Show MEAN FLING AT CLEOPATRA Use of Needle Clearly Reflection on Size of the Royal Feet Anne Boleyn anti and Cleopatra hc were g great cat chums churns were were strolling about abou t. t Paris together one lovely spring siring ring afternoon and after aCter they had ig visited tc all the bargain counters ol 01 the more famous department stores stON of the French capital their wanderings wan Jed led them out upon the Place Ilace dc de e la 18 Concorde in the center of oC which stands one of the several Cleopatra needles that have been beeD taken from the borders of the Nile vile and erected rc in our modern cities Paris Paris London an and New York taU It It is 13 a pretty thing is it not noH said eaid Cleopatra gazing with much natural pride upon the towering monolith It is indeed said saia Anne Ann Boleyn surveying eji g it it critic critically lly through her lorgnette But tell me Cleopatra she added I added I am very cry curious to know know was was a that really one of y your ur needles Yes Yee the replied Egyptian queen it really Wn was waa Why Wily Oh nothing said Anne with witha a glance at Cleopatra Cleopatra's s fret feet I HI t suppose you used it to darn your four stockings with Harpers |