Show O Of OI r I f BAKERS COCOA CO C 9 rat rati i t FIRST in f t ft in Holism on OR the theof theAl Al of the World I I I jn AWA B I 46 40 INI IC urL W 4 WALTER WALTE BAKER CO O Ltd lid IT 0 MASS A PROMPT TRIAL fR t I BITTERS sit 1114 II U IS w r nerve un wrung trunK run bowl la constipated 4 and nel aleju will sill III sans a a lot It of ot Ye oil II rind Amid II It A IH b list i ro and amid f I groat i i lo to your en entire n nU tire ure U suitor STOMACH BITTERS lies hta 1 prows proven beyond all s1 that itan it enn an II ear cure n I lit lh 71 hill hili olds j and ami 1 1 l mill and Sue Acue Jue Try fry it II t sad a riC ARTER Must Brat S s Signature I pj Pitis REFUSE SUBSTITUTES tuK Q tails t i Itt lo I br CARTERS CANTED aim m eia I II ITTLE ITT LE and aed Too Tee H h hIVE I IVE Y E R CAu A MM r M N dy for Asa PIUS fa I 1 LS atSa Bad d la tAA tho t c st Tm Na Ja IS ate on the Purely s SMALL PIll nil SMALL DOSE SMALL SNAIL PRICE P LICE CARTERS CA CART m Mutt MUll Beer Dw IITTI FacSimile S Si IVI IV I REFUSE SUBSTITUTES I W We have cured he h ii e fr r Hn rin Laxative nult 8 S nip the Ih new ne 1111 that tins the liver lUer lively purple th breath ath Mr da hr unit anil r III w th Ih ihn orS organ or Our Curls u A k IM U about aboul It KV r suds Mile 1 by hy FJ F P PJ J 3 alit mn Drue una tm The tl tutee Ask uk your our for lor Royal Ro Nut ut Head Bread The Crown l abet bel ta is on IYer every r ry boat loat I A MAGNIFICENT NEW CHURCH CHUR i IN ST PETERSBURG f tf t ti tat i I I I at I R t i I i iF ia I F I i i 1 a ate atei i re l i I Ir r i LJ J i Lt f j I 4 i I Tim Tho 1 ibis Ii of r f the tb Redeemer In nn of nr one Hie II most Insl r splendid in fv V i ii erected 1 1 In the th RuIn empire and nd It to curt rort hen Imn h Men benn b o fabulous Th TM church II Is I a I memorial to 01 II ll who hn wan j I SPECIAL C TO LE 1 t will buy you a pair of good home made special mould ers Shoes I ISee See Seo our now new styles in mens shoes for Patent Leather Calf and Vino Vloe Kid Vincent s Stolle i r un MAIN i ii i Sanitary S n f l 1 F Underwear l I Instinct Points the Way Vay 9 It teaches the mother to wrap writ her babe In woolens It teaches leaches men and women to think of woolens when t cold approaches Toupee laeger woolens are arc for far purity and Protection lion tion also for durability Thoy They are therefore a money saver in the end as well as a all the time I Write for t and anil booklet 1 let of j Igor or Rain Sain In ht lathe rk City lIT liy i 1 W E FIFE CO Walker Bros Dry Ory Goods Co Go GoAN CoAN rC AN OPPORTUNITY SELDOM MET METTo 1 To purchase a nice modern brick home In the north northeastern northeastern northeastern eastern part of the olty city close in for Part and time on balance Five rooms cement walks wIlks and large lot If you want this bargain see sae our Real Reel Estate Dept today We also do the largest Insurance business in tho tha o state and represent the only local company the HOME FIRE INSURANCE IN INSURANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF UTAH HEBER J L GRANT AND COMPANY 2226 MAIN STREET BOTH PHONES Lye m L The Kind Your Crand I moths mother Always Alway Ua d P S it the original at 1 and nJ Slid old n Rate 4 Lye L for lor f M J leap md mailing tw and l tun HM maty fie fies Li Th J hat tp W s x COot I gaff del eA lit bl blAsk Ask your grocer for it its Taka Taku no othar r if 11 t i f |