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Show WRECKED BANK WITH BOMB Cashier of the Philadelphia Fourth National Bank and the Dynamiter Killed Blx Others'are Injured, One of Whom May Die Missile Was Thrown After Demand for 8lx Thous-, and Dollars Had Been Refused. Re-fused. Philadelphia. Demanding a loan of $0,000, and falling to got It, a man who has not yet beon Identified, dropped a bomb In tho Fourth Street National bank, blowing himself to pieces, Instantly killing Cnshlor W. Z. McLcar, and Injuring six othors, ono or two of whom mny dlo. Tho only cluo to tho Identity of tho bomb-throwor was a bunch of keys found in a portion of tho clothing attached at-tached to which was n plate Inscribed, "H, Steele, Garner, la." Tho Fourth Street Natlonnl bank Is tlio largest financial Institution In tho city, and occupies tho greater portion of tho first floor of tho Hullltt building build-ing on Fourth Btrcct, between Chost-nut Chost-nut and Wnlnut streets, In tho heart of tho financial district. Tho explosion explo-sion was torrlflc, nnd It caused tremendous tre-mendous cxcltomcnt In tho crowded building and street. No ono saw tho unknown man enter en-ter tho bank oxcept K. F. Shnmbacher, tho vlco prosldcnt, who was passing out of tho building on his way to luncheon. Ho noticed tho man was poorly dressed, looked like a Russian and carrlod a small parcel. Tho man walked straight back to tlio roar of tho bank nnd asked n clerk to dlroct him to tho olllco of tho prcstdont, Richard Pushton. xnoi oniy is too onuro interior oi tho bank wrecked, but tho largo windows win-dows looking out ou a small sldo streot wero blown out Tho oxploslon Bcattorcd all the books mid papors of tho institution which wero UuC In tho vaults at tlio time. Soma of them woro blown out of tho windows nnd wcro roturnod by those who found them. |