Show MARKET CLOSED GLOSEn STRONG AND ANO DULL Dealings at a Standstill Because Of Deferring of Publication Of Or Bank Statement FIRST PRICES WERE LOWER Union the Ilio WI Most Iu tired Sohl New N York No Nov N nr t prices 0 ef of stock lock were In lower lottor 10 than l last t but Iu butth t th Tb d were limited to bet bat b In n a few tw instances Canadian P Pa due doe we wee down SH 4 Northern Nort P m I 1 and net Anaconda t 1 aIMS AmIs 11 Copper a l la laig rg traction The Tb slIght light rl rise e WM wee bort short lived U the tta market t falling back bek ba t tu to a trifle below 01 the t lint Drat prices Union enlon l Pellie cinc Heading altO aliO ep t Mk were w the mot most freely sold Mid MidI I l c Mall IH lt below blow Cloah MILI HS Ii In and vitO a Tuve 1 t Hen Henret ret A Hlo to Ot J advanced 1 I IThe The 1 4 tr BK and dull lul Dealing w if at al t a C on account of 0 tb the t not to b the Ute bank until u tU alter after art It TI o k k Union Bag preferred declined d Mi f I 1 B 18 tubber 14 1 Mrk MaII pitt 1 I lo 4 all ll Am Ala American AI AIrl rl an Tobacco Tub pfd pid and anti St lit Loul Louis and andIan Ian Ban Frand pfd pf I New Haven roie rou J Chicago Nov N Trad wa light In all ull grain pit pits today 1041 Wheat WIt opened b bL be becU L cU causo um of o mil maU and he lit destruction lion tion or of grain In the Ore are at al Duluth After u mi short time JI Md off on general 8 umi burnt of It I being In the he way of ur l saks ale December wheat op up nr ned l a shade had lower lor to 0 C at I IIII III 4 to IJ 00 sold noli up to 10 H and nd then ln tie Ue 1 to 90 Corn orn wa w strong trong tron early rl hut but weakened later latr on ott good weather wether and eit nd saip a r cable re ye report tort port or December opened a had shede lower Joer to I II u it had higher Ither at t t lilli to tn bI and nd old down don to MK oats Oala opened Mady stady and although they th thud the ud off Ott a trio showed hawed more than then neither wheat t or vorn vorm n December emr De opened nd unchanged at al 46 antI and an after nr touching 47 oM sold to tt were wN firm llna because of ot higher price for fur live II hogs hog January JanUl pork op opened opened ened ned lOc lIe higher r at t 1110 1360 13 Lard wa was 12 higher at t LU tI Rib lube were THc 7 higher at The Th wheat t market rallied on the t last lAlIt halt half haltof of ot the Ion on n a good demand from horts hort December sold old I up to I The Th ilose l wa was strong trong with December up I II lt I 1 at HV 4 Heavy In corn cu caused l a R slump lump of f e about Ir 3 and pushed December down downto to 10 UV MIe letter lAter one Ott cent cant of ot the wu wits a regained on un covering by br short The TIle I w was with December lower 1011 1 lit at MH 91 4 May M f r May 37 T 41 May Ma Fork January 11 1110 Stay May At lT 11 1310 n nl l U to May l Vi 1411 1111 May TM T R ICh erah Tt IS Barley Bar cast cab 7 Ml AND New N York Nov Nev Sugar raw laW ml tul t fir faIr reInIng g l I 11 centrifugal H 10 teat lt SMi 3 m saga Jt t Ann 4 quiet iW I po 1111 81 granulated 14 cu quiet No T f RIo 1810 Ut 4 t No I f 10 |