Show WANTS IIER DEI f LETTER PUBLISHED For Benefit of Women who f Suffer from Female Ills f Minneapolis Minn uI I I was a great sufferer from female troubles which y I caused a weakness t and b broken down S r. r con condition dt I Ion 0 of f th the thes e s system I read so much of 4 t f I E. E Pinkham's Vegetable i Compound z had d done ne for other 7 suffering women I A felt sure it would help me and I must a Y say it did help me meY Y f wonderfully M My h pains all left me I grew stronger and within three months months X I was a perfectly well woman U I I want this letter made public to show the benefit women may derive from Lydia E. E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Mrs Irs JonN G. G 2115 Second S St. St North Minneapolis Dunn Minn Thousands of unsolicited and genuine genuine genii genii- ine e testimonials like the above prove the the efficiency y of Lydia E. E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound which is made exclusively from roots and herbs Women who suffer from those distressing distressing distressing dis dis- dis- dis ills peculiar to their sex should n not t lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health If you yon want special advice write t to Mrs at Lynn Mass l treat your s confidential For 20 0 years she shet t bas Las been helping sick women in inthis inthis this way free of charge Dont Don't write hesitate hesitate write at once 1 M y it i S The Kind Bind You Yon Have Havo Always Bought and which has been in fn use for over SO 30 years has borne the tho signature of ot d and has lias been made under his per per- personal til supervision since its infancy J S Allow no ono one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits Imitations and and Just tS Just as od are but Experiments that at trifle with and endanger the tho health of Infants and Experience Children Children Experience against i Experiment Wh I t is CASTO RIA r. r Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil on Paregoric Paregoric Pare Pare- goric gorse Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is its guarantee guarante It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness It cures eures Diarrhoea a and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation I and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the tho Stomach anti and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Children's Panacea The Panacea The Mothers Mother's Friend CASTO CASTORIA RIA ALWAYS ALWAYS f. f Bears Beare the Signature of a t R q r The Kind Y You on Have Always Bought Bought- J ern er to F h In n Use For Over 30 Years Exact Copy of Wrapper y I THe CENTAUR COMPANY 77 I MURRAY STREET NEW YORK CITY d z It i ill in a mothers mother's duty to keep constantly on hand some reliable remedy for Cor use in incase incase incase case of f sudden Budden accident or mi mIshap hap to the children Hamlins Hamlin Wizard Oil can be be depended upon for just such emergencies FERRY DAVIS DAIS PAINKILLER tor for all sorts aorta of cuts bruises burns and 1 strains Taken rn Internally it cures cams diarrhea and oad dysentery Avo Avoid id substitutes substitute s. s C and We fee He never has bas a message who does not know how to listen Mrs lire v Soothing Syrup For cb children teething h soften t e the tho gums reduces r ce In In- ana t paw cure wind colic collu a II Duty has hns a stern face only when looked at askance I 9 9 1 h MIL J TI Guarani W. W N. N U. U Salt alt Lake City No 31 1902 CAMPBELL SUB SURFACE SUB SURFACE PACKERS We are the sole This It Is manufacturers the one of this famous i that you Sub Sub Surface Surface Packer haves have heard beard the only one 7 ever talk talking made ing S about 1 i I Send for our Special Pamphlet on Subsurface Sub Sub- Surface Packing the best known system for or dry farming farming- a n method of absolutely ln insuring bumper crops with a minimum rainfall the rainfall the salvation of semi arid regions This packer is made in two sizes with roand za ro and 16 wheels heels is heavy and strong strong and the tho frame is made to carry carryall all the extra ette t weight needed Ask for Catalog CatalogNo No 37 Partin Parlin it CoP Co P Portland Ore CANTON ILL Spokane e WISh welt Utah Implement Co Ca Salt Lake City Utah LUft Burton Co Ogden Utah Richfield Implement Co Richfield Utah Snake River Implement Co Dar Barley Idaho SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by C RT RS these Little Pills They also relieve 1 Dl Der 1 tress from Dyspepsia In- In UTILE Too llean tin LER I V VER Eating Crating A perfect remedy rem rem- m edy for lor Dizziness Nia- Nia PI P I J S. S sea Drowsiness D Und Hal Taste In the Mouth cd ed Tongue Pala Pata In la tk tn Side TORPID LIVER They regulate the Dowels Bowels Purely Vegetable 6 SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine Must Bear CARTERS CARTER'S Simile Fac Signature w ITTlE IVER PILLS REFUSE DEFUSE SUBSTITUTES SUBSTITUTE Biliousness I III have used your valuable and I find them perfect Couldn't d ds dt without them I have used them C Csome too some time for indigestion and and am now completely cured Recommend J mend them to eve even everyone one Once tried yota 1011 will never ne be without them in the family Ed family Edward ward A. A Marx Man Albany NY Pleasant Palatable Po Potent nt Taste Good Do Good Never or Gripe SOC Never sold In bulk The eo genuine gen gen- tablet stamped C C C. C Guaranteed ed to cure or i your our money back SEI Live Stock and Miscellaneous Miscellaneous' Electrotypes In great variety for sale at the lowest prices es by WESTERN WESTER NEWSPAPER UNION 73 W. W Adams Adam St. St CHICAGO I J of this tha paper d de- de R headers eaUer s s tiring ring t to b buy uey any ng dver adver used in is its it columns shout should ei i imia upon r Moving having what they a ask asi for lor refusing refining all aU substitutes iMes or imitations l' l 1 0 I Pt A S S A- A Gold sal 1160 Cot and 8 Silver ro io Gold myr and Co corer t f 1150 aJ b ASSAY s Co n. n rust I sacks ie t. t p. p ClIo tr b Ci by err pointy bl C CI CI Ca v RV j lor ability I to business S For ot boot oot pay I blink blank a and 3 Ins r ho to win RI m NIC Jt clI Jt d U l lUN n Lu loti Indiana I |