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Show TROOPS FIRE ONJTRIKERS Thirty Men Are Killed and Eighty Wounded During Riot in Mexico. Jails Thrown Open by 8trlker and Prltoners Released, Pawnshops and Private Houses Pillaged, and Reign of Terror In augurated. City of Mexico. Dolatcd reports from tho mill district of Orizaba, In tho stato of Vein Cruz, whoro rioting has attended tho strlko of tho toxtllo workers, Indlcato that tho government Is In control It was necessary for tho troops to tiro. Thirty dead havo been counted, whllo mora than eighty aro reported to havo been wounded. It Is bcllovcd that the strike has been broken. Aftor pillaging tho stores nt tho Rio Illnnco mills n body of tho Htrlkors rushed to Nogatcs, a short 'distance away, whero another mill la located. Telegraph, tolephono nnd electric light wires wcro cut, and pawnshops and oven prlvato houses wcro pillaged. Jails woro thrown open and tho prisoners pris-oners sot frco. Residents of tho mill district tied In terror to Orizaba. When tho Htrlkors reached Nogales ono mill official and gens d'anncs from Orizaba mado an Ineffectual attempt at-tempt to check thorn. A striker severely se-verely wounded Sonor Hcrrera, mayor of Orizaba, with a hugo stono. Hcrrcrn nroso from whero ho had fallen and klllod his assailant. A body of troops arrived, and ns tho strikers attempted to resist a valloy wns tlrod Into the mob, killing thirty nnd wounding over eighty. Aftor this tho mob was scattered. scat-tered. A body of 700 collected on if railroad track and held for sovornl hours tho trnln. Finally soldlors arrived ar-rived and charged thlH crowd with broadswords, scattering tho strlkors. The Jails nnd armories aro filled with Imprisoned rioters. |