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Show Intelligence of Horses. M Tho degree of Intelligence In horses M varleB greatly. The higher the lnt,eli- M genco, tho moru a horse Is worth for Hi uso on the road or In tho field and 'tho M mora ho Is wtirth for breeding. Wo M need to consldor Intolllgunco more h M the selection of breeders. The higher tho Intelllgenco tho moru easily does M the horse adapt himself to the uses M for which he Is designed. Fortunate- H ly tho owner of horses have It In M thulr power to lncreano tho Intelll- HJ .eiicu 0' the tquln nc? through a? H Ux-.tlnu in breeding. H (.&HJ BBtfaBaMytt'fj-jyy- -' i iii ii n ljMMBJSjBaBJSJPJJJJJJJJJI |