Show ONE MILLION IN GOLD GOLDA OOLDA A laU ale from rove 7 that at worth of 0 aMt t W flu duet hi Ie I now ly lying 1 I lag ing I at Rt on fl lOn porn pan pa Ju just t back of 01 V YeLl WM on 1111 U its way from Pair Fair Fairbank bank honki ka ti to 10 B S attl Of this amount mount IH Ii I in duct dual and th I the rout rent In It IK is I th the target shipment nt over liver a Ini nt out oat over the t from front Pair Pa bunks banha to 10 Several e ril armed guard ruarda am are re watching the p M hi In It II I each cache day and night nightA A W Jr leaves this avon re ren In log n tot for In to inspect minIng city erty lh r lie II loop to look Ovet the Ute B and the BUM BIt st The Tho former hai haa ha a bond bonol on th the latter HaUr laIt r Mr Ir expert expects I to tn be away a week fk |