Show SKIN ERUPTION ERUPTION CURED CURE Was So Sore Irritating and Painful That Little Sufferer Could Not Sleep Scratched Constantly uras ura's Efficacy Clearly Proven When about two and a half halt years old my daughter broke out on her hips and the upper parts of at her legs with a no avery avery very irritating and painful eruption Jt It began in October the first I noticed was a little red surface and a constant desire on her part to scratch h her limbs She fhe could ou d not sleep and the eruptions eruptions' got sore and yellow water came out of them I had two doctors treat her but she grew worse under their treat ment meat Then I bought the Remedies and only used them two weeks when she was entirely well I This was in February She has never had another rough place on her skin and she Is now fourteen years old Mrs R. R R. R Whitaker Winchester Tenn Sept 22 1908 Potter Druz lI Corp Solo Bolo Props Boston Doston |