Show POOR MEMORY This CI 11 T DI Ilea oi Her HerO II O Ones n Nani NaniA lUtle A poor memory for tor names name Ua I a com corn common common mon moo defect 1 and probably most mod persons have h been ben embarrassed l by It coca atonally many man a person haa has owned up to a queer qUler sort ort of ab abent nl n for tor Instance would cause him suddenly to forget torpt the name of a friend upon UllOn whom he had gone fO e to tail call all After the doorbell had hews bean rung the unfortunate caller taller would discover that he be did not net t know who to ak uk for when the lb servant nt should appear But U I performances performance a a this have hav been baen completely cut cast In the shade hude by b an exhibition of or memory mol failure gives given re ra rec ranU c nU by bj a Mr Mrs II B Bon BOn BOn on account of ot the death of a distant she ahe was waa obliged ob I to go sr to lo the eura surrogates urr office to Ie attend to some ome mat mate matt ten t concerning the will It ft wa was w Dec Decry enary ry In the th course of the proceedings foi tn her to sign 1 to a certain document dO her maiden Iden nimr D Telling her br just Jum Ju Juh where when h the th signature wa was to b be affixed the clerk dark handed her hn the pen and sad toOt aloud walling waiting wallin for her hr to writs write But to hi hie surprise for he Me had bad shown good business ability lIty and understand understanding ing up to that I lKa h merely mereS stared tand la 1 at him with Ith In bew belld Ilde metal meni showing upon her tare fare and said Id a word ord nor mao made any at Ml t tempt tempi at writing Just Juat sign your our maiden name am you ou know that all repeated the th clerk I I know what you aye y stam atun stammered stammered mr Mr Ma B but I J cant cat remember It Il to ave v in m my life Ufa Ive I been n married man twice end and nd It 1 I Is a wry very long to time since Ive Iv hid hail occasion to tit use my m original name nam M I J know you must mut think It its very vry queer and It I but I hall shall have to go 0 hemp and find dud out the tb name naI She disappeared C hastily relieved relle to tope escape rape pe from th the clerks astonished eyes eye ye yeIn In telling th the story Crory Mot to it a friend she he eaid ald bv she lib pent fully tully ten I min minute ute Use 1 walking up and down the th block In front Pot of ot the lh building trying th l p to tt recall the 1 ht lost lo t nose name At th t the h end cf f that time II ahe he 11 gave a v up the t h effort erol ant and went vert home tm a as she ahe laid had Ita at al trot first Intended to dIll dig thi th ne Information nut ut I of It an nM tad ld bonk which hl h she h had oum na n d when uh h ha n nn a n girl cm C Herald |