Show ARE I ILL cor Remarkable Fact That Hura Melancholy Seem Fond of E Others Other's Company Too often orten humor and together They keep company COmPanIa j girl who likes to dance and i a who writes nice gloomy poet get tied together but they do They sympathize like oil all and T i not They tell us that some Borne d i newspaper humorists who 4 make people laugh are SO son ver very glum and mel melancholy tf 4 and cant can't see a Joke any anybody els else when its it's on them themi Its It's too bad that a humorist t I thus belie belle his profession but he het tal anyway anyway and and who doesn't f said that Lincoln had to mato ma maw J to relieve care care He said Wets Weri i ifor for this o occasional vent I sho The vent of at the humorist Is Jj l J I choly Let Let him kick the c cat 1 complain of the oatmeal let bf LT 4 glum as an owl owl owl-he he too i ito Is 13 1 to a little variety Let him r rea J j tons ton's Anatomy of Mrs Cau Caudle's les le's Lectures for tl lJ ter ter-he's ter he's hes entitled to sive By th the way Burton aI ata has given In his Anatomy a aesque j esque description of mirth lt says Bays a principal engine to b bait walls of melancholy He m had play horse In mind Our that humor Is a little eddy In lh th j jing Ing lag millstream of life where life where t it at itcan can rest awhile and fish i |