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Show PULLMAN ON LIMITED ABLAZE. One Passenger Dead and Two Salt Lakers Have Narrow Escape. Council niuffs, Iowa, Ono passenger passen-ger wns killed and thrco Injured Sunday Sun-day morning on Los Angeles limited No. 8, when n Pullman sleeper caught tiro whllo tho train was running from Council Uluffn to Missouri Valloy, en routo to Chicago. Doad Louis Dolarlo, Washington, D. C, clerk of tho houso commltteo on irrigation. I Injured I. C. Jensen, Salt Lako City, slight burns on neck nnd head. Honry Cntrow, Salt Lnko City, right wrist cut by glass. Mrs. D. Hlgglns, Carboudnlo, Pa., suffered from ex- i exposure. Tho Northwestern train wns within a nillo of Lovcland, nenr Missouri Valley, Val-ley, when pnscugcrH In tho Pullman car Hcdflold wero aroused by smoko I Tho origin of tho lire could not b 'determined, but It had undoubtedly been smouldering for somo tlmo boforc bolng discovered. |