Show HIGH SCHOOL WINS ITS FIRST MATCH Snatches Victory from Defeat in inThe InThe InThe The Last Two Minutes Of Game ALL HALLOWS JN IN tr i el I otI I oIl ui 1 Ilu In 11 Thin 11 S nrc rr Statute 11 ii to I In I I IT UI school chool i Ka ite r i t match The T Salt L It chool won un on It Ita iii nt l victory thin thie year 1 when hen with lh hu bus I two minutes eft Ift to ilY Ih ki n II li It l M mh nl 1 I tools took lo f it pf IUd B pram we me from rm All A I who sho ho proved to be hi It plucky op 01 opponent I The Tho of Of football on Oi the lbs b f 1 U of f t p wa wee a rather ft IU en mil I the uh Ih Halt Kalt tt I bake kc High It I team work wot w th Ill theme t will willbe wll I be b 1 a Sorry Irr morp lor In II ogden Iden en sin gUIng gling da The teen loam 11 work ork and ald t I coaching of m ln tn n h v ii trong the tb Individual 1 work pk ni nithe i ithe the High Hh School end Ant nd makes make rk All Al n 1 look lok line I I n ii I t ron factor In II the I h School hot AH MI A wa was throng on oil forward l I liaise aw time the I th worked tM t one rne t resulting In n II touchdown The High lUg School made rde her hr gain lalA around the th mid end nd t Hoth Mth t HM were WI a out 1 evenly on the fo r coM rj I af ci f punt but Stephen clearly out ol kl kisk li lied ed Cd SPECTATORS O GAME AMR Th Rime game gm war wan 11 I ig from the point of Gf view vi ui tn n account of ot th the tumbles fumble tints Time and again agin each side sid would ul plunge through the line le for or a gain wain only to 10 lea loae 10 the ball ballon bl ballon on a fumble Nearly ever evet every man mati m on Ott both team t ha t Pits from m one on to three turn b M chalked up UI him II el of f thus the high hol again d he III IB a III time that l the thus t lieU aU U II paceM to him himI the I lf lied ne and Ald could eJ be Keen plunging plungIng ing through the blue hu line lne or skirting the end suil for ci from 19 IG to u 30 3 3 yard rl He le lellis alo sIpo llis kicked two t field geah II III Davis I IM a new 1111 man in the game show how showed ed Cd that hat he be wa able to 10 hold down hi hil bbs position lh 0 ginger KinKer titan than It I ha hap hat Cecil p n for HOB con 1 time P FAr Por r the tho All Al Hal lEaP Hallows lows lowe KB aar a the Ih tar star Cn el d hIs hla hl fr rrene frenda nili and fought fou hl for tor ovary Inet lath Inch loc playing a heady h game units 1111 and sud 14 c w Wr ri strong I on 1 it punts Jt and nd were we l ng In them TH GAME GAME The Th off Ia ook place a 4 1 10 naron IO kicked Ja to IQ Gush Cus AU All Hallow wan wa held for ISoo te and ad ld 0 little punted out of or bond The School Schol the bull ball Mi to All 1 Hal 1 If low lows JOYa line where after ater a 0 pen penalty alty aly for tor off or Hide aide playing It I was wac wal lo bitt t pl All Al hallow to 10 Stephens who ad advanced advance vance the ball bail M o yards when he 1 lAnt I t tIt It on a fumble Three time the High School Schol carried time the Ih ball bol to from fm 6 Inh IncIte to 10 yarda yah from the th goal oal when hen All AU AllHallows Hallows hallow rallied amid ami Il took look lok tho timo ball bi After H U minutes minute of play pi Salt S1 Lake making train from rune run rU the ball ballAR bal wn AR s Rent nt over ove geal goald d Beor 6 to 10 0 O nu to Q and on the next down th II the High 1 tried trl a forward puss pun Cu h of or All Al Hallow a gutting getting e the tle bull ball 11 and running 80 yards ard for tor a tOU Hogan caled Soot Bol 6 to J e kicked to 10 the th High school h l and after anI a 1 Of na sad ld rune rUI by b Da Dg D vl 1 ia Richardson mid and th Ib thus High lo l 1 on All Al Hallow 1110 aJar line and kicked a a a Held fIeld goal Score 10 to C e HALF JAU The fi half halt opened opell with Fita II maurice kicking to 10 ln Both teams relied led on 01 punting and this the th boll 01 changed rb hands hand han nearly every evet down Evans w Mi Davis and Miller Pla ed er In thIs halt naif bf After Ii it I minute of punt punt D Kicked to this the Ihl High who failed t tg TYer and nd inI wont want over for a I touch down hogan Hegan loga y y wl I d Score Hoota II 12 1 to U 1 The fit ball 11 wa al kicked io to who wa downed In his hi tracks and ami XII MI low Iowa then them Ih punted McDonald replaced All Hallow lallo punted and anti Coombs a fair air tall on oil kIcked goal IMI Snore 14 to 10 With but bul two minutes minute l lef left ft to play pi both aide re IN to punting Th The line lne up II follows follow High schooL boL All Al hollow I 1 e P r Miller Mie L 1 1 t I n W rawer I 1 K g McDonald pinie WIre VI lr c f While hIte hl Horn Korna r 1 g Walker Arnol r t I o r I e Parke Co d q I 1 h f t r h Chi Ol I niP Brown Held fIeld nii Judge jur heed hule and tO o Ch Iliac le of ef o halved halvee M 21 Mand J |