn fan be Jr liniment entirely avoided by the th use me of Mother others Friend W all the for or external Use uie only which toughen and renders render rend rendI parts irta r and silt I ft ibl nature If in Its its sublime pork lork By Dy y it its ila aid thousand f 1 I f Women in OTHERS MOTHERS omen i have parsed ped pa d this thi S Tnt rut Jd Without ii in perfect safety pain o at t zoo 00 per duo de to 10 ill all wow women Ton ron Our sent oo no book free ree of o Addren Addres O 0 P FRIEND BOTHERS OF BOYS Should visit our Boys Department today or tomorrow and take advantage age tage of the special offerings of j j Suits Overcoats and f t Flannel Waists i A chance to prepare pre are the I boys for winter at little cost MAIN W If nn UR to 10 your jour our horses hore nn to well aa as 8 to OU lt You need n not suffer from pOlo pains of ot ny sort your horses need ned not lIot suffer Try lr a II bottle bot lie of ot lJ Snow Liniment It H cures our all alt pains paIn J 1 M 11 Huberts Geld Mo do to writes writ I have va used your Lb for tor 10 j year ears Ull and nd find It t in 10 i be tho tb th best bt t r 3 have havo ever used ut for tor men man or beast Hold Bold by b Z C M sit I Drug Dept 11 and mid South Scull Main Et St U n Generally debilitated for tor years 1111 Had sick Kick headaches lacked ambition was wan and all alt rundown mood Blood flitters Bittern made me Die a well woman I Mm Mrs II Chart l r Moosup Conn Ionn onn bever P t Mt 1011 l T Ord On d w Wk u t m 10 Ht Ok ti N In bulk Nut t b l m tl d CC C tC a ran i to In 0 artt U ur ur or r our i pO wy er 1 b Lao L i K C Sterling Stirling Co C llY nY too toe ANNUAL SALE TEN MILLION BOXES OUR Toy Department will open opan tomorrow Sat Saturday in full blast and andall andall andall all Toys Toya will be sold at ata ata ata a Big Reduction from the start Dont wait come before bor ore they go t c r n THE TIIE PRICE WILL MOVE THEM TABLE TUMBLERS FOR lc Ie EACH ve wr will l 1 a table Mr i n Only Caly oi one liar Har Hartel ar I tel rel tl I l 1 M hi 1 Saturday Not mote more than 10 10 it each rach A Alc lc Ie Each Ea ch 1 f J 1 u f w C 1 W rA Are You Aware when your sour I Ii Is tick sick nour upset weAk or distended tid Nl It if Ii f II n sure lure re that 1 ha oHe e wivi with th h th Ute of or mc Jack JAek to be sims ewi n that needs r right hUn ng or MM L that t be tie removed The speediest ie t and end safest relt redy for far U Ii IJ L Whether thi cause enote U la front from from Improper food fid fidor or lack Jack of digestive Uve energy l 1118 give the desired d red relief In a very verT short hort tins thee They mingle with the content if tf the stomach start tart healthy nat act ut on the bo bowels eU And tone Ume the entire e tive tract treet Use them when you OU are ue oon t or feel tAke Uke them when you ytm OU have heartburn tour sour or when han the stomach it is out aut of from any I other enee II n Ill 1111 fave a Ions I nE established reputation a u a 1 corree the tive medicine They fliey relieve all afi 11 distress give tone to the improve the appetite and Strengthen Strength en Digestion SoM SoI Ij T In ID Ben Boi Mo lOo 10 0 and aDd r r SW Salt Lako City Coupon PavIng War Viii Warrants Warrant F r 0 R i s rants rant In 00 anti ami 1000 00 de do denomination nomination bearing 6 ii per cent C nt In In ten ion annual A rafn afo On Ind S A L E E U i p paring ln Investment Iny especially t desir desirable able for tor small Int P J MO MORAN RAN N BOARD A OF TRADE D CITY tI t IA I ADVERTISERS USE USK THE TIlE WItIE y I I Circulation to Advertisers Books Boks Open I I Ito JJ U J 1 I JR I We Can Only Mention a Few Prices I f Here Come and See Se for Yourself I 4 Table fable Oil cloth doth 3 2 ace c t i Regular a yard 17 I I 7 C Granite Granita K Regular R 63 OtC C Graniteware Sine s as joe oc j pv Regular R 19 j C Cea Odd is or IMM o ly each ea ca cli t s sOdd Odd Saucers Saucer Each E ach a le iC I White Slop Jut jar I I C I Q joc COC Regular 6 8 0 C White Whitt O fill Regular a 2 n 9 n oj I I a I J e eE Odd Udd E 7 CH I Q r J f s t l l 1 a Cs W regular t r t 1 1 LL 7 7 e C es s rill ac Jc 1 kr 15 e i 1 n r V I I Leyson Time rime 11 thou ea 4 for tor MM the II Correct Time 11 I I i UTAH DENTAL CO COR R MAIN AIT T LAKE Jo It OF I 01 KI t ix fan I Brigham thy City Oj ft I 1 lit 51 I sub t h r or r rTh J Th The to is 11 a It amre rare and for fora H a ring or a cravat Wo pin have haf i ie e some me on one unea with tho hl bier r I i of ot rood Od luck luek inscribed on the beck bark I Rare and sr nd unique a fd It 4 V MAIN SD M SALT LAKE LAK E CITY CIT UTA I F I t oz I i B Phon rhon 1862 Ind nIL Phone Ibon I A s a deposit will secure sec any article l lc J in he the house housea Make a you lo s at t the earliest carl possible you will have a J larger rg choice hE e to select from Special low prices on Diamonds till Dec Doc 1st 1 st i I II MOST POPULAR PRICED JEWELER S MAIN ST STR i R G Dun Co CoI I in 18 Ottawa ACENOY I O r Run amara M n r Nevada N Utah and om in 11 a Sat LaA L I a ft DOWELS MOVE OIE VI IFf F A COLD COLO THE tUI COUGH PEES LAXATIVE SYRUP 9 rf Jl I tS r I PEST BEST FOR A r J J St I r V I Sold by Z C M 11 I 7 Drug Dept Dent iu y fita m r III ko M J 4 J Going Out of Business t Everything Must Be Sold Lease and Fixtures for Sale Goods will be Sold Regardless of Value The Store will Have to be he Emptied Ladies I White G D 1 Bed Just Right Corsets Sheeting wide Regular R I ar 1 l regular a yard d yar MAIN STREET I Wens Mens heavy fleeced underwear sl rt and drawers Each 40 A a e Ladles Black hole hoM lined Sc R Regular I a pair 19 e Curtain Curtin Swiss SWIM MH and Scrim a yard 9 C Ca a yard e aIS JC Union V JOe oc 39 e er Lc goc r p vir Dr j tatty d solid loUd colot jc regular a 2 n ic c Gloves Gleve fI 19 i t C fO f or Sc C Clothes Pin Pins one ona do for J le leJ IC i t taa aa aaI J I |