Show CIN 4 i CALLING DOWN THE BOASTER Good Little LitHe Story Told by William Dean Howells as a Rebuke to Spread Spread It was William Dean H Howells sald a Chicago editor who first rebuked re re- bilked ur us Americans for our spread spread- for our foolish boasting I Isee Isee Isee see that Mr 11 Howells has just joined a men's mens society for tor the promotion of woman woman suffrage Trust him to be In Inthe Inthe inthe the forefront always I once onre heard Mr 1 Howells deliver a fourth of July oration in Maine The orator preceding hiI him had boasted a good deal Mr Howells showed that some of the mans man's boasts were even ven impious He fie said that these spread-eagle spread boasters deserved tM th rebuke that the little child administered to the cackling cack cack- ling hen that had just laid an egg The ang angered red by the th the hens hen's cons continuous continuous con con- shook his little finger at ather ather ather her and said You fink youre you're smart But Dod made dat egg You t help but lay it |