Show FIVE PERSONS KILLED 10 loist Their by b Freight Train Into I lit Car Waterbury Corn fonti Nov M Five Fe factory f tory were w killed today at atthe atthe atthe the West Main fain street ar t crowing crossing 0 over the tha highland division tracks track of ot ta UI N York Ii Hartford railroad when tui IU extra Hartford bound freight tret train crashed Into a trolley trolly car con containing K Iii for tor tb the Pin pun factories In hi The Tha car was struck with great eat fore force directly In the tile middle and all at or tIM the r mongers hilled were wee badly mangled man led tux biz others were re badly Injured slid and had to te be carried 10 in their home bome h m Joins John flavin na JI and Conduct f John Dillon of the tIte tb trolley car were 11 arrested U It Is 1 stated ata that the I wrecked trolley tron car Will wee following closely behind an n another noth another other oth car which bail passed pad safety serum across the crossing aln |