Show NEWS OF A WEEK TOLD IN BRIEF I TH THE THE IMPORTANT I IMPORTANT O TA T EVENTS GATHERED GATHERED GATH GATH- ERED FROM ALL OF THE GLOBE I Notable Happenings Prepared for theS tho the S Perusal of the Busy Man Man Sum Sum Summary I mary of the Latest Home and Foreign Notes G W. W Y Ellis Ems a resident of Pine PineBluff PineBluff Bluff Blurt Ark shot and killed Nathaniel P. P Willis of Indianapolis in the court courtroom courtroom courtroom room at Little Rock Ark the shootIng shooting shoot shoot- Ing being the tragic ending of a lawsuit lawsuit law law- suit uit brought by Willis against bis his divorced wife who had subsequently married Ellis ElUs the suit being for Cor the possession of Willis' Willis child Parachuting his b balloon at the height of more more than two miles by loosing the appendix cord and allowing allow allow- ing lug the lower part of the balloon to torise torise torise rise Into the tho netting Dr S. S S. S Stowell of Pittsfield on his first trip as pilot dropped to earth in the balloon at Cowa Mass 1 effecting a perfect S landing A man named Rice who escaped from a sheriff near Needles Cal Gal is being hunted in the river bottoms by Indian trailers Rice has already killed one of his pursuers General Brun Drun the new French minster min mm- Ister ster of war war declares that as soon as the aeroplane is perfected the French Trench army will be with a swarm of ot these wasps Th The Russian imperial yacht Standart Standart Stan Stan- dart with the emperor and empress ss and their children on hard anchored at Holstein on July 17 bubonic One hundred and thirty-five thirty and thirty five cholera deaths were reported reported re reo re- re ported to the Amoy Amo- China officials during the two weeks ending July 21 24 In n the northern interior districts bubonic bubonic bu bu- bu bonic plague Is decreasing but In the south It is on the increase In a village vil vil- lage age of there were fifty-eight fifty deaths in a month Advices received from froin the governor of state that the 1 trIbE seeking vengeance for the capture capure cap cap- ture ure of or their chief on July 17 atI attacked at- at tacked an Italian Italian detachment detachment of native I The enemy was repulsed II five forty being heing killed and twenty wounded The Italian loss was five killed The strike at the Standard Steel Car ar company's plant at Butler Pa was ended July 26 when more than 2000 former employees ees returned to work at the company's terms S Seven ven of the leaders of the strike movement were discharged Officials of the company com corn pany state that hereafter American workmen will be given the preference In n all departments R. R M. M Baker of Chicago who was arrested at Honolulu May 24 on a charge of bigamy upon cable instructions instructions ions from the Chicago police pleaded guilty and has been sentenced to three years years' ears ears' hard labor in the penitentiary by y Judge Sanford B. B Dole George Allen Anen Beatty the confessed b bank robber who looted the First National National Na- Na ional b bank of Monrovia Gal Cal of at 2900 29 00 last December and was captured In n Dayton 0 O. has been sentenced to serve eight years In Folsom iary S Two dead twenty injured and more than han arrested form the result of riots in Guadalajara Mexico The riots started when a mob broke up meeting amass In Delgado theater call called d In the interest of President Diaz and Ramon Corral vice dent for forre re election t Noah R. R Marker l assistant cashier of the he First National bank of Tipton Ind md has disappeared and an Investigation gation shows that more than besides the amount of money on hand at the close of business Saturday night Is a missing His neck wedged tightly between the Jie pickets of a fence the body of at William Villiam Lenz aged 45 years ears for thir- thir tay years a co coachman for August F. F Gallun allun a rich tanner was found In front of his employers employer's residence at Milwaukee Lenz evidently had been strangled I I The ton nineteen-ton Grayling which sailed Galled from Seattle May 27 for Panama Panama Pan Pan- ama with seven men has been given up for lost She was built on Puget sound sold to P Piama ama canal con tractors and was on her way to lo be delivered That the explosion in the Teller coal coalmine coalmine coalmine mine near Trinidad Colo Cola on July 6 last In which nine men lost their lives was was was' due to the tho carelessness or incompetency of the superintendent Emery is the gist of the report of State Coal Mine Ine Inspector J. J D. D Jones made to Governor That Canada will build a navy to operate co-operate with the British navy In Inthe inthe inthe the defense of the empire was stated by Hon William Dominion minister of public ImbUe works work before the board of trade at Victoria B. B C. C Miss Mabel Howard who for ten years has been a prominent actress on the American stage and who played the title role In a Belasco road company of Qt Zaza has abandoned the stage and Is preparing to become a nu nun in a Roman C Catholic convent Miss Howard was born in Indianapolis In 1874 The first airship co company pany formed in Ohio Ohio- has been chartered by the secretary sec see rotary of or state The company a Cleveland concern Is authorized t to manufacture and sell airships aviators and aeroplanes and to transport passengers passengers pas pas- and freight through space A conservative e estimate of or the n num number rn- rn n. n her ber of killed and injured luring during t the tho e erl rl rioting at Guadalajara Mexico place the dead at twelve and the seriously injured at thirty Man Many of the rioters carried their dead lead and injured to their homes and concealed them fearing ealing imprisonment Philippine public Improvement bonds to the extent of are areto areto areto to be floated by the war department Bids Inviting proposals will be opened at 2 o'clock on August 17 They will bear benr Interest at 4 per cent and ar are are redeemable In ten years ears and payable in thirty years cars The Greek Greel flag has been run up at atthe atthe atthe the fortress and the Cre Cretan ln militia barracks at Canea Greece The outcome out out- outcome come of this assertion of the Cretans' Cretans determination to join Greece Is awaited await await- ed with some concern The Academy of ot Science of Los Angeles Angeles An An- geles has asked the c city ly council for to be used in developing a remarkable remarkable remarkable re re- re- re deposit of ot bones of ot antediluvian antediluvian vian animals In tho the asphalt beds near Hollywood Cal Louis a Frenchman has earned the distinction cf cr being the first man to lo cross the English ch chanad channel chan chan- ad nel in an airship He crossed the channel from Calais France Tance to Dover England his machine a small monoplane going at the rate of 45 miles an hour hour and keeping about feet riet above the sea level leyel Besides tho the honor he wins a prize of offered of oC- offered by the ilIe London Dall Daily Mail Mall for II uit Lue across na channel Fort Forty thousand workers In the paper pa pa- per woolen cotton and allied industries indus indus- tries went on strike at Stockholm The Tho strike It is stated will be extended to the iron workers on August August 2 a circular having been issued to the I trades trade unions throughout the country calling for a general strike on on August 4 The dense fog which hung over the Nova Scotia coast for a week caused the loss of at the British steamer Cairn Cairn- craig a steel ship of nearly 2000 tons J which left Boston Doston Jul July 22 for Great Britain The struck Snorting Snorting Snort Snort- ing rocks rock Grover island eight miles mUes west of Canso One of the most sweeping Innovations Innovations tio s fn n northwest railroad traffic will willbe willbe willbe be the abolition of ot all switching charges on grain at Tacoma and Seattle Se Sc- attle terminals This will result Inan Inan in inan an increase of approximately 1 cent center per er bushel In the price pa d growers and exporters A special dispatch to the Salt Salt Lake Herald announces that GIfford Pinchot Pinchot Pinchot Pin Pin- chot chief chief of the forestry service may resign because of differences with Secretary Ballinger The Dhe village of located on the Saskatoon and branch of ot the Canadian Pacific railway in Saskatchewan has been wiped out by a tornado No one killed The of hall hail at Alessa Ales Ales- Alessandria sa sandria Italy collapsed carrying down with It several hundred persons Scores were hurt in the struggle to escape escape es es- es c cape pe thirty seriously Six cannot re reo re- re cover A housekeeper In revenge for beIng bing be bG Ing discharged decapitated with an ax the Princess Alexandra l ky y at her fathers father's est estate te in leash Russia The princess was 14 H years of a age e. e John T. T Garrison a partner with Lame Bob Eastman who slew Mrs Edith Woodill on the Maryland eastern eastern east east- ern era shore and then rather than surrender to fo the officers has filed tiled a petition in bankruptcy A sister of Frank Franl Friend a cowboy cowboy cow cow- boy who disappeared from a ranch near Cheyenne Wyo two years ago has returned to her home in Ashton Ky after a fruitless search in Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming Wyo Wyo- ming to secure any trace of her brother An automobile owned by Sellars Largey president of the State SavIngs Savings Sav Sav- ings lags bank of Butte and nd a million million- million 1 aIre ran down Edward Edfield aged 11 death ensuing ensuing- The machine was was was' I being being driven by Largey's chauffeur James Stearns county surveyor and one of the best known citizens In Ia Inthe inthe the county was shot to d death ath at his home near Woodstock Ky by his son aged 16 16 whom he was ing tog The international anti-alcoholic anti congress which has concluded Its labors labors labors la la- la- la bors In London accepted the Invitation Invitation tion of Queen WilhelmIna to hold its next gathering gathering- at The Hague in In 1911 Dr Roy M. M Collins one of or the most prominent ph physicians of Portland Ore was shot and killed by his wife while she was suffering from temporary ary mental aberration brought at on by unfounded Jealousy two Forty wo persons were Injured in tn inthe inthe the wreck of a Big Four passenger passenger- train at Zionsville Ind lad but all allbut but sIx six passengers who were t taken ken to hospitals in Indianapolis were able to continue to their destinations Six lives lost and thirty thirty six six perSons persons persons per per- sons Injured thre perhaps fatally is the result of the wreck of or a Wabash passenger train when it plunged into the Missouri river thirty miles mUes east of Kansas City The roadbed had been weakened by flood waters Ambassador Reid entertained King Ed Edward ward of England at Silsoe SUsoe on Sat Sat- at There was wa a groat great Influx of ot notables from all parts of the country country coun coun- try to the little town to welcome his majesty At a supper given in Washington by Senator Newlands or Nevada an illustrated lecture on the work o of reclamation re reo re- re service In tho the west was delivered delivered de do livered by F. F H. H Newell director of or orthe the service With a stereopticon large photographic views were shown of or Irrigation projects in Wyoming Colorado Utah Montana Nevada and Arizona |