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Show HV Aliinr Stake Priesthood j'Vw-' ,M?1aMtUjf frieatlieai mutW 'of PPJ, & rrA Jill WIT fcI7Ji. IllBlfyTW? H1 IB.V rUUnt S. L. Cnlpmaripreshffif. Hs On the stand were Apostles Gelrgo R F Ricdard and Rudger Clawson, James H; O. Duffln, lately rehased from prist-, H dency and tho State High Council. Hl Meeting was opened by singing, H . "Como Let us Then, Our Journoy Pur- H x sue". Prayer was offered by Elder H Georgo Kirkham. ppH Roll call showed an average attcnJ- H ance of stake and ward officers. Mln- PPH utcs of previous meeting read and bc- PPB' ceptcd. Those recommended for ordl- PHB' nation to the priesthood were instruct- PpM ed in their duties by Prcs. S. L. Chip- PPH, man and unamously sustained. PH James G. Duffin was tho first speak- PHH, er. Spoke of his pleasant labors and PHH experiences while abroad in the mission PH field. The work of God Is growing and H spreading on tho earth, to the modify- H' ing and changing of religious thought. PPfl Warned against being allured by tho PPH j things of Mammon to the exclusion PH and neglect of' spiritual things. De- PH plored the growing tendency among us PH to speculate In mining and other stocks H, which lead to tho spirit of gambling. PHt We should rather bo inclined to study PH and pursue the more permanent and PH less risky vocations of life, and follow PH the simple good examples set us by our PB illustrious fathers and mothers, the PH ploicers. PH Apostle Richards fully endorsed Elder PH gj Duffin's remarks. Advised that vc B IffJe1 elcn rcnow our covenants at the be- H ' ginning of tho Now Year to do better PH than ever beforo and bo punctual in PH attending our quorum and other meet- H ings. Advised Bishops and Counc'lors H to get into closer touch with the Saints PH and to visit them at their homes and PH encourage them to go to the temples H and work for the rcdemj tion of the H Apostlo Clawson dwelt chiefly on the H question of Self Control showing that P man may becomo a king or a slave Ppt through tho observance or neglect of H this principle. Cited instances of the H awful results that follow those who H give way to their pcrmiciouB, wicked H. passions. Quoted the life and clinrnc- H Aterof Jesus Christ as the, only perfect H pattern of complete Self Controle; am H urged that we, as far as possible, r nttcm H after Him and be willing, if rccda be, H to lay our all on the Alter for the cause H of truth and righteousness. H Pres. S. L. Chlpman thanked the visiting brethren for their advice. Hop- PPPfl led we might profit by their good and wise teachings, and resolve to begin l the New Year, with increased faith and dllligence In the work of the Lord. are duley visited and that tho usual winter exercises and studies bo resumed resum-ed and kept up. . Singing, Doxology. Benediction was pronounced by Pres. A. J. Evans. |