Show COOK BEEF AND CALF HEARTS Should S Appear Occasionally on Family Menu Because of Variety and Economy Beef Beet and calf calt hearts are arc most palatable palatable palatable pala pala- table when properly prepared and for tor forthe forthe the sake of ot variety as well as economy economy economy my since the they arc are among the less ex ex- expensive expensive pensive meats meat they should occasionally occasionally occasion occasion- ally ully appear on the family menu Beef Beet hearts are tougher than calf calt hearts and must be given ghen long cooking calf car hearts may either be cooked very quickly as when they are sliced and fried or given long slow cooking In Inthe Inthe inthe the same wa way beef heart Is prepared For the latter dish w wash eh either kind of heart thoroughly Inside and out says the United States Department of ot Agriculture Stuff Sturt It with wah a mixture of or broken or crumbed bread from the center cen center cen center ter of the loaf butter or other fat salt pepper and chopped onion About one cupful of bread to one small onion Isa is isa isa a good proportion and sufficient to stuff a beef heart As calf calt hearts areIgo areSo are So Igo much smaller several will be needed needed needed need need- ed and the same amount of ot stuffing shifting can be made to do for two or three hearts Sew up the opening Cover Coyer the heart or hearts with water and simmer until tender or boll boil for ten minutes and cook In the tireless fireless cooker for six or eight hours Remove from the water about one-half one hour bour before serving ser Dredge with flour pepper and anti salt or sprinkle with crumbs and brown In the oven Serve Ser with a gravy made from the water In which the meat was cooked cooled |