Show I A I Good Money oney to Be Picked Up At Gooding OMU place In southern Idaho lahn l them hero will tx la b built n R greet grffit Rr U UThe atty 6 t P The of C this city ell will be tie df by the tu r tied offered Goodin has hall the t opportunities up In greater sw dunce dance thun than any other othor locality I I and If It there th U 18 anything In signs and there the Is la GOODING will wilt be that dart town GOODING U Is I In 1 Incased a cased In n Lincoln county Idaho 16 miles s west went of I lh the county seat seal to IMe UI and Little Wood rivers rivera lath IlOth flow no by the town It has hax an all altitude of 01 I aeto W feet Its It natural ad tt It Is k backed by n a company of ot the trun ret and end most met m t substantial mm men In Idaho among limon them being Governor F R n Gooding D C manager of or t the North Norih side aide Twin Pall Falls company and Kent Fent Tees rees re lilt Hill personal 1 representative of ot the Kuhn n the the financial h beakers kara ot of the North Bid Bide Twin Falls Falk company and also I IIO the ue Great Falls Paw er fit Irrigation is building up a II n WIt u empire In the Haake river ri vel valley It U l is If the th body bod of tJ Irrigated land In the United Staten n GOODING Is 18 the only IV ne nil new town la III this umpire empire el re which Is la located on the main male line ot of 0 the Oregon Orna Short Line IAn railway raHway raM South of the Ole lies II the th lands 0 of the North SIde Hide Twin Falls Falli project wick Its 10 o auras re the U Houth Side std Twin T lb Falls project t with Us lie Berea 84 of lands land land and ana to the south of or thin hla lit 1 liras the Belman Rahman River und and Cedar Creek Creak with wilt a d norM of to be reclaimed by h the Ms lily Wood Irrl hi 1 tI la Its the ue center ante cent of ot the a ours r a gatton company eom and aDd north of et lies Ilea 11 Ute the cr pe U t C Camas m with its tends binda surrounded ed by on one at of the tM l beet t more than uSe M Cores of ol if I In tk scant wK the Ute enter canter et af UH three J cit SOW gown the t mighty I ke dyer which furnishes more water fur for wf QUon ut at I It lie Ile minimum now flow than any eUr t I Im stream m la ta 1 the Ute wi whets le of Us fie arki portion of or the United Slate Aton tint that portion at ot the Snake river lying within these them u projects there the are more foment tIa tells Stile than Ulan In any an other river riv u W the United Unite 1 Stale Dry DIY Creak Cork are Cr a tt short abort distance below groat dam am awl aKil are W Ti rt het high A at t few w Milan tower lower down dawn wn are the Twin Twill Katie Nailer lf JH in feet feat high three mSS below helow tiled these an ain h f Fails SU Ill feet reel r fall tan fire Ave or six ern muse mites further faiths h down own the ue river mer an art 11 the Auger Anew aim ila t feet teet high h 1 and ana stilt still within the th IU at of those these t Irrigated and are an a the Ute upper aw and hewer Sal Salmon S l moo mon tolls sack eck some SO IB trot faai In I Uta u of or Ute the lit l aon falls fulla ur are th the UIS Black canyon th Ute SliM sad ana la tt the triad Malad river At ah af of 1 these th points titer that la Ii a pow p power r C f from terns to M hor bore e sewer power and tho tM I of 1 ta the Uis UI river aver to la douM l by bF thane Uwe u tributary tributaries within a space Dace of U II tidies mOsa Alt At Ur Uta Springs and an also I ao at of U Ilse Je Mal 4 power r am ere now ta 1 tile ti course oO II Sf et f The Th Great 01 I Flips Kail Power go gopan pan panr laM ban Ma its nt at al Milt falu 1 J and a d In operation Ot and aDd It Itt al w work tk on un Ita Its S Mis Ma t ta I within Iran hem em tUu to In n thirty muss mu of tit then the t r power plants nt Aa An II 11 y U ld now BOW M wing twins built from fm to soonest r with Oka lb main Has of tha Short 81 ert UM lla at u Tide into railway I Ithe Is the tbs Brit rt unit of at a 11 which w will thread this new empire re with a net work f trolly troll Hue Imes Ih end will hav a trunk track k lias UN Us tooth Ua to 10 connect with th tile las lh Southern E Ec rUIe and the tiu UI I ra In lit the Nevada seining lito and will c t Ming min Idaho M arila BIILY nearer to Ian Ban that It u 1 II tt lit itt present I w renumber M In Iff the a e of ot tide this sleet system D with tha tb mall line lino of the t Oregon OlOn Abort t lAMe Idne y and will ba be b the millet at of southern IOU J for this tal m mAs As A a troll trull i I ri ft toi tul the market with all kips of nf temi erat xon fruits as s petti p plum prune prime end anil 1 apples appie Unroll Lincoln comity apples apple brought aa u high kI tt a as IU 14 4 s II box bo thi Jail fall In and il d 1 as a much aa as W 1040 brume brass boll U IUT rt of land IC a yeti ytm beet beat I It Do You Want a Chance to Make Money We w ae at J i Iowa going to at yo man tan a near means YOI 1011 I Iman man maa who 0 invests v a delta collar ta it INU U will have haie a u chase cb to make flats of tae lot has bu been W YO tow low J w that then is 4 a good 0 11 t for lor sj sjMa t Ma man who burs one on The ft en down n and nd the lie lb balance balao bItI mar Inky lie be paid IUd In installments of o fM t rUi Ut each h y year r for tor the next tar U three e year yearA rs A Ile water supply U is tt elf IMI In nil all maw llew At Ad wells wella w of In water wata may readily w be at 11 j i iS r the Ml that hollow the Uta use of Impure wrote to toy 1 pua S r by br byThe y I The Tha if the th lands Iambi bits liua I already been b eti proven eP beyond a doubt tit aa M UM tAl tAli i old u surrounding the Ute town totra lustily Alfalfa fruit gR l lurl pre an A fans ns url grow groa ar In ht th u tie profusion S 8 X l 11 I IW ISIK 3 I h Ji t MILK Btu t LISLE BARBER Ii I rl Nil Mager 4 l I |