Show Place Plaice Y Your our Money in the BANK BANKI I OF V VERNAL E RN A L VERNAL UT UTAH AH J J JB E. E ROARK ROARK WYER LAND OFFICE PRACTICE A SPECIALTY Flave had 2 25 years ars practice t ce before before before be be- fore the Land Department If Iffour your four ha 1 s been be contested C Consult VERNAL VERBAL TAKE lAKE YOUR Hides Fildes n a 1 Pelts ro 10 ED WOOTTON At My Myton ton Highest Cash Prices Paid For FW Sale A hood good se Second hand self bind elf elf-b nd- nd er 5 foot f-foot oot cut Clit i. i iii goot good working working- order Vill sell Cheap Or rr trade for grain I C T t Beggs To Recommend New R Route i I Accompanied b by Iy Postmaster i J S Roberts of San Francisco 1 assistant superintendent dent of the railway mail service service sen ice last rh Thursday urs a afternoon left Price by team for fOI the reservation rca res country with a Ii view of a again ain putting on th the mail route from here as ns far as Vernal His us trip over the country from Price out is in response to petitions petition sent to Vashi Washington lately by citizens of Price Myton Myton My My- ton and points on 01 the thc former Cint Uintah h reservation and from business men lIen and others other at Vernal Hob Roberts was was was- met at Price upon his i arr arrival arral al by a n committee of citizens The two went as far fair only as Myton their time be being 1 g limit limit- ef cd Before departing Jobert Roberts expressed ex ex- pressed himself as favorable fa to bringing the mail route back backby backby backby by way of Price His recommendations Jcl however cr will have o tal take e the usual route thru the departments at Wash h. h ington Irice Price Ad Advocate ocate Notice For Publication l 1 of the Interior 1 tr S oi nt at It Utah JilIS 71 I iii rite Notice is jg J given that Jahi a Alexander it if H Lake Fork Fori th t August ail 29 I. I lilts LJ U. U I. I A. A t x XII Xo fur forth elfin the section M. M n S. S Y w Meridian huts lius tiled filed i notice of i joy tion to make lined huil nr fire pu establish to laud the hc tI cd ed before the Rei ter used I k C cri cr ri IV i A eil ed St Ln Land It it Vernal Nna tai the tilt 4 h dais of of 1 C i UA witnesses efi J John l o I 1 of Mj Irani Utah Arthur lit Ki- tv Char Fontaine Oscar iscar G. G Nelsn n. n of erf l Lots Utah Jul July 2 29 cp a i I Noti Notice e For Publication of the Inferior ft S fi tt Office at nt Vernal Utah J Jul uly M. M I tila lift OO Notice Is 15 is v herc Ji git that Inn ft Cof c c. of Myton title h. h Yh on an April t hon entry No u l S. S I to t S 5 2 No Jo TM for for the section a 5 o. o to toed 3 b S. S ranee ranged 2 Z W y V tiled filed notice of intention to tn make crake final a mutation pro proof t to l o h claim i land IanO e ll foTe the Rr Re fan and aHI l States Staten Land t tnt 04 lit at nt Vernal Utah m the drip day of t ef Ot Claimant fin Jt is Witness CHarles low lore of 1 Utah Job Jota I emon I J Jr of Myton Utah Terrp al lett Jett of J I Utah r Charles CharIt Pert of f Utah CH lot y R 1 Tuly ul Sept J 2 j Naf of t the c Interior L' L S S. i Office at ut Vernal t. t Utah tuh Jut July 13 1 WR Notice is iN hereby CJ that tint Q Collett of erf Myton lyton Utah talt hui v ho on Mart i 1 tab lG made hon estead nl entry Xo No i t 1 S. S serial l No for the NE NE' 4 1 s 3 S tit 8 range 1 Y t Ul S has hus flied filed notice c at of Ie it intake conini proof 0 tot tort M li Brit lish h to the land hind alx above ahO vc c J for fore the thc Rc Register ister find l Receiver er Id I'd Land Oft c. c tit Nt Vernol 2 2nd dry day of September 1109 Clan Clam CI ill as eld R III al Nary MaryS S. S Lockett Albert W. W cil James W W. nil all of l n I Ios keg ReM JulyK Z Amr i j I NOtICE OtICE F t P HLl TI t tI I Department o of the L C L. L S. S b It ut Vernal Utah July 3 30 Ill Id Notice IH is hereby s1 given civen en Efa Hs Reese Reef of Myton Utah who ill u Jut Jin Juto m 30 ao o made entry KI NaS I. I S. S Serial No Xo Ol i for SW R Vi S S 21 NW N fW Sec Nil cd 20 29 ToA rJ ship ti 1 2 t Uinta cial has fifed to final t fJ pr lisp to fu the lunch land above fore the tEre kenister ter tJ and Biel Jcl Id 4 States State Lund flit e it t Vernal dl day J of Se September Cla Clan nanie t nanie as io u t J John Im CI uk c tOil tau Utah fuh Janie McFee of I J J. J Dennis of Myton I K R SU Sands of M e. e t tAug A Aug us S a-S Septa s-Septa S p I 1 FOR POR OR 1 Department of The Th Interior U U. S. S b at Vernal i Tr t i li I. I July JulJI H JI Notice i rs is Ir hereby er hy that A Asa Au B 3 Bof of L l olio vho of 01 oh nw macie homestead entry No o. o HA I ll lil I ISerial Serial NO 1223 for Lots 1 and nul 2 aD aDI and I XE NESI Section 4 4 hip 3 S Uinta Meridian has lia tiled filed 1 nak intention fn to make final co proof Hr establish i 1 claim cIa im to tn the N described before rC the thc j t r and lit R cr er United In If el States Land t f fI J I Utah on the day of names its as pC J of loka lT ah P 5 Q of loka Iola Utah Albert D. D Ul Utah li Nathan r of if Og Rr S Aug iS Sep iSSep J N Fow POR OI of til the V. V S Office at ut Utah lital Jid 2 1 JOOl W. W b Notice it iR hereby n i that r cU ctt of Myton Utah to on f Iran h homestead entry NI Nto NI Serial No o for the fur the n J ship 3 S S. 1 t tV W. dints SPecial Specia- an rio has fins ho tiled filed notice f of M f fo 10 J linal lo tiM to the land hind above dc described rit d ht Wj r Register and ud Rec I Receiver iver r United Office nt sit Verna Vernal Vernn rink DM on the 1 I A August lul St St. JIW jOO n ns naw Theo ti A of M f Rork f Utah Charles CharlesL 1 II L 1 U. U of elf R R Utah Charles 15 Eo lIt Sexton of R Ra Utah n S. S Collett of ot My Jr 1 d 4 CI A Lm WI F. J. I Jul JulyS JulyS S-Au S Augia 1 if CONTEST NO j tI l Ier i pr of I. I Land lud Office I Utah July A A mOi t it hIi riled in this office by S' S E I U Vf S of contestant n ngai JI f fl i stead L Entry No 15 aerial l No trade l a. a the V SW I XE NE and mcl X WI SE SJ 2 28 S. S a 3 W W. I 1 T. T S. S M. M r by ul fI l fl In which it i ha t tJ Prank Frank FIt mins ruing has hns 1 for more than si six months JJ O last t has hus not established O 61 or orthe the hind I UtI nd I. I and that Sard Cris lr alle A kl from the thc the said sand ahl land lund has us II not t due to in the therm Anny rm X Net i Of Corps l Of I th the Un United States tat as III a as s soldier foldier officer o of tn d r durin rink the thc war with Spain ot of other oilier war in hr which the flip t trusted Sia r he f said id parties utE ore lied to H Lar r sp mill add on r III 1 t rid It 10 O nn 3 r. r hO the tn Kf r JI J Receiver at the thiC United P In fn Utah Tire The said id Having iti I i C filed 17 v 11 shu v ho v after tonsil notice Service of If thi 11 trade made it is hereby Q K r 11 l that such Buch notice be he l b 11 proper publication r. r y I serer Lot IU- IU L 1 S 1 At gi HAVE II 13 YOUR SHOES and HARNESS REPAIRED IRED by CARLISLE Hahn Building g Sou South o of f |