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Show Rag Time Rhapsodies. It somo mon owned tho earth thoy ,would begrudge tho tax collector hla atlpond. ' Tho man who docs not lovo a clean, pretty child, Is fit for strategics and trusts, I never aoo such n minion of -humanity without wanting to hug It Kls la morely more proof that I have Po connection with tho hydra-headed tnonstor of modern times, tho trusts. It la claimed by a Nebraska pap, that tho real reason tho whale comhod up Jonah v.aa because Jonah had a plug of tobacco In his hip pocket. Sunday school teachers please tako notlco, Willie's Sunday school teacher asked him how many enmmundmonta there were. He replied thoro wore but nlno as Henry Jones had brokon ono just before school was called. Poor father counts the em'l they spent Kor Christmas pre.enU dear, And knows that for a month he must Kat hand-outs with hla lx)r; And as ha stands beside the bar And Mdly grabs a bite, lie swears wllli vlcloua vow to kill One Hants Claua on slvtitl An old maid of Kalamazoo refused to go akntlng with the unly beau she has had In 20 years because the skating skat-ing rink waa feuceU with undressed (umber. The man who marries a woman who can cook will nover have to spend monoy at the dollratessen when the cook goes on a strike. The hired atrl may break a valuable piece of wife's china and (till retain her place, but It Is "twenty-three" for her when she lets fall the husband's meerschaum plpo. Manifestations of friendship do not always mean an open bonamo to a friend' pockotbook. Sometlmos out host friends are thoso who refuse to loan ua money. - --- ".?--" aajBSSMBaSftajaaBMlBajaBBSjBjjajHMBejBt |