Show he KITCHEN l 1 I CABINET I I I. I J J Jt t 1523 1923 Western Newspaper Pr Union In the lie school chool of ot experience everybody everybody everybody every every- body pays his own tuition and nobody nobody no no- nobody no- no body ever graduates Judge SUMMER DISHES Vegetables which are Intended to b bf server ns fiS lint hot dishes with a n f few fV V ch are arc especially espe esp I to dally chilly good eaten aten cold Cucumbers a la ha Roulette Pare and cut Into cubes rejecting I the lie seeds two sized medium d cu Cu- cumbers BoIl Boll the tho pulp In salted water until ver very tender but unbroken Drain and cool Make one cupful of rich white sauce seasoning It with one- one half teaspoonful of salt snit n a little pepper mace or nutmeg and a n little onion Juice Pour the tile sauce over the cucumbers cucumbers bers bels adding some strips of canned dinned or fresh red pepper and stir sUr In one well- well beaten egg Pour POUl the mixture Into small greased molds or custard cups place in a n pan of water and b bake kC for twenty minutes Cover Coyer the tops of the molds with heavy r paper while baking Chill find and serve String Beans With Sour Dressing String a quart of beans cut them in halves es crosswise then tilen slit silt them once lengthwise Cook In boiling salted water till ten tender er Drain rinse In cold colt coldwater coldwater water and c chill Shred a n canned pimento pimen pimen- to and mix with the beans then add one half cupful of cream beaten with two wo tables tablespoonfuls of vinegar half a teaspoonful pf of salt and a dash of pepper pep pep- per Serve Sene with slices of corned beef beet or ham I Tomato mato Bas Baskets ets With Asp acus Chill Chili scald and nud skin sized even tomatoes tomatoes to to- matoes scoop out the centers leaving the the scarlet t cups t tp i b be filled later Inter Turn I them upside down do and pd set on tee Select Select Se SeI Se Select I lect a b bunch h of i fresh asparagus sP l' l gus or Its equivalent when c cooked chill the I points and dress with B sauce uce r Arrange them In the tomato baskets baskets' which have been brushed Inside with th the sauce Make Malee handles bandIes of green pepper pepper pepper pep pep- per cut Into strips or slender stalks of ot celery the ends tucked down weH Into the tomato Chantilly Add Sauce Sauce Add one or two I tablespoonfuls of horseradish to a mayonnaise or boiled dress dressing ng and add to the tomato pulp which has been taken froni the baskets put through a sieve and cooked To this add a half teaspoonful of ot grated onion using one- one half cupful of mayonnaise to this amount of seasoning |